Watson and Rayner Flashcards
what did Watson and Rayner study?
classical conditioning
what was the aim of this research?
to see if it is possible to induce a fear of a previously un feared object through classical conditioning
what was the method used ?
a case study undertaken on one little boy ‘little albert’ done in a lab setting
what was the findings ?
little albert’s baseline reactions were assessed before the experiment , before albert had no fear to rats, rabbits, dogs , mask with hair . no fear reaction was recorded for any of them.
what age did albert start the experiment?
11 months
what happened in the 1st session?
in the lab when albert was presented with a rat , when he reached for it a steel bar was hit making a loud noise , this was repeated
what was the findings from the first session?
albert head the noise he jumped and fell forward , the second time he began to whimper
he was given a week off
what happened in the 2nd session?
the rat is presented alone then the rat and noise x3 then just rat then 2x noise and rat then rat alone albert had seen the rat and noise 7 times
what were the findings for the second session?
albert now reacts alone to the rat by crying turning to the left and crawling away
what happened in the 3rd session?
albert was bought back 5 days later
was presented with blocks
then presented with rats, rabbit, dog, seal fur coat , cotton wool, watsons hair and a santa claus mask
blocks were presented in between
what were the findings for the third session?
albert played with blocks happily
had negative response to stimulus
what happened in the 4th session?
5 days later, the rat was presented to albert alone the response was still present but weaker
the response was then freshened up
what were the findings for the 4th session?
the fear response was pronounced with dog, rabbit and rat , once fear response was pronounced albert feared the stimulus again
blocks was still neutral
what were the findings for the 5th session?
a month later albert was tested again with stimulus
what were the findings for the 5th session?
showed fear of varying degrees to all stimulus
less frightened with rabbit