CL Ch. 32 Trepass Flashcards
Trespass After Notice Ch. 266 Sec 120:
The suspect:
(1) Entered or remained without right;
(2) On or in the dwelling, building, boat, improved or enclosed land, wharf, or school bus of another;
(3) Even though a person with a lawful control had forbidden the suspect’s presence directly, by posted notice, or by court order.
Trespass After Notice Ch. 266 Sec 120:
Elements: (simplified) (3)
- Enter or Stay without right
- Property of another
- Notice.
Trespass After Notice Ch. 266 Sec 120:
Warrantless Arrest in Presence.
Note: An arrest is NOT required to prove trespass initially. Police may decide, During their escort, to arrest their suspect based on his continued physical opposition while leaving.
Trespass After Notice Ch. 266 Sec 120:
Is arrest required to prove trespass initially?
Police may decide, During their escort, to arrest their suspect based on his continued physical opposition while leaving.
Trespass After Notice Ch. 266 Sec 120:
The suspect must either enter without permission, or:
fail to leave after being told to do so.
Note: Implied License. Under some circumstances, people may enter property to determine whether a person in control wishes to deal with them. Those individuals may also leave upon receiving a negative answer (Jehovah’s witnesses at front door)
Trespass After Notice Ch. 266 Sec 120:
An Implied License may extend to some part of the property but not to others. The standard is what a:
reasonable person would do.
Is political protest, according to the free speech protections of the First Amendment, a defense to Trespass?
The law of trespass does not infringe on the content of a person’s speech, it merely limits the place where a person may communicate.
Trespass After Notice Ch. 266 Sec 120:
If a person refused to answers officer’s questions about being invited, it may provide (blank) for trespassing.
Probable Cause
Ex. 25 unit apartment building in Lynn case
25 unit apartment building in Lynn that had many problems keeping trespassers out. Numerous posted “No Trespass” signs.
On April 17th, there was a shooting nearby. Officers went to this address, and arrested a shooting suspect for trespassing in the building.
On April 19, and officer saw this person enter the building again, now accompanied by Noah. They emerged 20 seconds later. Officer encountered them and asked Noah if he lived in the building. He said he did not. When asked if he had been visiting someone, Noah said it was none of the officers business. He was arrested for trespassing, and a hand gun was found concealed in his groin. Was this a lawful arrest? Will the gun be admissible as evidence?
Yes to both.
Probable cause existed for his arrest. Noah admitted that he did not live there; entered with someone who had been arrested for trespassing two days before; and refused to say whether he had been invited by a resident. Officers do not have to “eliminate every possibility in order to have probable cause for trespassing.”
Trespass through agent: Trespass may occur if a principal offender:
intentionally directs an agent to enter illegally.
Trespass After Notice Ch. 266 Sec 120:
There are five ways in which property owners communicate the areas that are off limits:
- posted sign
- verbal ejection
- privacy precautions
- No Trespass notice
- Court Order
Trespass After Notice Ch. 266 Sec 120:
Method 1: Posted Sign:
The sign must be visible, but it is not necessary to prove the suspect:
actually saw it.
*However, there must be proof that the defendant actually entered the posted property.
Trespass After Notice Ch. 266 Sec 120:
Combination of signs and visitor policy: Brockton high case:
When Maria Monteiro and her daughter walked into the courtyard during lunch to assault a student, they knew they were trespassing because of the posted notices and school policy.
The owner of a multi unit home had been advised to post a no trespassing sign in response to groups of juveniles hanging out on his property., and he did so. In response to an anonymous complaint about youths sitting on the stairs, gang unit members arrives, recognized the youths as gang members, and arrested Yannick and another youth for trespassing. Drugs and firearms were found on Yannick. A third person was handcuffed, then released, when it was learned that he lived at the house. That resident said he had invited Yannick onto the property. He also said his grandfather owned the property and welcomed Yannick as a guest. Good or Bad?
A no trespassing sign invites police to look into what permission persons have to be on the property yet, in this case, officers conducted no investigation prior to the arrests. Officers needed information specific to Yannick, not just that he was a member of a gang. Without investigating, police could not known if Yannick was a resident or had permission to be present. Since the officers lacked probable cause that Yannick was trespassing, his arrest and search (which produced a gun and drugs) was unlawful.
No trespassing sign invites police investigation, not:
immediate arrest.
True or false:
For trespassing at a public park or playground, there must be proof that the sign is based on a rule approved by the appropriate governing body.
A municipal official cannot simply decide to post a sign.
Trespass After Notice Ch. 266 Sec 120:
Method 2: Verbal ejection:
Most obvious notice:
The owner (or another person with lawful control) told suspect to leave.
Note: For a legitimate reason, the manager of property open to the public may revoke a person’s permission to stay.
Trespass After Notice Ch. 266 Sec 120:
Method 2: Verbal ejection:
In all cases, information about any prior warnings must appear in the police report. Police must either: (3)
- describe the prior incident and verbal warning in their current report
- attach a prior written trespass notice to their current report
- attach the prior incident report to their current report.
Trespass After Notice Ch. 266 Sec 120:
Method 2: Verbal ejection:
It must be clear that the person ejected has no:
right to remain.
In cases where a person makes a credible claim that he has a right to be present, officers should gather evidence to dispute his claim or decline to arrest for trespass- Comm Vs Green case (mother guardian wanted him removed from property, but he had a right to remain)
Trespass After Notice Ch. 266 Sec 120:
Method 3: Privacy Precautions.
Notice does not require that a person in control of the premises personally warn intruders. Owners may also bar entry by securing the premises with (4 examples).
a fence, walls, locked gates, or doors.
These types of normal privacy precautions directly forbid entry.
Ex while fleeing from police, defendant ran through residential backyards. He climbed over a 5 foot tall stockade fence, crossed the backyard, climbed the fence on the other side. The owner of the property had “atleast at the points where the defendant entered and exited the yard, forbidden entry to the yard by fences.” His trespass conviction was upheld.
Trespass After Notice Ch. 266 Sec 120:
Method 4: Written Notice
Providing written notice is proof that a person knew he had no:
right to be present.
*But, contrary to popular belief, written notice is not legally required in order to charge trespass.
Trespass After Notice Ch. 266 Sec 120:
Method 4: Written Notice:
Trespass notices should contain:
- name, dob ,address of person ordered off the property
- name of person or organization issuing it
- a description of the property
- the potential consequences of a violation
*Trespass notices must provide the subjects with an official contact to request that the order be rescinded or modified.
True or false:
Trespass notices must provide the subjects with an official contact to request that the order be rescinded or modified.
Trespass After Notice Ch. 266 Sec 120:
Method 4: Written Notice:
Exemption to trespass notice:
Invited visitors.
**May still come on the property, if they were invited by a lawful tenant.
Ex. At an apartment complex under control of BHA, defendant was arrested for possessing a dangerous weapon. He was told not to return to BHA property and given a written trespass notice.
7 months later a friend invited him to a party at her BHA apartment. Officers on patrol found the defendant in the hallway of the friends building and arrested him for violating the trespass notice.
This case reaffirmed an old rule, which held that a person is not trespassing while passing through the common area at a tenant’s invitation. Thus, the friend had a right to invite the defendant to her home regardless of the landlord’s wishes.
Trespass After Notice Ch. 266 Sec 120:
Method 4: Written Notice:
Exemption to trespass notice:
The Nelson case: This case narrowed the scope of a trespass notice and re-stated two important principles concerning a landlord’s authority:
- Any individual who is the subject of a notice may only pass through the property to visit his host. He may not loiter in other areas, and he certainly may not commit criminal acts or disturb others while visiting; and
- Housing authorities (such as BHA) retain lawful control of the common areas, and may serve as a proper complainant for criminal trespass.
Trespass After Notice Ch. 266 Sec 120:
Method 4: Written Notice:
Exemption to trespass notice: The Nelson Case
Do the findings of the Nelson Case apply to a college campus?
The Nelson case probably has limited application to a college campus.
It may cover faculty and graduate housing arrangements, where occupants are “tenants”, but occupants of student dorms are “lodgers”
-Tenant acquires exclusive possession, whereas a lodger merely has use of the premises
Police officers may inform people who need to know that a particular individual is the subject of a trespass notice. However, be careful not to disparage the person or provide details about the behavior that led to his expulsion. Otherwise, the individual may have grounds for:
a defamation lawsuit.
Trespass After Notice Ch. 266 Sec 120:
Method 5: Court Order:
While a restraining order carries it own right of arrest, 266 Sec 120 defines trespass to include a violation of a 209A or (blank) order as an added precaution.
Is Trespass a lesser included offense of Burglary and B&E?
Removing or Defacing “No Trespassing” Sign:
Arrest for breach of peace in presence.
MV Trespass:
Obstructing Access to Medical Facility:
arrest in presence.
Impeding Access or Intimidation at Reproductive Health Facility:
Only applies to abortion and family planning facilities, including buildings, grounds and parking areas.
For impeding access, police must issue a written” withdrawal order”, which requires that the offender stay atleast (blank) from the entrance for (blank).
atleast 25 feet from the entrance for 8 hours.
Violating the “withdrawal order”: Arrest in presence DURING BUSINESS HOURS
For Intimidation or impeding person or vehicle: Arrest in Presence
Trespass: Special Situation:
Public Accommodation Law:
May not, directly or indirectly, discriminate on the basis or race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, deafness, blindness or any physical or mental disability.
Bottom line from audiobook:
When someone says “They want me to leave because im black, gay, etc”
If you believe that is an element of whats happening, you don’t have to enforce the trespass law.
Landlord/ Tenant Disputes:
“Criminal trespass shall not apply to tenants or occupants of residential premises who, having rightfully entered said premises at the commencement of the tenancy or occupancy, remain therein after such tenancy or occupancy has been or is alleged to have been terminated. The owner or landlord of said premises may recover possession thereof only though…”:
appropriate civil proceedings. (must pursue a civil eviction)
-Tenants AND occupants are protected
- Civil eviction is the exclusive remedy.
Landlord/Tenant Disputes:
Even those occupants who have relied on various informal arrangements (oral agreements, paying rent to a roommate, or subletting for several months without the landlord’s knowledge) are protected from:
a trespassing charge.
Landlord/ Tenant Disputes:
The crime of trespassing explicitly excludes a person who began occupying the property:
Landlord/ Tenant Disputes:
Some leases prohibit subleasing or assigning the lease, while others require the landlords permission to do so. Officers should (blank) attempt to interpret the application of a lease to a particular living situation.
Massachusetts police officers lack the authority to evict occupants or to assist with an eviction. This is true even when: (5 examples)
- An occupant, who has been living in the apartment, is not listed on the lease or rental agreement
- The lease states that the landlord has the right to “retake” the premises
- There is documented proof that the tenant has not paid rent
- The tenant signed an agreement that he or she would leave by a certain date
- The landlord terminated the lease and issued a “Notice to Quit”
Landlord/ Tenant Disputes:
Ordering a tenant or occupant to vacate the premises is, in effect, an eviction- and only (blank) are authorized to do this by written court order known as an “execution”
deputy sheriffs.
Ex. detective liable for recommending that a landlord change the locks while a tenant was away; other officers engaged in a false arrest when they took the tenant into custody.
186 Sec 14 makes it a crime for a landlord to try to regain possession of any dwelling without participating in the judicial process. Specifically, it is criminal for a landlord to: (6)
- Lock the tenant out
- Change the locks
- Remove the tenant’s property
- cut off utility service or even stop paying utilities the landlord originally agreed to pay for
- Create disturbances
- Use force or threat of force to make tenant move out
ROA: Arrest in presence for breach of peace, otherwise complaint.
Note: Sec 14 enables tenant to recover 3 months rent ot damages (whichever is greater) and attorney’s fees (upon conviction of the landlord/defendant)
Officer Hedderman case: Tricia, the “landlord” tried to keep her mother and brother from entering their downstairs apartment. Officer ultimately arrested Tricia for Disturbing and Elder Abuse. What would have been a better charge.
186 Sec 14.
A person who is a tenant or occupant is not a trespasser and cannot be forcibly kept out or removed by the landlord. Tricia’s obvious breach of peace in the officers presence was another reason to arrest her.
Innkeeper have expanded authority to deal with guests who lack the money to pay or are behaving in an obnoxious, drunken, or destructive fashion.
True or false:
Innkeeper have much more authority to ask for police action against a guest than against someone who has become a tenant/occupant.
The classification as a guest is an important decision because it provides an innkeeper with expanded authority.
Right to eject: 140 sec 12b allows an innkeeper to remove, or have removed, any guest or other person who: (6)
- Is unable or refuses to pay for accommodations; or
- Is obviously intoxicated; or
- Acts disorderly; or
- Destroys or threatens to destroy property; or
- Causes or threatens to cause a disturbance; or
- Violates a rule “clearly and conspicuously posted at or near the front desk and on the inside of the entrance door to every room”
*If guest pay in advance, an innkeeper must refund any unused portion when they leave.
If an Innkeeper ejects a guest, who had paid in advance, must he refund any unused portion when they leave?
(if they paid for just the night, he doesn’t have to reimburse them for that)
Right to refuse service: An Innkeeper may refuse to admit or serve anyone for all the same reasons listed for:
- Is unable or refuses to pay for accommodations; or
- Is obviously intoxicated; or
- Acts disorderly; or
- Destroys or threatens to destroy property; or
- Causes or threatens to cause a disturbance; or
- Violates a rule “clearly and conspicuously posted at or near the front desk and on the inside of the entrance door to every room”
*Also, an Innkeeper may limit the number of persons who occupy a room.
Government Property:
An order to leave applies on government property in response to a citizen’s:
disruptive behavior.
Can a citizen be arrested for trespassing in a police station?
Ex. Defendant wanted to bail out his brother, a juvenile. Officer told him his brother could only be released to a parent. Defendant became belligerent. Officers repeatedly asked him to leave to police station, but he refused. He was warned that he could be arrested if he remained. Although given adequate notice that he must leave and the opportunity to do so, defendant refused. Officers had started physically escorting him out when the arrest occurred.
The crime of trespass occurred before the escort began. An arrest was not required to prove trespass initially. The police could decide, during their escort, to make an arrest based on the defendants continued physical opposition while leaving.
Do not recommend that public libraries or other (blank) automatically issue trespass notices.
obvious public forums.
Excluding someone from a public forum may infringe upon the individual’s constitutional rights. In particular, courts have recognized a First Amendment right to access knowledge through a public library.
When responding to the misbehavior of a patron at a public facility, officers should not routinely recommend that staff members issue a trespass notice. Instead, officers should advise them to:
consult with their agency or legal counsel to determine what process is lawfully required to exclude the patron in the future.
Officers may arrest a homeless person trespassing on private property. At the same time, they should understand the legal defense of:
The best practice is for police agencies to help develop and utilize community resources for the homeless.
Beach Access:
No public access: Private property above:
intertidal area.
The public generally does not have a right to walk across privately owned property inland of the high water mark- even if they want to gain access to the intertidal area.
Exception: unless a public easement (which means a right to pass) has been created.
Beach Access: Intertidal area for (blank), (blank), and (blank).
fishing, fowling, or navigation.
People may not be in the intertidal area if they are not engaged in these activities.
what does intertidal mean?
area between the high water mark and low water mark.