chapter 3 sec 1+2 quiz Flashcards
a theory that a country should try to get and keep as much bullion, or gold and silver, as possible
balance of trade
the difference in value between imports and exports
salutary neglect
british colony policy during the early 1700’s
staple crop
crops that in constant demand
triangular trade
between the three points of the Americas, Europe, and Africa
what was the british governments policy towards the colonies after the rule of king James II had ended
they developed a self government. This meant, there were governors appointed by the king. These governors had a great amount of power, being able to call all of the meetings, veto laws that the legislature passed, and could appoint local officials.
what were the causes of Englands policy of salutary neglect towards its colonies
long tradition of strong local government and weak central government/
british government lacked the resources and the bureaucracy to enforce its wishes/
colonists recognized the authority of the king and Parliament without being forced to/
britain allowed its colonies freedom because the existing economy and politics of the colonist already served British interests
what were the effects of Englands policy of salutary neglect towards its colonies
colonies prospered/
trade with Britain prospered/
without much government interference
when was there a civil war in england
what was the civil war about
Charles I and Parliament were fighting; charles wanted to limit the power that parliament had
who was the leader of parliament
oliver cromwell
who was executed
Charles I
how was he executed
who came to be in charge after the execution
Charles II
what was the glorious revolution
when william and mary came to the throne and had a big theory
when was the glorious revolution
what was the theory english and european countries used in order to gain wealth
mercantilism (already know definition)
what did they have to do in order for the theory to work
they needed to export more goods than they imported; if they did this they would have a balance of trade
what was the salutary neglect
british colony policy during the early 1700’s
what was the navigation acts and what ear did it begin
system where countries could only trade certain crops to england, and 1660
what were the crops they could trade with englnad
what would have to happen if they wanted to sell anything to people in other parts of the world
they had to sail their ships into england and from there pay a tax on everything; also had to sail in english ships
what colony was the most diverse
middle colonies
what could the middle colonies do
farm and trade very well
new england info
trade was very important/
had farms but they didn’t make that much money/
middle colonies info
farming and trade
southern colonies
staple crops
what was north carolina and maryland’s staple crop
south carolina staple crop
georgia staple crops
rice and eventually cotton
what was the major ethnicity in all the colonies
english by far; almost 50%
wealthy people who set themselves apart by their clothing/
most important member of colonial society/
socialized with people of their class/
tried to impress others by having mansions and townhouses built/
sent sons to expensive schools/
taught daughters how to manage a household/
were often lawyers, planters or merchants
apprenticeship and all that jazzy stuff
farmers and fishermen
farm sizes would carry depending on where it was/
new england farmers had a reputation for being tough, thrifty, and conservative/
fishing quickly became a main industry/
new england is a self-sufficient farmer/
promoted growth and shipbuilding .
people would fish if they didn’t have enough money
indentured servants
7 year thang and all dat junc/
in exchange for the work masters had to pay for travel costs/
masters had total authority/
those who served their time were granted their freedom and in some cases a piece of land
had a lot of household duties; cooking, gardening, washing, cleaning, weaving cloth and sewing/
no rights/
could not vote until 1920/
married women could no own property/
if marriage didn’t work out then the father would get the kids/
it was legal to hit your wife