the major artery of the tongue is
the lingual artery
On each side, the lingual artery originates from
e external carotid artery in the neck adjacent to
the tip of the greater horn of the hyoid bone
lingual artery forms an upward bend and then
n loops downward and forward to pass deep to the hyoglossus
muscle, and enters the floor of the oral cavity
The dorsal lingual arteries
supply the root of the tongue
The deep lingual arteries
s supply the lingual body of tongue
The deep lingual arteries communicate with each other near
the apex of the tongue.
In addition to the tongue, the lingual artery supplies the
e sublingual gland, gingiva, and oral mucosa in
the floor of the oral cavity
The tongue is drained by
dorsal lingual and deep lingual veins
The deep lingual veins are visible through
h the mucosa on the under surface of the tongue
o Although they accompany the lingual arteries in anterior parts of the tongue, they become separated
from the arteries
posteriorly by the hyoglossus muscles
On each side, the deep lingual vein travels with the hypoglossal nerve [XII] on the
e external surface of
the hyoglossus
Both veins join the sublingual vein which drains into the
e internal jugular veins
Lymph from the root drains bilaterally into the
superior deep cervical lymph nodes
Lymph from the medial part of the body drains bilaterally and directly to the
e inferior deep
cervical lymph nodes
Lymph from the right and left lateral parts of body drains to t
e submandibular lymph nodes on
the ipsilateral side
The apex and frenulum drain to
the submental lymph nodes
All lymph from the tongue ultimately drains to the
deep cervical nodes, and passes via the jugular
venous trunks into the venous system at the right and left venous angles
all muscles of the tongue except palatoglossus recieve motor innervation from CNXII by the
hypoglossal nerve
palatoglossus is a palatine muscle supplied by the
pharyngeal plexus
for sensation( touch and temperature)
mucosa of the anterior 2/3 of the tongue is supplied by lingual nerve a branch of CNV3
general sensory + special sensory at the back of the tongue
posterior 1/3 is innervated by the glossopharyngeal CNIX
special sensory=taste
ant 2/3= chorda tympani branch of CNVII
post 1/3= glossopharyngeal
•Twigs of the internal laryngeal nerve, a branch of the vagus
nerve, supplies mostly general sensation but some special
sensation to a
a small area of the tongue just anterior to the
•These mostly sensory nerves also carry
y parasympathetic
secretomotor fibers to serous glands in the tongue
•Four taste sensations associated with the tongue
e: sweet, salty,
sour and bitter