Vocab Chapter 2 Flashcards
What is democracy?
a government that is controlled by the peope who live under it
What are civil rights?
the rights of a citizen
What is the Magna Carta?
the Great Charter which guaranteed the English people certain civil rights
What is a monarch?
the king or queen
What is a civil war?
A war between citizens of a country
What is a republic?
a country without a monarch, such as the USA
What is a constitutional monarchy?
a monarchy in which the monarch rules according to the constitution and laws of the nation
What is the Gulf Stream?
a warm ocean current that flows from the Gulf of Mexico north along the coast of the United States and then east to Europe
What is the Spanish Armarda?
a great fleet of ships sent by Spain in 1588 to invade England
What does ‘to colonize’ mean?
to settle in and control the lands of others
What is an entrepreneur?
a person who runs a buisness, taking the isk in order to make the profit
What is a guild?
a medieval association of craftsmen or tradsemen which upheld standards and protected its members
What is a protestant?
any Christian not belonging to the Roman Catholic or Orthodox Eastern Church
What is a congregation?
an assembly of people who gather for religious worship
What is the Church of England?
the established church in England, headed by the monarch
What does elaborate mean?
decorated, ceremonial
What does ‘to dissent’ mean?
to differ in opinion, disagree, refuse to conform to the established Church
What is a Calvanist?
a follower of the teachings of John Calvin, a leader of the Protestant Reformation
What does ‘to tolerate’ mean?
to allow people to live, think, or worship according to their own beliefs
What is original sin?
in traditional Christian belief, the state of sin in which all humans live because Adam and Even disobeyed God
What is hysteria?
a state of uncontrolled excitement
What does “to duck” mean?
to plunge suddenly under water and out again
What is an absolute monarch?
a king, queen, emperor, or empress with unlimited power
What is slovenly?
untidy, dirty, careless in dress, appearance, and habits