There are 7 Tarsal or Ankle bones compared to 8 Carpal or Wrist bones.
They are named from Back to Front as;
They are named from Back to Front as;
1. Calcaneus or Os Calcis
2. Talus or Astragalus
3. Navicular or Scaphoid
4. 3 Cuneiforms; 1st, 2nd, 3rd Cuneiforms
5. Cuboid Bone
– forms the heel of the foot. It has a body and an expanded posterior end or tuberosity which can be felt as the heel.
Calcaneus /Heel Bone/Os Calcis
– helps to form the ankle joint. It bears the body weight and has a body, neck and trochlea.
– is a boat shaped bone that lies between the talus behind and the three cuneiforms in front.
The tuberosity is the prominent medial part that can be felt below and in front of the medial malleolus.
Navicular or Scaphoid
– are bones that lie side by side in front of the Navicular bone and behind the three medial metatarsal bones.
3 Cuneiform Bones
They are named from the inner side of the foot as;
A. First or Medial Cuneiform
B. Second or Intermediate Cuneiform
C. Third or Lateral Cuneiform
– is a cubed-shaped bone that lies on the outer border of the foot. The calcaneus is behind, the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones are in front.
• Cuboid Bone
There are five bones which forms the instep. They are named from the inner side of the foot as the; first, second, third, fourth and fifth metatarsal bone.
There are ______ phalanges in the toes with the same arrangement as in the fingers.
has two phalanges, while the other toes has 3 phalanges: proximal, middle, distal phalanx.
Big Toe or Hallux
- Each metatarsal bone and phalanges has
and Head.