Common Sense Ch. 19- Differences in Leading Different Generations: Fact or myth Flashcards
Born between 1922 and 1945.
The Veterans.
Born between 1922 and 1945, the members of this group of employees are often described as traditionalist who respect authority. Saving money is important to them. This generation has been called the Silent Generation. The members or this group are accustomed to hard work. They believe that wok must come before play. They like rules and regulations and prefer them reduced to written form. That are often and correctly referred to as “The Greatest Generation”.
The Veterans.
Born between 1946 and 1964.
Baby Boomers.
Born between 1946 and 1964. Place huge value on their work lives and draw great satisfaction from their workplace achievements. May refer to themselves as workaholics. They can handle getting their job-related instructions via memorandum. They value money and financial security.The (blanks) respect authority. They see the need for rules and limits.
The Baby Boomers.
Born between 1965 and 1980.
Generation X
Born between 1965 and 1980. Tend to like structure but are not so fond of hard and fast rules. Not as dependent on their work life for personal fulfillment as were the immediately preceding generations. Many want frequent feedback on how they are doing. No problem asking “why?”. They value maintaining a good work-life balance.
Generation X
Born between 1981 and 1996.
Generation Y
These individuals are also sometimes referred to as “The Millennials” Born between 1981-1996. Often skilled at multitasking. They like to communicate via emails, text messages, and cell phones. Big on near- instant gratification and expect their work to be meaningful as well as rewarding.
Generation Y.
One are of contrast may be seen in the learning styles of the different generations.
Baby boomers may prefer (blank), such as PowerPoint and printer handouts.
Traditional training methods
One are of contrast may be seen in the learning styles of the different generations.
Millennials may realize the greatest learning value from:
interactive technology based forms of instruction.
By remaining (blank) in his tactics for supervising all of these individuals, the law enforcement leader can get their best from each.
(Blank and a blank) about the welfare of each subordinate most often should aid the police supervisor in reaching them, regardless of their generational identity.
Patience and genuine caring
There can be overlapping of traits and characteristics from:
one generational group to another.
The fact that there may be generational differences does not mean that today’s employees cannot be:
led effectively.
The law enforcement supervisor who displays (blank), (blank), and (blank) for all of his employees should get the best from each, regardless of their generational background.
fairness, flexibility, and genuine concern
What is the central question regarding generational differences in today’s workplace for police supervisors?
How significant the generational differences are and what they mean for first-line leaders.
Why is the discussion of generational differences more prominent now compared to the past?
Because of more sociologists and HR experts expounding on the differences.
What is a common question regarding the supervision or different generational groups?
Must each arbitrarily labelled group be supervised differently?
Which generation is often called the Silent Generation?
The Veterans
How do the Veterans typically view work?
As something that must come before play.
What trait is commonly associated with Baby Boomers?
Being workaholics but not necessarily ashamed of it.
What is a common characteristics of Generation X employees?
Tendency to like structure but not hard and fast rules.
How do Generation X employees generally feel a bout their supervisors?
They have no problem asking “why?”
What are Generation Y individuals also sometimes referred to as?
The Millenials
Which communication methods are Millennials particularly skilled at using?
Emails, text messages, and cell phones
What is a key expectation of Millennials regarding their work?
Near-instant gratification and meaningful, rewarding work
What aspect of work-life do both Generation X and Millennials prioritize?
Work-life balance
What social aspect is important to many millennials?
Social causes
What is a universal expectation among employees, regardless of generational label?
Being treated fairly and with respect
How should a police supervisor handle different learning styles?
Employ a variety of teaching techniques.
Which communication method should be avoided for sensitive issues like chastising an employee?
What is the hallmark of a good supervisor in recognizing employees?
Showing appropriate respect without necessarily agreeing with their life choices?
What is a key principle in avoiding favoritism?
Ensuring equal work earns equal rewards or sanctions.
Why should a supervisor resist stereotyping employees based on their generational label?
Because stereotyping can be hazardous and individuals often display traits from multiple generations.
What should a good supervisor expect from their team members, regardless of generational differences?
The best quality of work.
How should a supervisor handle formal meetings, especially with younger employees?
Minimize unnecessarily formal meetings
What should a supervisor do to effectively recognize wood work?
Praise everyone the same way.
Why is it important to give everyone a voice in the workplace?
To prevent quieter employees from feeling left out and to draw valuable input from them
How should a supervisor handle employees personal needs?
Look for opportunities to accommodate personal needs without neglecting the team and organization.
What basic principle can help form a bond with an employee during conversations?
Using the employee’s name
Why is it beneficial to emphasize positive similarities among employees?
To create common ground and positive beliefs such as honesty, integrity, fairness, and compassion.
How should a supervisor ensure deadlines are understood and met?
Announce deadlines multiple times and in written form, with periodic progress checks.