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> Week 8: Metabolic Bone Disorders > Flashcards
Week 8: Metabolic Bone Disorders Flashcards
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Study These Flashcards
(63 decks)
GI Embryology
Week 1: Overview of the abdomen
Anatomy lab
Week 1: Liver and Lymphatic drainage
Week 1: GI Histology
First Aid Embryology
First Aid Anatomy
First Aid Physiology
First Aid Pathology
Week 2: Salivary gland
Week 2: Esophageal motility
Week 2: Dysphagia
Week 2: Gastric Secretions
Week 2: Gastric Motility
Week 2: Acid production by the stomach
Week 2: Pepcin, Mucin and Intrinsic Factor
Week 2: Diabetic gastroparesis
Week 2: GI pharmacology
Week 2: Barrett's and GERD
Week 3: Small intestine absorptions and secretions
Week 3: Carbohydrate digestion & absorption
Week 3: Amino Acid Digestion & Absorption
Week 3: Lipid digestion & absorption
Week 3: Water flow in the intestines
Week 3: Celiac Disease
Week 3: Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Week 3: Small intestine motility
Week 3: colon polyps and cancer
Week 4: Introduction to metabolism
Week 4: Endocrine pancreas
Week 4: Glycolysis and pyruvate
Week 4: Regulation of glycolysis
Week 4: pyruvate dehydrogenase
Week 4: TCA Cycle
Week 4: Oxidative Phosphorylation
Week 4: Galactose and Fructose Metabolism
Week 5: Lipid Pharmacology
Week 5: Storage diseases
Week 5: Glycogenolysis
Week 5: Adipose Lipolysis
Week 5: Fatty Acid Oxidation
Week 5: Gluconeogenesis
Week 5: Ketogenesis
Week 5: Nitrogen Management
Week 6: Purine and Pyrimidine Biosynthesis
Week 6: Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism
Week 6: Ethanol Metabolism
Week 6: Vitamin A, C, D, E and K
Week 6: Vitamins B1-7
Week 7: Endocrine Feedback Loops
Week 7: Hypothyroidism
Week 7: Type 1 DM
Week 7: Type 2 DM
Week 7: Thyroid Cancer
Week 7: Hyperthyroidism
Week 7: Lipid disorders
Week 8: Adrenal Hyperfunction
Week 8: Adrenal hypofunction
Week 8: Pituitary
Week 8: Endocrine Pathology
Week 8: Ca2+, Mg2+, and PO4- handling
Week 8: Disorders of Ca2+ Homeostasis
Week 8: Metabolic Bone Disorders