Chapter 4 sec 2 quiz (lexington and Concord) Flashcards
pontiac’s rebellion
uprising of Ottawa, Huron, Potawatomi, and other Indian groups against the british in the spring of 1763
proclamation of 1763
order issued by King george to close the region west of the Appalachian mountain to all settlement by colonists
stamp act
law that placed a tax on newspapers, pamphlets, legal documents, and most other printed materials
a refusal to certain products or use of certain services
boston massacre
the incident of the british sending over troops to put down violent resistance that led to the killing of five colonists
first continental congress
where committees of Correspondence in several colonies called for a meeting to plan a united response to the developments
battles of lexington and concord
battle between the militia and British troops that led to the burning of all their goods and the death of many back in Boston
revolutionary war
the war sparked after the battles of lexington and concord
why did the british want to put a tax on everything
because they were in a heavy debt
what did the british do to try and escape this debt
noticing that colonies in america were prospering, he placed different forms of taxes on everything.
when was the sugar act
who was in charge of the sugar act and what was his job
George greenville; it is going to be his job to get all the money that they needed from debt
what was the sugar act
tax placed on sugar and molasses because colonists are british subject/
colonists protest and smuggle sugar and molasses
what type of tax was the sugar act
an indirect tax
what were the two types of taxes
diret taxes and indirect taxes
direct taxes
taxes you pay and you know exactly what you are paying/ hard to change excuse people know what they are paying
indirect taxes
taxes that are figured into the price of an object so you don’t know what your paying/ easy to change since people don’t know what they are paying in the first place
how much did the sugar acts reduce the price of molasses by
one half
what was the colonists reaction to the sugar act
since this was an indirect tax most colonists did not know the law existed so they did not care
what was the quartering acts about
the housing of the soldiers
why was the quartering acts put into place
Britain thought that it was going to save them money
what was the stamp act
a tax placed on any printed materials
when was the stamp act issued
march 1765
when did the stamp act go into affect
november 1st 1765
what happened to the people who were in charge of stamping everything
they were tarred and feathered
what type of tax was the stamp act
a direct tax
what were the colonies three forms of reaction
sons of liberty
letter to the king
colonial boycott
who was apart of the sons of liberty
sam adams
james otis
other people
who was the leader of the sons of liberty
sam adams
what was the letter to the king
you cannot tax us because they are not part of the British parliament
what is the saying (caramia)
no taxation without representation
stamp act congress
colonies are going to get together to talk about the stamp act and what they should do about it; end up repealing it
what did britain have to say to the stamp act congress
they passed the Declaratory act and made it clear that they are the authority
what was the townsend acts
used to raise revenue;/
used in paint, paper, tea, glass, and led
who was the townsend acts named after
charles townsend
when were the townsend acts
when the townsend acts were over and done with, what item remained on it
direct representation
they need to live in the area that you represent
indirect representation
in england there was a representative for all colonies (from england)
why did the tax on tea remain
to show their authority
what happens because they keep tea under the tax
they resort to coffee
when was the boston massacre
march 5th 1770
where did the bosotn massacre happen
outside the customs house
what aren’t i going to do?
make flashcards on everything little thing that happened in the boston massacre
who became the lawyer for the british
john adams
who was the captain of the british during the boston massacre
captain preston
who was the lt. gov. for mass
thomas Hutchinson
who said what really happened at the boston massacre while in court
richard palms
what did palms say
• Asked if he had the intention to fire among the crowd
Preston responded that he would be foolish to so
• Also says that Preston was standing in front of his men, not behind like they say
• The words to fire were said after the first shot was fired
what happened to the british
finds britain not guilty
what was the committees of Correspondance
committees formed in every colony that would keep all of the colonies apprised of the situation that was going on
who formed the committee
john adams and james otis
when was the boston tea party
december 1773
after the boston tea party where does the tea have to be taken from
east india company
how many cases of tea were destroyed
344 cases
what did britain do after the boston tea party
the intolerable acts (coercive acts)
when did the intolerable acts happen
spring of 1774
what were the intolerable acts
britain said they are going to close the port of boston until all of the tea was paid for
what was the quebec acts
britain said that the border of Canada is dropped to the Ohio valley, so now the Ohio valley is higher, so the British own it because it is on their land
the colonists had already spread themselves westward so all that land that they had over there was no longer there’s because it was taken away through this acts
what did the colonists do after the intolerable and quebec acts
called together the first continental congress
where did the first continental congress meet
carpenters hall in Philadelphia on september 5th of 1774
what was the only colony that did not go to the first continental congress
georgia because they had a lot of people living their that were still loyal to the king
how many delegates were there
what did the congress suggest
that each colony raise its militia even more than before because it wasn’t going to be long before it all turned into warfare
what was the declaration of resolves
something the congress drew up; was asking the king, again, to consider compromising with the colonies
what was the last thing that the congress decided
they would meet in may 1755 if the situation did not get any better (second continental congress{when the declaration of independence was written})
when was the battle of lexington and concord
april 18-19 1775
what were the battles known as
known as the show heard round the world
who fired the shot “heard round the world”
no one knows
what did paul revere do
warned everyone that the british were coming
who wins the battle at lexington
the british duh
how many british soldiers are killed and wounded
what did George Washington say
that either they are going to live their lives as slaves to the british, or the land of America would be drenched in blood
how many pounds of debt did the british have
144 pounds of debt