The Lower extremity or Lower limb is also called the ___________ as it is farther away from the head end of the body.
“Inferior or Distal Extremity”
Bones of the lower extremity includes;
the femur,
tibia and fibula
and the foot which is made up of the tarsal bones,
metatarsal bones and phalanges.
– is the upper, expanded rounded end that articulate with the acetabulum to form the “hip joint”.
Head of Femur
– is the constricted part connecting the head to the rest of the bone.
Neck of Femur
– is the large prominence on the outer (lateral) border of the upper femur.
Greater Trochanter
– is a much smaller rounded process that lies at a lower level than the greater trochanter extending in medially from the upper border of the shaft.
Lesser Trochanter
– is a ridge of bone that passes obliquely across the back of the upper femur between the two trochanters.
Intertrochanteric Crest
– is a long and rounded bone that becomes larger as it approaches the knee.
– is a rounded knob-like process forming the medial half of the lower end of the femur.
Medial Condyle
– is a further rounded prominence on the outer (lateral) half of the lower end of the femur.
Lateral Condyle
– is a deep notch between the medial and lateral condyles of the femur.
Intercondyloid Fossa/Notch
– is a large prominence on the inner (medial) surface of the lower femur just above the medial condyle.
Medial Epicondyle
– is a small rounded prominence on the outer (lateral) surface of the lower femur above the lateral condyle.
Lateral Epicondyle
– is the smooth anterior surface on the front of the lower femur above the intercondyloid fossa.
Patellar Surface
– is a sesamoid bone (cartilaginous tissue) within the tendon of the long muscle on the front of the thigh– the quadriceps muscle.
Patella/Knee Cap/Pan
Parts of the Patella:
– is the broad upper border.
– is its lower pointed end.
– is another sesamoid bone in the lateral head of Gastrocnemius muscle located on the popliteal surface of the femur.