is about twenty-three feet in length and is coiled up within the abdomen, it is small caliber with thinner walls compared to the large intestine. it extends from the pyloric opening of the stomach to the ileo-cecal junction.
small intestine
- is the first 25 centimeters (10 inches) of the Small Intestine which form a double loop. It extends from the pyloric sphincter and curves around the head of the pancreas; most of the duodenum lies in a retroperitoneal position.
Four Parts of the Duodenum:
Superior Duodenum
Descending Duodenum
Transverse Duodenum
Ascending Duodenum
– is the first part of the duodenum that extends up and to the (R) including the duodenal cap or bulb.
Superior Duodenum
– passes downward to the (R) where the Common Bile Duct (CBD) opens into it.
Descending Duodenum
– passes to the (L) across the midline.
Transverse Duodenum
– passes up behind the stomach to join with the Jejunum.
Ascending Duodenum
is about 8ft in lenght an extend from duodenum to ileum
is the part of the small intestine about 15ft in length the extends from jejunum to the junction of colon at the ileo-cecal junction
The Ileo-Cecal junction has a sphincter called the
Ileocecal sphincter
is about 1.5 meters (5 feet) long and extends from the lleo-cecal junction to the anus. It forms an inverted “U” shaped structure that passes up from the (R) lower abdomen to the (R) upper abdomen. It descend to the (L) lateral abdomen to the pelvis.
Large intestine or colon
– is that part of the colon that forms a pouch below the ileo-cecal junction. Its lower end is rounded and closed except an opening to the appendix where it is attached
varies in length from 2-6 inches in length. It usually lies below the cecum but may also lie behind, medial or lateral to the cecum.
The lumen or the cavity of the appendix is a continuation with the cecum that is why, feces or fecal material from the cecum may pass in and back out of the appendix.
Vermiform Appendix
– passes up from the Cecum to the under surface of the liver anterior to the (R) kidney.
Ascending Colon
– is a bend of the colon to the (L) under the (R) liver surface.
Hepatic Flexure/(R) Colic
– passes across the upper abdomen from the hepatic flexure to the spleen in the (L) upper abdomen.
Transverse Colon
– is a bend of the colon where the transverse colon ends.
Splenic Flexure / (L) Colic
– extends down from the splenic flexure to the brim of the pelvis in the (L) lateral abdomen
Descending Colon
- is the “S” shaped curved part of the distal colon extending from the descending colon to the rectum.
Sigmoid/Pelvic Colon
– is the final part of the colon that extend from the sigmoid to the anus.
– is the lower 1 ½ inch of the rectum and ends at an opening— the “anus.”
Anal Canal
composed of skeletal muscle
voluntary external anal sphincter
composed of smooth muscle.
involuntary internal anal sphincter
large intestine, the longitudinal muscle layer of the muscularis externa is reduced to three longitudinal muscle bands called the
tenia coli