Ch.4 Review Flashcards
N and 1795 convention
He was called upon to save the convention from rebellious french citizens
He ordered canons to be fired into the crowd via grape shot
Order of events Civil Code becomes a law Napoleon defeated Russia battle of Waterloo Napoleon appointed first council Spanish campaign begins
Napoleon appointed first council The civil code becomes law Spanish campaign begins Napoleon defeated Russia battle of Waterloo
N improvements in France
Old corrupt monarchies were swept aside for for forced to adapt to revolutionary ideas
he created a new law code based on the principles of the enlightenment
He created new school system universities and hospitals and reformed the court system. Even today many countries operate in ways that are a legacy of the Napoleonic system.
N control in France
He was the emperor
He tried to destroy the democracy
Rulers of conquered nations
We’re ns family
What did the Napoleonic code guarantee and why was it important
It guaranteed, equality, the right to hold property, freedom of religion, and the freedom to choose your own job.
This was important because it promoted nationalism and equality which helped the country become one, and have a better economy.
How did the rise of napoleon and the French Revolution lead to nationalism in Europe
Europe loved the ideals of the Revolution “liberty, equality, and fraternity”
The French were proud of their country and their accomplishments. They were a nation they had the same language and culture history and ethnic background.
Nationalism that is too strong can lead to racism
Nationalism has led to many wars
Nationalism promoted independent nations
Extreme nationalism in Germany led to the holo cost.
Reasons why the continental system hurt napoleons empire
A lot of legal trade was cut off
Smuggling became so profitable that pirates would take the risk of being caught.
It hurt Napoleon just as much as it hurt the French
France wasn’t allowed to trade with canada
It upset the French because they lost a lot of trade
Places that allowed french ships were severely punished
Attitude of Europe during n’s campaigns
Most people he had conquered were happy and loves the ideas of the Revolution
They liked the idea of nationalism
Spanish military tactics
The guerrilla warfare tactic
The fighters were just regular dressed people and fought randomly and secretly
Sneaky and difficult to be the victims of this tactics
Russian victory -factors
The Russians won because they waited until napoleons army was weak to attack.
The Russians drew them further into Russia
Russia had the wether on their side and also had barren land and ditched all their home when they left killing crops and animals so n’s army couldn’t eat
Grand armee loyalty
N kept the loyalty of the grand armee because he promised the soldiers of each nationality that they would get to form their own countries after the war
The conference of Vienna
Was like a council after the first time they sent Napoleon away and it was to give back the land that Napoleon took.
The effects of the Revolution and n were canceled
The congress had to balance the power
The Russian campaign
Russia had first agreed to stop trade with Britain but tsar did not trust n
Russia refused to follow n’s policies
So n got the largest army ever and tried to get Russia to fight
Egyptian campaign
N destroyed the Egyptian army
N needed Egypt to cut the British off from trade
The British destroyed his navy
The Egyptian campaign was a failure, n returned more popular than ever
Italian campaign
Was a success, although he didn’t free the Italians, she looted and stole thousands of Jews and shipped them back to France.
The statement said we are here to free U we only fight with the ones enslaving u
N’s exile
After he lost two important battles he gave up his thrown as emperor and was exiled to the island of Elba
N’s victories
N’s power came from military victories
He defeated Austria Russia and Prussia
Major battles won were ulm, austerlitz, and Jena
Spanish campaign
They used the guerrilla warfare tactic
The campaign was not a success, the Spanish people did not except n in 1808 Spanish people rebelled
After the 5 year war Spain won
N’s exil and return
Louis XVIII was king of France. He was not. Good king believed in DRoK The Bonapartists wanted n back
N was exiled after he gave up the thrown, he got the votes of the people of Elba and he got an army to start fighting for him.
He lost the battle of Waterloo and was sent back to exile but on a different island, Saint Helena
N eventually died on saint hellena
Effect on n’s rule of Europe
The continental system was made
Made his enemies sign the treaty of Tilsit
Europe was decided into countries and province
N made Europe change their legal system to be based off France’s, n got rid of serfdom as well as inherited rights of aristocrats, napoleonic code,
Treaty of Tilsit
It was a treaty that the countries/areas n conquered had to sign for n to rule?