innervation of the face
- the trigeminal nerve (CN V) innervates facial structures derived from the first arch- (cutaneous innervation)
- facial nerve(CN VII) innervates facial structures derived from the second arch- ( motor innervation)
the face
is primarily derived from the first and the second pharyngeal arches
cutaneous innervation
- it is bt the trigeminal nerve
divides into 3 major divisions leaving the middle cranial fossa
A. ophthalmic nerves (CN V1)
B. maxillary nerve (CN V2)
C. mandibular nerve (CN V3)
- the first two are sensory only
- the last division is largely sensory nut also receives motor fibers
cutaneous branches of cervical nerves
- from the cervical plexus extend over the posterior aspect of the neck and scalp
the greater auricular nerve
- innervates the inferior aspect of the auricle(ear) and much of parotid region of the face
motor innervation
- by facial nerves
- facial nerve emerges from the cranium through the stylomastoid foramen located between the styloid process and the mastoid.
- it immediately gives off the posterior auricle nerve which supplies auricles posterior and occipital belly of the occipitofrontalis muscles
- facial nerve trunk runs anteriorly and is engulfed by the parotid gland which forms the parotid plexus
parotid plexus
- give rise to five terminal branches of the facial nerve
a. temporal
b. zygomatic
c. buccal
d. marginal mandibular
e. cervical
the temporal branch of the facial nerve
- supply frontal belly of occipitofrontalis
2. and the superior part of the orbicularis oculi
the zygomatic branch
- supplies orbicularis oculi
2. part inferior to the orbit
the buccal branch
- supplies the buccinator
2. and the muscles of the upper lip
marginal mandibular branch
- supplies risorius
2. and muscles of the lower lip and chin
cervical branch
supplies the platysma