Regardless of individual’s body weight, the adult vertebrae measures approximately ________. It extend from the base of the skull to the tail bone
60-70cm in length (18-28 inches”).
remain as separate bones during life and are called ” TRUE
and is a movable vertebrae
24 Vertebrates
remaining are called
“FALSE VERTEBRAE” as they become
fused to form one segment of the
vertebrae, they are the Sacrum &
Coccyx and is considered as “fixed
vertebrae”. The vertebrae are named
and are numbered regionally from
above downward.
9 Vertebrates
- Cervical spine – 7
- Thoracic/Dorsal spine – 12
- Lumbar spine – 5
- Sacrum - 5 (fused)
- Coccyx – 4-5 incomplete
• The Cervical vertebrae form a forward curve called a
lordotic curve
• The Thoracic vertebrae form a curve backward called a
“Kyphotic curve.
• The Lumbar vertebrae form a forward curve like the cervical called the
”Lordotic curve”
• An exaggerated thoracic curve is called ”.
“Kyphosis” or Hunchback
• An exaggerated lumbar curve is called
“Lordosis” or “Swayback
• An appreciable lateral deviation of the normal alignment of the vertebral column is called
• A combined lateral (scoliosis) and posterior (kyphosis) curvature of the spine is called
”Scoliokyphosis” or “Kyphoscoliosis”.
A typical vertebra has a
neural arch
laminae or plates,
vertebral foramen and processes.
– is the solid anterior part, shaped like a cylinder with flat posterior surface.
Body of vertebra/Centrum
– are thick rounded extensions passing back, one on each lateral border of the flattened posterior surface of the body.
Pedicles or Root
– are two flattened plates of bone one passing towards the midline from the posterior end of each pedicle. These unite in the midline behind to form the spinous process and complete the arch.
Two Laminae or Plates
– is the opening behind the body, enclosed by the arch. Along with similar openings in the other vertebrae, it forms a canal for the spinal cord.
Vertebral Foramen
– are formed by the curved upper and lower border of the pedicles.
Vertebral Notches
A similar curved of the pedicle above or below, complete an opening called the
“intervertebral foramen”.
– are two bones, one on each side, extending laterally from the junction of the pedicle and lamina.
Transverse Processes (2)
- project upwards towards the head from the bases of the transverse processes.
Superior Articular Processes (2)
– projects downward from the bases of the transverse processes.
Inferior Articular Processes (2)
– extend posteriorly or back from the posterior border of the vertebral arch, at the junction of the two laminae.
Spinous Process
– “par” for short is that part of the vertebra located between the inferior and superior articular processes. This corresponds as an imaginary line that represent the neck of the “scotty dog” sign.
Pars Interarticularis