Chapter 2 Review Flashcards
What are royalists/cavaliers
They were supporters of the king who came from wealthy or noble families
What are Protestants
Any Christian not belonging to the Roman Catholic or orthodox eastern church
What was an absolute monarch
A king or queen or emperor or empress that has unlimited power
What was the reformation
The reformation started when Martin Luther nailed the 95 thesis to the church wall
They were Cromwells army. They were people from towns and farmers.
What is an Empire
A group of states or country’s under the same ruler
What was the glorious revolution
The glorious revolution finally happened when king and queen Mary and William came to rule because the parliament chose them and England became a constitutional monarchy
What is a Constitutional monarchy
When a king or queen rules according to the laws of the nation
What is a Republic
A country without a monarch
What was the renaissance
It was a time of rebirth of art and culture and literature when people started not totally depending on religion the guide them through life. People started drawing and writing about every day life
What is a democracy
A government that is controlled by the people who live under it
What were the blue laws
Very strict laws the blue laws outlawed pagan ceremonies such as Christmas dancing gambling sports and theatre
Order of events
James I becomes king
Charles I becomes king
Cromwell dies
Glorious revolution
Anglican Church
Was the Church of England. It changed with each monarch it decided how church’s would be run all over the country
Magna carta
The Magna Carta was also know as the great charter which guarenteed the English people certain civil rights
Charles I and the parliament
He was unwilling to compromise with parliament and believed in the DRoK he was narrow minded and didn’t like socializing.charles constantly needed money for his extravagant life style
Charles and money
Charles biggest trouble was never having enough money for his extravagant lifestyle. He wouldn’t agree with parliament so he found ways to raise money, 1. ship money, 2. forced people to loan him money, 3. he mortgaged royal properties, 4. collected custom fees know as poundage and tunnage, 5. billeted his soldiers in people’s houses, 6. he sold noble titles, 7. also the court of star chamber
Court of star chamber
It was to convict, imprison, and fine his enemies. People tried under this court had No rights under the law.
Archbishop Laud and puritans
- At a time when puritans were protesting against decoration and ritual church as “papist” 2. Laud put more decorations. 3. As a result puritans violently attacked churches, carvings, books, and paintings, carved rails, and glass windows
Charles I and Scott’s
He tried to make Scotland and England the same religion. Scott’s were prebesbyterians and they signed a covenant (agreement) to resist this demand and revolted. Charles needed money fore soldiers to shut down the revolt.(“he called a new parliament “short parliament” which he shut down in three weeks”)
Long parliament
Lasted 13 years 1. Charles gave parliament laud and Stratford to execute them 2. Parliament planed to pass the grand remonstrance which made the king not have as much power. 3. Royal prerogative, the king could break the law in emergency. 4. Charles marched in 500 shoulders to arrest people ‘illegally’ 5. Charles ran to Scotland and his wife pawned her grown jewels
Outbreak of civil war
Against the king and the parliament. Parliaments army was well equipped and religious, disciplined, steel body army and lobster tail helmets.
Who controlled parliament after war
Only the puritans and the Presbyterians were left until parliament sent colonel pride to drive out 143 Presbyterians. Only the puritans were left
Charles I end
Charles was guilty of high treason (treason was the act of trying to overthrow the monarch) 1649