VRU 2001 Flashcards
What is recommended as landmarks for the pancreas on CT?
Portal vein - Body
Descending duodenum - right limb
Gastric fundus and dorsal extremity of the spleen - left limb
Newel et al: What is the normal hepatic extraction fraction in cats using 99mTc-mebrofenin?
Newel et al: Was there a significant change in scintigraphic parameters between normal cats and cats infected with liver flukes?
No and therefore scintigraphy is not a sensitive test for structural hepatobiliary abnormalities
Detweiler et al: What are the main radiographic findings supportive of dysautonomia?
- Aspiration pneumonia 2. Megaesophagus 3. Distended stomach, SI or urinary bladder.
Kaiser et al: What is the anteversion angle?
The angle of the femoral neck in a VD image in relation to the femoral condyles
Kaiser et al: Does the anteversion angle influence petellar stability?
No… Normal and and luxating groups had over lap of angles.
Dvir et al: What was the most common clinical sign of does with spirocerosis in dogs?
Weight loss Vomiting Anorexia Pyrexia
Dvir et al: Found what other common clinical signs of spirocerosis besides GI signs?
Respiratory signs Lameness (HO and polyarthritis)
Dvir et al: Where are the normal masses found in spirocerosis?
Caudal esophagus.
Dvir et al: CT is more sensitive for what changes seen with spirocerosis?
Aortic mineralization Early spondylitis
Dvir et al: Malignant transformation of spirocerosis nodules to what neoplasia?
Fibrosarcoma Osteosarcoma
What is the mean height and width of the pituitary gland on MRI of dogs weighing between 13-45kg (only ones measured)?
5.1mm height 6.4mm width
Kippens et al: What is the correlation between weight and brain size, weight and pituitary size, and brain size and pituitary size?
Lack of Pre-T1 hyperintensity in the in the posterior pituitary gland may represent?
- Hydration status (rabbit) 2. Central iabetes insipidus (humans)
Jensen: What may disappearnace of calcified intervertebral disc material respresent?
PROGRESSION of degenerative process.
What are three different ways to assess the direction of shunting in PDA?
- Echocardiogram with saline microbubbles 2. Right sided angicardiography 3. Nuclear scinitgraphy following injection of 99mTc-MAA (Macroaggregated albumin)
Patellar osteosarcoma is similar in aggressiveness as appendicular osteosarcoma?
Mcentee et al: Infiltrative lipoma CT, how many had bony involvement?
Mcentee et al: Infiltrative lipoma CT, how many contrast enhanced?
Mcentee et al: Infiltrative lipoma CT, how many had infiltration of muscle?
All of them.
Probst: CT pancreas anatomy: What is recommended for landmarks to localize the pancreatic body… right lobe and left lobe?
Body: Portal vein Right lobe: Duodenum Left Lobe: Gastric fundus and dorsal extremity of the spleen
Where does multiple cartilaginous exostoses usually originate from (location on the bone)?
metaphysis or juxta-epiphyseal of the appendicular or skeletal
Malignant transformation of MCE has been reported… what does it turn into?
Chondrosarcoma Osteosarcoma. (Tend to have a larger cartilage cap of 2-3cm)
What are the imaging characteristics of MCE (multiple cartilaginous exostoses) on MRI?
T2 hyperintense and T1 hypointense. This is due the hyaline cartilage and the high water content
Patsikas et al: Splenic torsion CT, what are the main findings of a splenic torsion on CT?
- Large non-contrast enhanced spleen 2. Twisted soft tissue mass effect in the mid abdomen.
Porzio et al: Is intraosseous injection of contrast media in for excretory urography possible?
Yes… looks similar to IV excretory urography
Porzio et al: What was a side effect noted on postmortem that may be attributed to contrast injection of the tibia?
OCD (23% saw signs of this)
What MRI signs are consistent with cerebellar ataxia in bull mastiffs?
- Paired focal circular areas of T2 hyperintensity within the the deep cerebellar nuclei
- Bilaterally symmetrical hydrocephalus
Bartels et al MRI of intracranial tissue in ducks, which had more intracranial tissue creasted or plain headed ducks?
Crested ducks
Volume of crest did not correlate with volume of intracranial tissue deposit.
Gnudi et al: US of stifle for CCL rupture, is US a good diagnostic tool for looking at CCL ruptures in dogs?
No - only idenified 20%
Reese et al: US of vagosympathetic trunk in a dog, What is the imaging characteristics of the vagosympathetic trunk includinig where is it located?
Hypoechoic structure
Adhered to the dorso medial surface of the common carotid artery
Heterogeneous echotexture
Diameter ranged between 0.5-2.5mm
What muscle separated the internal and external jugular v?
Sternocephalicus m.
Equine nigropallidal encephalomalacia is a progressive degenerative disease brought on by what?
Ingetsion of yellow star thistle or Russian knapweed.
Sanders et al: MRI features of equine nigropapllidal encephalomalacia, what are the MRI features of this disease?
T2 hyperintense
PD hyperintense
T1 hyperintense ring (image is pre and post T1)
Frame et al: canine trochanteric fossa, what muscles insert into the greater trochanter fossa (space between the greater trochanter and the neck of the femur)?
Internal and external obturator m
Gemelli m
Muscles that hold the head of the femur in the acetabulum.
Frame et al: canine trochanteric fossa, the appearance of the trochanteric fossa is greatly influenced by what type of rotation?
Frame et al: canine trochanteric fossa, what was inconsistantly found in this study in the fossa?
Protuberances for the attachment of the internal and external obturator and gemelli m.
Frame et al: canine trochanteric fossa, The greater trochanter and the trochanteric foss develop how?
By the pull of the three pairs of gluteal muscles… therefore it continues to form during juvenile lives.
Frame et al: canine trochanteric fossa, what is the round opaque structure in the greater trochanteric fossa represent?
Muscle attachment sites (protuberances) of the lateral and medial obtruator m and gemilli m.
This is variable and not always seen.
Baumann et al: Rad findings of lepto in thorax, what was the predominant lung pattern in the dogs infected with lepot?
diffuse reticulonodular
Baumann et al: Rad findings of lepto in thorax, reticulonodular pattern in leptospiral infection histopathologically due to?
Diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage (“hemorrhagic penumonitis”)
Etue et al: US 20 normal cat pancreas, What were the thickest protion of the pancreas and what were the thickest measurements of the portions of the pancreas?
Right: 6.0mm
Body: 9.5mm = the thickest portion
Left: 9.0mm
Etue et al: US 20 normal cat pancreas, What was the max height of the duodenal papilla in transverse?
4 mm
Etue et al: US 20 normal cat pancreas, what was the greatest normal thickness of the pancreatic duct and where was it most consistently visualized?
Left limb — 1.3mm
Etue et al: US 20 normal cat pancreas, where were the gastric nodes commonly located in relation to the pyloroduodenal angle?
Cranial and ventromedial
Etue et al: US 20 normal cat pancreas, what was the most consistent anatomic landmark to find the left lobe and body of the cat pancreas?
Portal vein.
What does splenic myelolipomas represent in a cheetah?
Chronic disease or stress.
What does a liver lobe torsion look like on US?
Mixed echogenic hepatic mass
DDx: neoplasia, hematoma, granuloma abscess.
Rudorf et al: US and Lar Par in dogs, what was the most common US finding in dogs with Lar Par?
30/30 dogs had asymmetry or absence of motion of the cuneiform processes
16/30 had abnormal arytenoid movement
Caudal displacement of the whole larynx
Laryngeal collapse
Rudorf et al: US and Lar Par in dogs, diseases associated wtih Lar Par?
myasthenia gravis
Rudorf et al: US and Lar Par in dogs, what structure are these (arrow)?
Cuneiform processes
Rudorf et al: US and Lar Par Dog, what is the main abductor and main adductor of the arytenoid cartilage?
Abductor = cricoarytenoideus dorsalis
Adductor = Cricoarytenoideus lateralis
Hanson et al; US of splenic disease in cats, What is the difference between cat spleens and dog spleens and why is that important?
Cat spleens are non-sinusal and therefore have less blood storage capacity making splenomegaly less likely to be physiologic in a cat.
Hanson et al; US of splenic disease in cats, what percentage of splenic changes were neoplastic?
Hanson et al; US of splenic disease in cats, what were two major differences in splenic lymphoma vs splenic mast cell disease?
Lymphoma was 3x more likely to have lymphadenopathy
MCT was 10x more likely to have an irregular splenic border.
Ratsch et al: Comparative ventricles yorkies vs GSD, Where the ventricle sizes the same or different?
Yorkies 5.3 vs GSD 1.7
However 7 of the yorkies were neurologic.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
Alvusion fracture of the caudal cruciate ligament
What side of the intercondylar eminence does the caudal cruciate attach?
Base of the medial
Nieckarz et al: Effect of 3 weeks of methimazole on uptake 99mTc and I123, was there a difference between T:S in methimazole cats and cats that were normal?
Yes, methimazole cats had higher uptake after withdrawal of methimazole in both I123 and 99mTc.
This is called a rebond effect
Nieckarz et al: Effect of 3 weeks of methimazole on uptake 99mTc and I123 in normal cats, how long did it take for T:S ratios to return to baseline after removal of methimazole when using I123? 99mTc?
I123 - 15 days
99mTc - 2-3 weeks
Nieckarz et al: Effect of 3 weeks of methimazole on uptake 99mTc and I123 in normal cats, When wwas the max uptake noted in cats when using I123 after removal of I123?
4-9 days
Nieckarz et al: Effect of 3 weeks of methimazole on uptake 99mTc and I123 in normal cats, what was the average 20 min baseline for T:S ratio with 99mTc and I123?
99mTc - 0.8
I123 - 2.1
Misk et al: Rads of diaphragmatic hernia and traumatic pericardidis in buffaloes and cattle, Which animal had more diaphragmatic hernias vs traumatic pericaditis?
Buffaloes - Diaphragmatic herniation
Cattle - Traumatic pericarditis
Misk et al: Rads of diaphragmatic hernia and traumatic pericardidis in buffaloes and cattle, What was the common radiographic finding from reticular diaphragmatic herniation?
Round/vertical oval mass over the heart
Caudal esophageal mass… what could you do radiographically to investigate it more?
Standing horizontal beam to look for a fluid line.
Rishniw: Systolic aortic valve shutter in dogs, What causes are there for pathologic flutter?
High output states (pregnancy, anemia)
Aortic insufficiency
Aortic stenosis
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Mitral valve abnormalities
Rishniw: Systolic aortic valve shutter in dogs, found that non-pathologic aortic flutter is a thing T/F
Rishniw: Systolic aortic valve shutter in dogs, What aortic cusps was the most common to flutter?
Left coronary cusp
Grimm et al: Medetom and torb effects on scintigraphy GFR, What effect did these sedation protocols have on GFR?
Medetominde-butorphanol increased it the most (significant)
Medetominde-butorphanol-still increased it but not significantly
Grimm et al: Medetom and torb effects on scintigraphy GFR, what radiopharm was used in this study?
99mTc DTPA
It is completely filtered by the kidneys and is not protein bound
Grimm et al: Medetom and torb effects on scintigraphy GFR, why was it purposed that torb and medetomidine increased GFR?
Restriction of the efferent ateriolar cuasing increased hydrostatic pressure in the glomeruli
Shamir et al; recovery fromo discospondylitis, how long can radiographic deterioration, despite successful antibiotic therapy, last in dogs treated for disco?
Shorter in dogs <1year of age
Kent et al: intravascular lymphoma in a dog brain, what sequence was the lesions most conspicuous?
Kent et al: intravascular lymphoma in a dog brain, what was the enhancement pattern?
Kent et al: intravascular lymphoma in a dog brain, what did all the lesions represent on histopath?
Ischemic infarcts
(Necrosis is the likely reason these were T1 hyperintense)
So if multiple infarct this should be on the list.
Marlani et al: what intensities would you expect for a dog affected by polioenecphalomalacia?
T1 hyperintense of the gray matter
T2 hyperintense of the gray matter
This pattern is due to necrosis.
Marlani et al: What are differentials for polioencephalomalacia?
Thiamine deficiency
Hypoglycemia (secondary to prolonged seizures)
Head trauma
After PSS ligation
What is the reference range ventricle height:brain height?
What two types of hydrocephalus are there?
Compensatory (loss of brain parenchyma)
What are hydrocephalus patients prone to getting?
Extramedullary hemorrhage due to thinning and weakening of the white matter lining causing it prone to tear in minimal trauma
Subdura hematomas due to stretching of the subdural blood vessels by increased volume of the subarchnoid space
Three types (acute, subacute, chronic) of subdural hemorrhage in CT will look like what?
Acute - hyperattenuating
Subacute - isoattenuating
Chronic - hypoattenuating
Smith et al: Green Iguana GI studies, what temp should the animal be at?
28-29 degrees C
Smith et al: Green Iguana GI studies, what shape is an iguana stomach?
U shaped
Smith et al: Green Iguana GI studies, what is the median gastric emptying time?
8 hr
Smith et al: Green Iguana GI studies, What is the median small intestinal transit and small intestinal emptying in an iguana?
SI transit = 4 h
SI empty = 16h
Smith et al: Green Iguana GI studies, what is the dose of 25% barium for iguana?
Smith et al: Green Iguana GI studies, what is the normal colon transit and emptying times?
Colon transit = 15h
Colon emptying = 66h
Smith et al: Green Iguana GI studies, when should rads be taken in GI study in iguanas?
0, 1h, 2h, 3h, 4h, 5h, 6h, 12h, 24h, 36h… until barium is identified in the distal descending small colon
Name these structures
Name these structures
Range ambiguity is reduced with what?
Reduction of number of focal zones
Why is there a reduction in frame rate when you increase the depth?
To increase the amount of time between echos and thus allow sufficient time for echoes to arrive from maximum range … reducing range ambiguity.
Why does increased focal zones decrease frame rate?
You can only focus one transmitted beam at a time so if you have multiple focal zone you have multiple transmitted pulses.
Range ambiguity is seen on B-mode when?
Large depth of field
High pulse repetition frequency
Imaging low attenuating objects.