two intrinsic membranes
- cricothyroid
2. quadrangular
three extrinsic
- thyrohyoid
- hyo-epiglottic
- cricotracheal
The extrinsic ligaments act to attach the components of the larynx to external structures (such as the hyoid and the cricoid cartilage).
The intrinsic ligaments are responsible for holding the cartilages of the larynx together as one functional unit internally
- cricothyroid ligament
- Originates from the cricoid cartilage and extends superiorly, where it terminates with a free (unattached) upper margin – which forms the vocal ligament. It is additionally attached anteriorly to the thyroid cartilage, and posteriorly to the arytenoid cartilage.
- cricothyroid ligament (conus elasticus)
3.The elastic vocal ligaments extend from the junction of the laminae of the thyroid cartilage anteriorly to the vocal process of the arytenoid cartilage posteriorly
o The vocal ligaments make up the submucosal skeleton of the vocal folds
- The fibro-elastic conus elasticus blends anteriorly with the
median cricothyroid ligament.
- quadrangular
- Spans between the anterolateral arytenoid cartilage and the lateral aspect of the epiglottis. It has a free upper margin and lower margin. The lower margin is thickened to become the vestibular ligament.
2.Thin, an inelastic submucosal sheet of connective tissue
o Extends between the lateral aspects of the arytenoid and epiglottic cartilages.
o Its free inferior margin thickens to form the vestibular ligament (false vocal cords), which is
covered loosely by mucosa to form the vestibular fold
§ This fold lies superior to the vocal fold
§ Extends from the thyroid cartilage to the arytenoid cartilage.
o The free superior margin of the quadrangular membrane forms the aryepiglottic ligament, which is
covered with mucosa to form the aryepiglottic fold.
o The quadrangular membrane and conus elasticus are the superior and inferior parts of the submucosal
fibro-elastic membrane of the larynx.
A. thyrohyoid
Bridges gap between superior border and
superior horns of the thyroid cartilage to the hyoid
o Pierced by superior laryngeal vessels and internal
laryngeal nerve
o The thick median part of this membrane is the
median thyrohyoid ligament
o Its lateral parts are the lateral thyrohyoid
Median thyrohyoid ligament – Anteromedial thickening of the membrane.
Lateral thyrohyoid ligaments – Posterolateral thickenings of the membrane.
B. hyo-epiglottic
connects the hyoid bone to the anterior aspect of the epiglottis.
C. crico-tracheal
Spans from the inferior margin of the cricoid
cartilage to the superior border of the tracheal
Median cricothyroid ligament
Anteromedial thickening of the cricothyroid ligament (see below), connecting the thyroid and cricoid cartilages.
interior of larynx
- The laryngeal cavity extends from the laryngeal inlet,
through which it communicates with the
laryngopharynx, to the level of the inferior border of the
cricoid cartilage - here the laryngeal cavity is continuous with the cavity of the trachea
- the laryngeal cavity is divided into 3 major regions
a. laryngeal vestibule = between the laryngeal inlet and vestibular folds
b. Middle part of the laryngeal cavity: the
central cavity (airway) between the vestibular
and vocal folds
- laryngeal ventricle= recesses extending laterally from the middle part of the laryngeal cavity
c. Infraglottic cavity: the inferior cavity of the
larynx between the vocal folds and the inferior
border of the cricoid cartilage, where it is
continuous with the lumen of the trachea
vocal folds
Paired wedges that project into the laryngeal cavity on either side
• Consist of:
o Vocal ligament - thickening of conus elasticus
o Vocalis muscle - medial fibers of thyroid arytenoids muscle
o Overlying mucosa
- Source of sound
- These folds produce audible vibrations when their free margins are closely (but not tightly) apposed during phonation and air is forcibly expired intermittently
- Serve as inspiratory sphincter of the larynx
The glottis (the vocal apparatus of the larynx) makes up
the vocal folds and processes, together with the rima
glottidis, the aperture between the vocal folds
• The shape of the rima varies according to the position of the vocal folds:
o During ordinary breathing, the rima is narrow
and wedge-shaped
o During forced respiration, it is wide and
trapezoidal in shape.
o The rima glottidis is slit-like when the vocal folds
are closely approximated during phonation.
vestibular folds
The vestibular folds, extending between
the thyroid and the arytenoid cartilages,
play little or no part in voice production;
they are protective in function.
• They consist of two thick folds of
mucous membrane enclosing the
vestibular ligaments.