The Leg has two bones – ________ each extending from the knee to the ankle. These bones lie parallel to each other side by side.
is much larger and takes the weight of the body.
– lies on the inner (medial) side of the fibula.
Tibia/Shin Bone
– is the medial (inner) half of the enlarged upper end. Its smooth, slightly cupped upper surface articulate with the medial condyle of the femur at the knee joint.
Medial Condyle
– is the outer half of its expanded upper end. Its smooth surface articulate with the lateral condyle of the femur to complete the knee joint.
Lateral Condyle
– is a small double-pointed prominence on the upper articular surface of the tibia about its midpoint.
Intercondyloid/Intercondylar Eminence
– is a rounded prominence on the anterior (front) surface of the upper tibia below the condyles.
Tibial Tuberosity
– is a smooth pit on the outer or lateral surface of the lateral condyle of the tibia where it accommodate the medial border of the head of the fibula, forming the “Proximal Tibio-Fibular” joint.
Articular Facet
– is round in its mid portion, but is flattened and enlarged at its lower end.
– projects down from the medial border of the distal end of the tibia. It forms a large prominence on the medial or inner border of the ankle which is visible and palpable.
Medial Malleolus (Little Hammer)
– is a four-sided (quadrilateral) smooth surface on the lower end of the tibia. It articulate with the trochlear surface of the talus.
Distal Articular Surface
– is a small depression on the lateral border of the tibia just above the ankle joint. It articulate with the adjacent lower fibula and helps to form the “Distal Tibio-Fibular” joint.
Fibular Notch
- is a long slender bone lying lateral to and parallel with the tibia. This bone does not reach the knee joint but forms a small part of the ankle.
Fibula / Calf Bone
– is the upper expanded end and articulate with the articular facet of the tibia to form the “Proximal Tibio-Fibular” joint
Head of Fibula
– is a long and slender bone.
– is the lower expanded end of the fibula. It, along with the medial malleolus of the tibia forms the “Ankle Mortise”.
Lateral Malleolus