Facial nerve
- passes along the side of the nose and terminates as an angular artery at the medial corner of the eye.
Branches into:
a. superior labial branches- supplies upper lip and nasal septum
b. inferior labial branches- supplies the lower lip
c. lateral nasal branch - lateral surface and dorsum of the face.
near the midline the superior and inferior labial branches
anastomose with their companion arteries from the opposite side of the face, this provides an important connection between the facial arteries and external carotid arteries.
transverse facial artery
- it is a branch of the superficial temporal artery
2. supply the parotid gland and duct, the masseter, and the skin of the face
maxillary artery( deep artery)
branches into
a. infra-orbital artery
b. buccal artery
c. mental artery
infra-orbital artery
- enters the face through the infraorbital foramen
2. supplies lower eyelid, upper lip, and the area between these structures
buccal artery
supplies buccinator muscle and structures in this area
mental artery
- enters the face through the mental foramen
2. supplies the chin
superficial temporal artery
- ends in the scalp
2. by dividing into frontal and parietal branches
ophthalmic artery
- 3 small arteries from the internal carotid artery
branches into
a. zygomaticofacial and zygomaticotemporal arteries which supply the area of the face over the zygomatic bone
b. dorsal nasal artery- dorsum of the nose
other branches of ophthalmic artery
supra-orbital and supratrochlear arteries supply eyebrows and the forehead
the supraorbital artery continues to supply the anterior scalp to the vertex