Vocab and significance Flashcards
when the British were seizing and capturing American Ships that had British citizens on them; one of the underlying causes of the war of 1812
treaty of ghent
agreement signed in 1814 that ended the war of 1812; all the old boundaries of US and British territories were restored (kept the northern line)
severe economic downturn marked by a decrease of business activity, widespread unemployment; caused the panic of 1819, people took to much money out of the bank so people were ending up bankrupt
Missouri compromise
1820 Agreement calling for admission of Missouri as a slave state.. and Maine as a free state.. outlawing slavery in future states, 36, 30 latitude; set the future boundaries for slave states, made Maine a state, as the U.S expanded westward the North would be free and the south would be slave states
market revolution
shift from a home based economy to one based on money and the buying and selling of goods; it changed the way that Americans bought and sold good, led to Industrialism
making of goods by machinery; it allowed Americans to mass produce goods and products which boosted the economy
free enterprise system
economic system in which companies compete for profits; rewarded people who could find more efficient ways of running a business, encouraged the creation of new industries, jobs, and wealth
wealth that can be invested to produce goods and make money; helped to start the creation of banks
bank note
piece of paper that a bank issues to its customers that can be exchanged for gold or silver coin; used to pay for goods and services, as a type of currency
population density
the average number of people living within a given area; manufacturing caused increase in North pop. which led to the growth of cities
growth of industry; became the staple of the Northern economy.. produced more goods
work stoppage intended to force employers to meet certain demands such as higher wages or better working conditions; encouraged employers to give higher wages and better working conditions
labor union
organization of workers form to protect the interest of its members; ended up working
Turner’s Rebellion
unsuccessful slave revolt led by Nat Turner in 1831; pushed southerners to increase restrictions on their slaves and passed laws restricting slave people from learning to tread
McCulloch v. Maryland
1819 case in which the supreme court ruled that congress has the authority to take actions necessary to fulfill its constitutional duties; established the national bank
Dartmouth College v. Woodward
1819 case in which the supreme court ruled that states could not interfere with contracts; protected business contracts, providing further stability to the economy
Gibbons v. Ogden
1824 case in which the supreme court ruled that states could not regulate commerce on interstate waterways; it gave the federal government authority over all types of interstate business
Monroe Doctrine
declaration by pres. Monroe in 1823 that the US would oppose efforts by any outside power to control a nation in the western hemisphere; to prevent war with the British
the practice of hiring political supporters for government jobs; became known as the spoil system under Jackson
spoil sytem
system of giving pointed offices as reward as successful party in an election; name for the patronage system under Jackson and his administration
Tarif of 1828
a high tariff on manufactured goods called the tariff of abomination by southerners; encouraged northern manufacturing and benefited the northern economy
to withdraw membership in a group; Divided the north and south and led to the Civil war
Indian Removal Act
1830 law calling for the forced movement of Native Americans to west of the Mississippi river; led to the trail of tears, destroyed relations with the Indians
trail of tears
forced movement of Cherokees in 1838-1839 to land west of the Mississippi; destroyed relations and opened up land in Georgia for farming
philosophical movement of the mid 1800’s that emphasized spiritual discovery and insight rather than reason; part of the second great awakening and encouraged people to be more self-reliant and moral
temperance movement
an organized campaign to eliminate alcohol consumption; lowered consumption by 50% and
refrain from some activity such as drinking alcoholic beverages
forced separation; made it harder for African Americans to get medication
utopian community
a small society dedicated to perfection in all areas of life; based off of all the bad things that were going on.. resulted in shakers and mormons
abolitionist movement
movement to end slavery; pushed for an end to slavery
freeing of enslaved people;
underground railroad
network of escape routes that provided protection and transportation for slaves fleeing north; transported runaway slaves to the north or Canada where they could be free
gag rule
rule passed by the house in 1836 prohibiting anti-slavery petitions from being read or acted upon;
Seneca Falls Convention
first women rights convention in us history help in 1848
right to vote; what women were fighting for
Irish Potato Famine
famine in Ireland in the 1840’s that led to a surge in immigration to the U.S; Irish workers took American jobs for lower wages and further over populated northern cities
to apply for and be granted American citizenship
Great Plains
vast grassland between the Mississippi river and the Rocky Mts.
someone who buys items from one source, and sells them to others.;(Mandan Indians & Fur Trade)
person who continually migrates instead of living permanently in one place.
spanish fort
to put under the control of the government rather than the Church.
Santa Fe Trail
trail linking Independence, Missouri, and Santa Fe, NM, in the mid 1800’s
mountain man
an American fur trader who explored the Rocky Mts. and regions further west in the 1800’s
a journey
Oregon Trail
trail linking Independence, Missouri to Oregon.
manifest destiny
argument that the U.S. was destined to expand across North America
join or attach
Mexican War
conflict between the U.S. and Mexico from 1846 - 1848
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
treaty signed in 1848 by the U.S and Mexico ending the Mexican War.
Gadsden Purchase
1853 Purchase by the U.S of Southwestern lands from Mexico
California Gold Rush
Mass migration to California following the discovery of gold in 1848.
boom town
town that has experienced rapid growth
ghost town
town that has been abandoned due to lack of economic activity
Northern part of the U.S. during the Civil War
Compromise of 1850
Agreement designed to ease tensions over the expansion of slavery into Western Territories
Fugitive Slave Act
part of the compromise of 1850, a law ordering all citizens of the U.S. to assist in the return of runaway slaves
States’ Rights
theory that states have the right to nullify acts of the federal government and even leave the Union if wished to do so
devotion to one’s nation
Kansas-Nebraska Act
1854 law that called on citizens of each territory to decide issue of slavery there.
popular sovereignty
policy of letting the people in a territory decide whether slavery would be there or not.
free soiler
person dedicated to preventing the expansion of slavery into the western territories
Scott v. Sandford
1857 supreme court decision that declared slaves not to be citizens and overturned Missouri Compromise.
place where weapons are made or stored
border states
in the Civil War, the states between the North and South, Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri.
person who wanted the south to secede
Confederate States of America
Southern states during the Civil War.
Fort Sumter
federal fort in the harbor of Charleston, SC. Confederate attack on the fort marked start of the civil war.
persons killed, wounded, or missing in battle.
war of attrition
a war in which one side inflicts constant losses on the enemy in order to wear down their strength
device that explodes in the air or hits a solid target
a special kind of shell filled with bullets
program of required military service
official acceptance as an independent territory or country
name given to national paper currency created in 1862
martial law
emergency rule by military authorities
during the Civil War, an anti-northern democrat.
Writ of Habeas Corpus
a legal protection requiring that a court determine if a person is lawfully imprisoned
Emancipation Proclamation
Presidential decree effective January 1st, 1863 that freed slaves in Confederate-held territory
items seized from an enemy during wartime
tactic in which an enemy is surrounded and starved in order to cause surrender
Gettysburg Address
a famous speech by President Lincoln on the meaning of the Civil War given in November, 1863 at the dedication of a national cemetery on the site of Gettysburg.
Thirteenth Amendment
constitutional amendment ratified in 1865 that abolished slavery
a soldier who uses hit-and-run tactics.
who did the second great awakening involve
protestant christians
when is a movement evangelical? 3 things
the scripture is the final authority, salvation can only be achieved through a persona belief in jesus christ, people demonstrate true faith by leading a changed life
what happened with detonations bc of the second great awakening
many new denominations formed
essentially what did the great awakening do
changed society religiously as well as helped form societies values and women started having a say in things
what did the industrial revolution do
allow them to make goods faster and decreased need and amount of people working on farms
what did the induct revo have to do with jobs
it created more especially for immigrants
why was the erie canal important
people and goods could travel between the atlantic ocean and the great lakes easily. therefore increased the rate of settlement in the great lakes region.
what impact did the adams onus treaty have
fixed the boundary of the louisiana purchase
what was the impact of denominations
it classified religious people as well as caused issues because of different opinions of each group clashing with each other
what impact did the mcculoch vs maryland case have
it said that the powers of the federal government were greater than those spelled out in the constitution.
what did labor unions do
stuck up for workers but also showed people would fight their employers if necessary
what was the impact of secede
states could leave when they wanted to or threaten to try and get their way
what was the impact of the indian removal act
they found gold on the land and wanted it so they moved them, they told them they had good land for them and tricked them. people were fighting each other
what happened that caused the big riot in the indian removal
the court ruled that georgia could not tell the indians what to do.
what did president jackson do when the court said he could not remove the indians
he got the US army and the trail of tears happened
what did the free enterprise system do
encouraged the creation of new industries, jobs, and wealth
how did industrialization impact the economy
it helped them crate more jobs and produce products quickly
first part of the monroe doctrine
would not get involved in internal affairs of european countries
2nd part of monroe doctrine
us recognized the existing colonies in the western hemisphere and wouldn’t bother them
3rd part of the monroe doctrine
US would not permit any further colonization of the western hemisphere
4th part of the monroe doctrine
any attempt to control any nation in the western hemisphere by a european power would be a hostile action towards the US
effect of segregatin
blacks and indians and indians put in less superior schools and were at a disadvantage
effect of emancipation
desiring to free slaves many people started movements and did things to stop the slate trade
why did utopian societies not work
people will naturally have different views
why was suffrage important
it allowed women to vote and it was one of the things that started the hard push by women to have basic rights and be allowed to participate in society. it was a big step in equal rights
how did the temperance movement impact on society
states such as maine became dry states in order to stop alcohol consumption. wanted to do this so people could make better choices.
abolitionist mvoement impact
put slavery and the horrors of it on the map. got people to want to see change
abolitionist movement leaders
david walker, william lloyd garrison, frederick douglass, sojourner truth
who started seneca falls convention
lizabeth cady stanton and lucritia mott
david walker did what
books in sailors clothes
william lloyd garrison did what
newspaper called liberater largely supported by free blacks.
frederick douglass
former slave who went around speaking about the horros of slavery, attacked guy and hurt him
gag rule
said there could be no antislavery petitions for the next eight years
how were presidios importnt
they established the land of the spaish and protected them . they were places were the apsnih could stay
annex importance
texas annexed on to us where as we would now have interest i finding other land
great plains importance
many trades were done here because of all the native americans living here. people went across these plains to expand westward
texas war for independence importance
US got texas, new mexico, and california from mexico
boom town importance
towns that experienced rapid growth fro the gold rush
santa fe trail importance
indpendence missouri and santa fe new mexico, way people could get to the pacific areas was through this path
manifest destiny importance
US believed they should get land so they went into battle and did whatever to get it
gadsen purchase
got arizona for 10 million dn gave space for the southern transcontinental railroad.
fugitive slave act importance
this caused any run aways to have to go back to their owners because they were technically their property. made it hard to escape
nativism importance
gave the rights to the people born in country like it should
states’ rights importance
states could leave if they did not like what the government was doing for example the civil war
kansas nebraska act
gave people popular sovereignty vote and helped sway voters into votingf for douglass. basically asking to repeal the missouri compromise or 36 30 line
border states importance
if they left it could change the balance of power as well as leave washingotn vulnerable for attack, delaware, maryland, kentucky, missouri
prejudice importance
basis of slavery and everything, acting bad towards people
scott vs sandford importance
ruled that th emissouri compromise was unconstitutional and that slaves were the properties of their owners
copperhead importance.
tried to get people to not join the draft and say that republican policies would hurt them and bring tons of freed slaves
martial law importance
allows some laws to be ignored during war time such writ of habeas corpus
thirteenth amendment importance
this was the amendment that got rid of slavery
emancipation proclamation importance
showed the end was in sight for war by declaring the slaves in free to start jan 1 1863
war of attrition importance
how south tired to fight hoping north would lose heart bc they were discouraged, aka a defensive war