Washington Quiz; chapter 5.4 - 6.1 Flashcards
how much debt did america have after the revolution
50 million dollars
how did the states feel about the need to pay for the debt
the southern states had already paid, so they did not want to have to again because the northern states did not
how did Hamilton get the southern states to agree to a tax
he said that they would put the capital in the southern states
tax placed on imported good
after the tariff what was the next tax
the whisky tax
what was the whisky tax
tax placed on the whisky that people were drinking
where was the capital
along the atomic river
who built the capital
benjamin benneker and Pierre Charles L’Enfant
what is whisky made from
corn and grains
an extra sum of money that borrowers pay creditors in return for the loan
strict construction
government should not do anything that the constitution did not specifically say it could
loose construction
the constitution was only a loose framework of laws on which the government could build the nation as it saw fit
not taking either side
jays treaty
an agreement where Britain agreed to leave the forts it occupied in the Northwest territory
political party
a group of people who seek to win elections and hold public office in order to control government policy programs
official swearing company
group of federal leaders
domestic affairs
the country’s internal maters, as opposed to foreign issues
term of office
something done or said that become an example, rule, or tradition to be followed
how did Washington set a precedent for a respected government
he selected prominent americans to fill the new positions that he had. He himself was very respectful and though about each action he made before he made it
executive branch
the cabinet of people that he had appointed himself
secretary of state
Thomas Jefferson
treasury Secretary
Alexander Hamilton
where was the national capital in the first year of Washington’s presidency
New York
where did the national capital go second
in 1790 it was moved to Philly
where did the national capital move to a third time
washington D.C; along the maryland-virginia border
what did the federal government do in response to the whiskey rebellion
they developed an army of over 2000 men and led them to the Pittsburg area. This showed their toughness that the government had and how committed they were to enforcing laws
who made most of the whisky
farmers did because it was easier than sending off the individual ingredients for other people to make when they could make them on their own right there
when was george washington born and where
february 22 1732 in virginia
why are there so many myths about him
there are not a lot of stories about his childhood so the stories that are made up are meant to illustrate the type of qualities that he had
when did Washington’s formal education end
when he was 14 years old
when did Washington buy his first piece of land
when he was 18
what disease did Washington get and from where
small pox from Barbados
who was Washington’s first love
Sally Farefax (don’t think thats how you spell it but oh well)
who did Washington end up marrying
Martha Cuthis (again probably the wrong spelling)
where was Washington appointed to
the Virginia militia
when did Washington propose to Martha
after only 20 hours of knowing her
when did Washington and Martha get married
within a year of being engaged, even though they had only been in each others presence for a total of 15 days
when was Washington chosen to be President
when he was 57 years old
what did Washington do that other political leaders had never done before
freed slaves
how many terms did Washington serve for
two terms
what did Washington say about his third term
he had alexander Hamilton help him write his closing; in it it said his farewell and that he was not going to be running a for a third term
what are some myths about Washington
cutting down a cherry tree and that he could throw money across the Potomac River (which was over a mile)
who elected Washington as President
the electoral college duh
what side was Washington on
he did not believe in political parties
what side did Washington lean towards regarding political parties
leaned towards the federalists, a strong national government
when was Washington inaugurated
spring of 1789 (they used to do it in the spring before; unlike now where it is in January)
where was the capital at first
New York
where did the capital go after the first place
where did the capital go after the first two places
present day Washington D.C; along the Potomac River
group of advisers
who makes up the executive branch
Vice President
Heads of all the departments (cabinet)
who was the secretary of state
why was he the secretary of state
was already the ambassador of France and had a good relation with foreign countries
who was the treasury secretary
alexander hamilton
who was the attorney general
Edmund Randolph
jefforsonian Republicans
opponent of the federalists as we go on
how many cabinet members did Washington have
5 members
henry knox
the secretary of war
what was john adams
a federalist
how did we develop the first bank of the united states
from the tariff
how did people feel about the first bank
some liked it and some did not like it; loose and strict construction
what did the elastic clause say about the loose and strict construction
that the strict construction was wrong because under the clause, the government can create laws whenever needed necessary
In terms of loose and strict construction, what side was Jefferson on
In terms of loose and strict construction, what side was hamilton on
who was the heated argument that happened between
jefferson and hamilton
what did jefferson end up doing because of the argument
since it was getting bad and personal between the two, Jefferson decided to resign
what years did Jefferson serve