Parts of the Central Nervous System:
I. Central Nervous System
a. (R) Cerebral Hemisphere
b. (L) Cerebral Hemisphere
c. Lobes of Cerebral Hemispheres
* Frontal Lobe
* Parietal Lobe
* Insula
* Occipital Lobe
d. Fissures of Cerebral Hemispheres
* Longitudinal Fissure
* Central Fissure
* Lateral Fissure
* Transverse Fissure
Parts of the Central Nervous System:
- Midbrain
a. Quadrigeminal bodies
b. Cerebral Peduncles
Parts of the Central Nervous System:
- Hindbrain
a. Pons
b. Cerebellum
c. Medulla Oblongata
Parts of the Central Nervous System:
II. The Peripheral Nervous System
A. Cranial Nerves – 12
B. Spinal Nerves - 31
C. Autonomic Nervous System:
- Sympathetic or Thoracico-Lumbar
- Parasympathetic or Cranio-Sacral
III. Meninges or Coverings of the Brain and Spinal Cord
- Pia Mater
- Arachnoid
- Dura Mater
IV. Ventricles or Cavities of the Brain
- Lateral Ventricles (2) – (L) & (R)
- Third Ventricle
- Fourth Ventricle
– is the unit structure of the Nervous system and consists of a cell body and two sets of processes:
Neuron or Nerve Cell
– which carry nerve impulses towards the cell body.
– which carry impulses away from the cell body.
- is a nerve cell that conducts impulses towards or into the spinal cord to the brain. These impulses maybe sensations of heat, cold, touch, pressure, pain, or from the special sense organs; eyes – sight, ear- hearing, nose- smell or mouth – taste.
Sensory Neuron or Afferent Neuron
– carries impulses from the brain down to the spinal cord, or from the cord to muscles or secreting glands.
Motor Neuron or Efferent Neuron
– is the point of contact of Dendron of one Neuron with the Axon of another Neuron.
– is a structure at the outer end of an axon or dendron.
End Organ
– is a complete circuit consisting of a sensory neuron, a connecting neuron and a motor neuron.
Reflex Arc
– A sensory neuron carries nerve impulses of pain or other sensation to the spinal cord.
Reflex Act
– is a group of cell bodies outside of the brain or spinal cord.
– is a group of nerve cell bodies inside of the brain or spinal cord.
– is a group of nerve cells concerned with some specific function.
– a network of cell processes
is enclosed by the Visceral Cranium which is consists of a large Cerebrum or Forebrain, Midbrain and a Hindbrain.
is a continuation of the brain stem and is contained within the spinal canal of the vertebrae.
Spinal cord
Occupies the entire visceral cranium except the posterior cranial fossa that contains centers for speech, hearing, smell, taste and sight and for interpretation for sensation.
– is a deep fissure or groove that lies directly under the sagittal suture of the skull and passes from front to back. It divides the Cerebrum into 2 halves, the (R) Cerebral hemisphere and (L) cerebral hemisphere.
Longitudinal Fissure
Fibers pass across from one hemisphere to the other in the inferior part below the fissure to form the
“Corpus Callosum”.