Articles of Confederation quiz Flashcards
articles of confederation
a set of laws that governed the United States
legislative Branch
the part of government that is responsible for making laws
executive branch
headed by the President, executes, or puts in action, the laws passed by the Congress
judicial branch
made up of the courts and judges who interpret and apply the laws in cases brought before them
a plan of government that describes the different parts of the government and their duties and powers
a government run by the people through their elected representatives
shays rebellion
a crisis that occurred in Massachusetts that would boost support for the Nationalists cause
gold or silver coin
when were the articles of confederation written
what were the articles of confederation
our first play of government
when was the critical period
who wrote the articles
second continental congress
did the articles of confederation work
no they were not successful
in the articles, how many branches were there
1 branch of government
what is a one branch government called
a unicameral government (one house)
in the articles, how many votes did each star the have
one vote; no matter the size of the state
in the articles, what couldn’t the government do
execute federal taxes/
couldn’t regulate trade
what branches didn’t the articles of confederation have
no executive branch or judicial branch
why didn’t they have an executive branch
they were afraid that it was going to be just like when Britain was in charge
why wasn’t their a judicial branch
each state had their own, so there wasn’t just one
how many votes were needed to get a new amendment
how many votes were needed to create or change a law
how much money were we in debt in 1786
50 million dollars
what was the deal with money
we had no national money so each state had their own currency; because of this each colonies money could be worth more or less
what states were heavily taxing other states
sea ports
what group of people got together in 1780
the nationalists
what did the nationalists call for
a stronger national government
who made up the nationalists
government officials/
people of the upper class
what did the people who were against the nationalists fear
they feared a strong national government
when an intervention was called, what problem did they face
only 12 delegates form five states attended the convention
because of the lack of delegates what did everyone decide to do
meet in Philly the following year to talk about the articles again
when was shay’s rebellion
why is shay in jail
for all of his debts
what was shay previously in his life
a soldier
where did Shay’s rebellion happen
springfield Mass.
what were the causes of shays rebellion
teure was a lot of debt so they were trying to get that money back with different taxes
who had a lot of debt during shays rebellion
what did the government do to those people who had a lot of debt
they foreclosed their land
what did this government action do to those people
it took away their livelihood because they were farmers and obviously needed the land
what did the farmers do in response
they started a protest
where and what did the farmers do during the protest
they marched to the weapons arsenal and took the weapons and started rebellion
what could the government do about the rebellion
nothing because they didn’t have an army anymore; this made them realize that they needed a stronger national government
when was the constitutional convention
May 1787- september 1787 in Philly
what did the people of the constitutional convention want to do to the articles
did not want to completely change them, they went to fix them
did their plan for the articles work at the constitutional convention
no they ended up scratching everything and starting over
how many delegates and from how many states were there at the constitutional convention
55 delegates from 12 states
who was the only state that did not go to the constitutional convention
Rhode Island
why didn’t this state go to the constitutional convention
they were afraid that since they were such a small state that a strong national government would take away, maybe, from many of their rights
who is the last state to ratify the constitution and how long after was it
rhode island; signed it three years after it was written up and signed by everyone else (1790)
why did this state end up signing the constitution
because they would be subject to attack, as the rest of the colonies were apart of America and they were not, along with having to pay taxes because they were on that land
what people went to the convention
all sorts of people
what was the youngest age at the constitutional convention
what was the average age at the constitutional convention
what was the oldest age at the constitutional convention and who was it
82; Ben Franklin
was the constitutional convention public or private
it was supposed to be private but that didn’t happen
why wasn’t the constitutional convention private
James Madison kept a journal of anything that people said, any conversation or argument that they had
who were the people that were not at the constitutional convention
John Adams/
Thomas Jefferson/
who presided (like a judge) over the constitutional convention
George Washington
why didn’t John Adams go to the constitutional convention
he was the minister of england so he was there
why wasn’t Thomas Jefferson at the constitutional convention
he was the minister to France so he was there