W7-L2: Vitamin B12 Flashcards
What are the Functions of Vitamin B12?
- Red Blood Cells
- Neurological Functioning
- DNA synthesis
- Water Soluble
What is the major function of Vitamin B12?
Essential for the production of healthy red blood cells, and helps prevent megaloblastic anaemia (large, immature red blood cells).
How does Vitamin B12 aid in
Neurological Functioning?
- Supports myelin sheath formation (the protective coating around nerves), which is crucial for nerve transmission and brain health
- Helps maintain cognitive function and mental health (deficiency can lead to neurological symptoms like memory loss, confusion, and even depression
How does Vitamin B12 play a role in
DNA synthesis?
Involved in DNA synthesis and cell division, essential for growth and repair of tissues
What is the unique function of Vitamin B12?
The only water-soluble vitamin stored in the body, primarily in the liver.
The body can store enough B12 for several years, so deficiencies may take years to develop
What are good sources of Vitamin B12?
What is the RDA for Vitamin B12?
RDA is 2.4 mcg/day M & F
Are there problems with taking high doses of Vitamin B12?
High doses are generally safe because the body excretes excess B12, but doses should be individualized based on need and absorption capabilities
When might an individual need to take
Vitamin B12 supplementations?
Supplement dosages vary widely, but 500 mcg/day is common for those with deficiency or absorption issues
What group is likely to be defecient in B12?
Vegans more likely to have B12 deficiency
How is Vitamin B12 absorbed?
Vitamin B12 absorption is a complex process involving intrinsic factor (a protein produced in the stomach), which binds to B12 and allows its absorption in the ileum (part of the small intestine).
How can we mask anemia caused by
Vitamin B12 deficiency?
High folate intake can mask anemia caused by B12 deficiency
When should Vitamin B12 be
especially examined?
- Should be examined in depression
What might Hinder Vitamin B12 Absorption?
Malabsorption issues (e.g., from conditions like Crohn’s disease or atrophic gastritis) can hinder B12 absorption and lead to deficiency