Lacrimal gland secretes
Lacrimal fluids
• Excretory ducts of the lacrimal gland
Convey lacrimal fluid from the gland to the
conjunctival sac
lacrimal canaliculi
Commence at the lacrimal punctum (opening) on the
lacrimal papilla near the medial angle of the eye and
drain lacrimal fluid from the lacrimal lake to the
lacrimal sac
lacrimal lake
A triangular space at the medial angle of the eye
where tears collect
lacrimal sac
The dilated superior part of the nasolacrimal duct
nasolacrimal duct
Conveys lacrimal fluid to the inferior nasal concha
lacrimal gland is
Almond-shaped gland
2 cm long
the lacrimal gland is situated
Situated in fossa for
lacrimal gland
Tendon of levator
palpebrae superioris
divides gland into
superior (orbital) and
inferior (palpebral) parts
Accessory lacrimal glands
more often in the
superior eyelid area
Tears come from the
Nerve!!!! (CN VII)
Parasympathetic: secretory
Preganglionic via greater
petrosal nerve and nerve of
pterygoid canal to
pterygopalatine ganglion
Sympathetic: vasoconstrictor
Postganglionic via superior
cervical ganglion and carotid
plexus and deep petrosal
• Production of lacrimal fluid is stimulated
by parasympathetic impulses from CNVII
• Lacrimal fluid is secreted through 8-12
excretory ducts, which open into the
the lateral part of the superior conjunctival
fornix of the conjunctival sac
• The fluid flows inferiorly within the sac
under the influence of gravity. When the
eye becomes dry, the eye blinks
• The eyelids come together in a lateral to
medial sequence pushing a film of fluid
medially over the cornea
• Once in the lacrimal sac tears pass to the
inferior nasal meatus through the
nasolacrimal duct, draining posteriorly
across the floor of the nasal cavity into the
nasopharynx and is eventually swallowed