Water Analysis Part 2 Flashcards
What is biological oxygen demand?
An excess of organic waste in waterways can reduce oxygen levels
What is turbidity?
A measure of the lack of transparency of a body of water, it reduces photosynthesis
What can total solids do?
Increase the levels of turbidity in a waterway
What are some examples of nutrient ions?
Nitrate, phosphate, sulphate and ammonia
What is a key indicator of water which has gone under eutrophication?
It has high nutrient ion content
What would not increase dissolved oxygen levels in a river?
Decaying organic material in the water
What is the first step leading to death of fish in a waterway?
Farmers use an abundance of fertilisers to encourage greater crop yields
What is the second step leading to death of fish in a waterway?
During rain, fertilisers dissolve and flow into waterways
What is the third step leading to death of a fish in a waterway?
A buildup of nutrients in streams and rivers leads to faster rates of aquatic plant growth
What is the fourth step leading to death of fish in a waterway?
This buildup in nutrient levels is known as eutrophication
What is the fifth step leading to death of fish in a waterway?
Warm waters and plenty of sunlight also increase algae growth rate
What is the sixth step leading to death of fish in a waterway?
Algae grow in large quantities, forming an algal bloom which can cover the surface and restrict light to plants on the river bottom
What is the seventh step leading to death of fish in a waterway?
The algae eventually die and sink to the bottom of the lake or river
What is the eighth step leading to death of fish in a waterway?
Bacteria decompose the decaying algae and consume dissolved oxygen
What is the ninth step leading to death of fish in a waterway?
Dissolved oxygen levels decrease to seriously low concentrations