Vasculature Of The Head Flashcards
Arteria carotis externa (external carotid artery) - It extends from the carotid bifurcation to its terminal division into the superficial temporal and maxillary arteries posterior to the neck of mandible.
ID 10
Arteria carotis externa (external carotid artery) - It extends from the carotid bifurcation to its terminal division into the superficial temporal and maxillary arteries posterior to the neck of mandible.
ID 12
Arteria carotis externa (external carotid artery) - It extends from the carotid bifurcation to its terminal division into the superficial temporal and maxillary arteries posterior to the neck of mandible.
ID 1
Arteria pharyngea ascendens (Ascending pharyngeal artery) - It usually arises from the posterior side of the external carotid artery above the superior thyroid artery. It ascends along the lateral wall of the pharynx, passing medial to the stylohyoid and continuing to the cranial base.
Arteria pharyngea ascendens (Ascending pharyngeal artery) - It usually arises from the posterior side of the external carotid artery above the superior thyroid artery. It ascends along the lateral wall of the pharynx, passing medial to the stylohyoid and continuing to the cranial base.
ID 19
Arteria pharyngea ascendens (Ascending pharyngeal artery) - It usually arises from the posterior side of the external carotid artery above the superior thyroid artery. It ascends along the lateral wall of the pharynx, passing medial to the stylohyoid and continuing to the cranial base.
ID 1
Arteria lingualis (Lingual artery) - Second anterior branch of the external carotid artery. It enters the tongue behind the greater horn of hyoid bone, where it is covered by the hyoglossus, and runs near the inferior surface of the tongue to its tip.
Arteria lingualis (Lingual artery) - Second anterior branch of the external carotid artery. It enters the tongue behind the greater horn of hyoid bone, where it is covered by the hyoglossus, and runs near the inferior surface of the tongue to its tip.
ID 23
Arteria lingualis (Lingual artery) - Second anterior branch of the external carotid artery. It enters the tongue behind the greater horn of hyoid bone, where it is covered by the hyoglossus, and runs near the inferior surface of the tongue to its tip.
ID 20
Arteria facialis (Facial artery) - Third anterior branch of the external carotid artery. It lies behind the posterior belly of digastric muscle, stylohyoid, and submandibular gland. It crosses the mandible along the anterior border of the masseter and supplies the muscles of facial expression.
ID 6
Arteria facialis (Facial artery) - Third anterior branch of the external carotid artery. It lies behind the posterior belly of digastric muscle, stylohyoid, and submandibular gland. It crosses the mandible along the anterior border of the masseter and supplies the muscles of facial expression.
ID 6
Arteria facialis (Facial artery) - Third anterior branch of the external carotid artery. It lies behind the posterior belly of digastric muscle, stylohyoid, and submandibular gland. It crosses the mandible along the anterior border of the masseter and supplies the muscles of facial expression.
ID vessel at 1
Arteria facialis (Facial artery) - Third anterior branch of the external carotid artery. It lies behind the posterior belly of digastric muscle, stylohyoid, and submandibular gland. It crosses the mandible along the anterior border of the masseter and supplies the muscles of facial expression.
ID 15
Arteria facialis (Facial artery) - Third anterior branch of the external carotid artery. It lies behind the posterior belly of digastric muscle, stylohyoid, and submandibular gland. It crosses the mandible along the anterior border of the masseter and supplies the muscles of facial expression.
Arteria facialis (Facial artery) - Third anterior branch of the external carotid artery. It lies behind the posterior belly of digastric muscle, stylohyoid, and submandibular gland. It crosses the mandible along the anterior border of the masseter and supplies the muscles of facial expression.
ID 16
Arteria occipitalis (Occipital artery) - Second branch that exits dorsally from the external carotid artery. It runs beneath the posterior belly of digastric muscle, extending medially from the mastoid process to the occiput. It is connected with the superficial temporal artery, vertebral artery, deep cervical artery, and posterior auricular artery.
ID 16
Arteria occipitalis (Occipital artery) - Second branch that exits dorsally from the external carotid artery. It runs beneath the posterior belly of digastric muscle, extending medially from the mastoid process to the occiput. It is connected with the superficial temporal artery, vertebral artery, deep cervical artery, and posterior auricular artery.
ID 16
Arteria occipitalis (Occipital artery) - Second branch that exits dorsally from the external carotid artery. It runs beneath the posterior belly of digastric muscle, extending medially from the mastoid process to the occiput. It is connected with the superficial temporal artery, vertebral artery, deep cervical artery, and posterior auricular artery.
ID 14
Arteria occipitalis (Occipital artery) - Second branch that exits dorsally from the external carotid artery. It runs beneath the posterior belly of digastric muscle, extending medially from the mastoid process to the occiput. It is connected with the superficial temporal artery, vertebral artery, deep cervical artery, and posterior auricular artery.
Arteria occipitalis (Occipital artery) - Second branch that exits dorsally from the external carotid artery. It runs beneath the posterior belly of digastric muscle, extending medially from the mastoid process to the occiput. It is connected with the superficial temporal artery, vertebral artery, deep cervical artery, and posterior auricular artery.
ID 23
Arteria auricularis posterior (Posterior auricular artery) - Third branch exiting dorsally from the external carotid artery. It runs beneath the parotid gland and over the stylohyoid posterior to the auricle. It also supplies the muscles attached to the mastoid process and styloid process.
ID 23
Arteria auricularis posterior (Posterior auricular artery) - Third branch exiting dorsally from the external carotid artery. It runs beneath the parotid gland and over the stylohyoid posterior to the auricle. It also supplies the muscles attached to the mastoid process and styloid process.
Arteria auricularis posterior (Posterior auricular artery) - Third branch exiting dorsally from the external carotid artery. It runs beneath the parotid gland and over the stylohyoid posterior to the auricle. It also supplies the muscles attached to the mastoid process and styloid process.
ID 1
Arteria superficialis temporalis (Superficial temporal artery) - Superficial terminal branch of the external carotid artery. It ascends between the external auditory canal and temporomandibular joint, accompanying the auriculotemporal nerve, anterior to the auricle, to the temporal region where it distributes branches.
ID artery at 49
Arteria superficialis temporalis (Superficial temporal artery) - Superficial terminal branch of the external carotid artery. It ascends between the external auditory canal and temporomandibular joint, accompanying the auriculotemporal nerve, anterior to the auricle, to the temporal region where it distributes branches.
ID 13
Arteria superficialis temporalis (Superficial temporal artery) - Superficial terminal branch of the external carotid artery. It ascends between the external auditory canal and temporomandibular joint, accompanying the auriculotemporal nerve, anterior to the auricle, to the temporal region where it distributes branches.
Arteria superficialis temporalis (Superficial temporal artery) - Superficial terminal branch of the external carotid artery. It ascends between the external auditory canal and temporomandibular joint, accompanying the auriculotemporal nerve, anterior to the auricle, to the temporal region where it distributes branches.
ID 1
Arteria superficialis temporalis (Superficial temporal artery) - Superficial terminal branch of the external carotid artery. It ascends between the external auditory canal and temporomandibular joint, accompanying the auriculotemporal nerve, anterior to the auricle, to the temporal region where it distributes branches.
ID 9
Arteria maxillaris (Maxillary artery) - Thicker terminal branch of the external carotid artery. It lies beneath the temporomandibular joint and behind the ramus of mandible, running laterally or medially from the lateral pterygoid to the pterygopalatine fossa.
ID 9
Arteria maxillaris (Maxillary artery) - Thicker terminal branch of the external carotid artery. It lies beneath the temporomandibular joint and behind the ramus of mandible, running laterally or medially from the lateral pterygoid to the pterygopalatine fossa.
ID 3
Arteria maxillaris (Maxillary artery) - Thicker terminal branch of the external carotid artery. It lies beneath the temporomandibular joint and behind the ramus of mandible, running laterally or medially from the lateral pterygoid to the pterygopalatine fossa.
ID 6
Arteria maxillaris (Maxillary artery) - Thicker terminal branch of the external carotid artery. It lies beneath the temporomandibular joint and behind the ramus of mandible, running laterally or medially from the lateral pterygoid to the pterygopalatine fossa.
Arteria maxillaris (Maxillary artery) - Thicker terminal branch of the external carotid artery. It lies beneath the temporomandibular joint and behind the ramus of mandible, running laterally or medially from the lateral pterygoid to the pterygopalatine fossa.
ID 1
Circulus Arteriosus Cerebri (Cerebral arterial circle) (Circle of Willis) - Arterial circle on the base of the brain. It connects the carotid and vertebral artery systems and often ensures equilateral blood supply. It mainly supplies the diencephalon via the communicating arteries.
ID combination of arteries
Circulus Arteriosus Cerebri (Cerebral arterial circle) (Circle of Willis) - Arterial circle on the base of the brain. It connects the carotid and vertebral artery systems and often ensures equilateral blood supply. It mainly supplies the diencephalon via the communicating arteries.
ID 15
A. Carotis Interna (INTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY) - It passes from the carotid bifurcation, without any branches, to the cranial base, continuing in the carotid canal to its terminal division into the middle and anterior cerebral arteries.
ID 10
A. Carotis Interna (INTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY) - It passes from the carotid bifurcation, without any branches, to the cranial base, continuing in the carotid canal to its terminal division into the middle and anterior cerebral arteries.
ID 10
A. Carotis Interna (INTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY) - It passes from the carotid bifurcation, without any branches, to the cranial base, continuing in the carotid canal to its terminal division into the middle and anterior cerebral arteries.
ID 4
A. Carotis Interna (INTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY) - It passes from the carotid bifurcation, without any branches, to the cranial base, continuing in the carotid canal to its terminal division into the middle and anterior cerebral arteries.
ID 7
A. Carotis Interna (INTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY) - It passes from the carotid bifurcation, without any branches, to the cranial base, continuing in the carotid canal to its terminal division into the middle and anterior cerebral arteries.
A. Carotis Interna (INTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY) - It passes from the carotid bifurcation, without any branches, to the cranial base, continuing in the carotid canal to its terminal division into the middle and anterior cerebral arteries.
A. Carotis Interna (INTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY) - It passes from the carotid bifurcation, without any branches, to the cranial base, continuing in the carotid canal to its terminal division into the middle and anterior cerebral arteries.
A. cerebri anterior (Anterior cerebral artery) - Thinner terminal branch of the internal carotid artery. It arises laterally from the division of the internal carotid artery above the anterior clinoid process, passes anteriorly, anastomoses with the artery from the opposite side, and runs between the cerebral hemispheres over the genu of corpus callosum and, on its posterior side, posteriorly toward the splenium. It gives off cortical arteries as well as arteries for subcortical and basal nuclei.
ID 2
A. cerebri anterior (Anterior cerebral artery) - Thinner terminal branch of the internal carotid artery. It arises laterally from the division of the internal carotid artery above the anterior clinoid process, passes anteriorly, anastomoses with the artery from the opposite side, and runs between the cerebral hemispheres over the genu of corpus callosum and, on its posterior side, posteriorly toward the splenium. It gives off cortical arteries as well as arteries for subcortical and basal nuclei.
ID entire pinned structure
A. cerebri anterior (Anterior cerebral artery) - Thinner terminal branch of the internal carotid artery. It arises laterally from the division of the internal carotid artery above the anterior clinoid process, passes anteriorly, anastomoses with the artery from the opposite side, and runs between the cerebral hemispheres over the genu of corpus callosum and, on its posterior side, posteriorly toward the splenium. It gives off cortical arteries as well as arteries for subcortical and basal nuclei.
ID 1
A. communicans anterior (Anterior communicating artery) - Highly variable anterior vessel connecting the two anterior cerebral arteries. Common site of aneurysms.
ID 2
A. communicans anterior (Anterior communicating artery) - Highly variable anterior vessel connecting the two anterior cerebral arteries. Common site of aneurysms.
ID 12
A. communicans anterior (Anterior communicating artery) - Highly variable anterior vessel connecting the two anterior cerebral arteries. Common site of aneurysms.
A. communicans anterior (Anterior communicating artery) - Highly variable anterior vessel connecting the two anterior cerebral arteries. Common site of aneurysms.
ID 20
A. cerebri media (Middle cerebral artery) - Second terminal branch of the internal carotid artery. It passes laterally between the frontal and temporal lobes to the lateral cerebral fossa where it divides. It gives off cortical branches as well as arteries for subcortical and basal nuclear regions.
ID 4
A. cerebri media (Middle cerebral artery) - Second terminal branch of the internal carotid artery. It passes laterally between the frontal and temporal lobes to the lateral cerebral fossa where it divides. It gives off cortical branches as well as arteries for subcortical and basal nuclear regions.
A. cerebri media (Middle cerebral artery) - Second terminal branch of the internal carotid artery. It passes laterally between the frontal and temporal lobes to the lateral cerebral fossa where it divides. It gives off cortical branches as well as arteries for subcortical and basal nuclear regions.
ID 19
A. communicans posterior (Posterior communicating artery) - Usually bilateral connection between the internal carotid artery or middle cerebral artery and the posterior cerebral artery of the basilar artery.
ID 5
A. communicans posterior (Posterior communicating artery) - Usually bilateral connection between the internal carotid artery or middle cerebral artery and the posterior cerebral artery of the basilar artery.
A. communicans posterior (Posterior communicating artery) - Usually bilateral connection between the internal carotid artery or middle cerebral artery and the posterior cerebral artery of the basilar artery.
ID 19
A. Basilaris (Basilar artery) - Unpaired vessel that arises from the union of the right and left vertebral arteries and extends in the basilar sulcus of pons to the site where it divides into the posterior cerebral arteries.
ID 19
A. Basilaris (Basilar artery) - Unpaired vessel that arises from the union of the right and left vertebral arteries and extends in the basilar sulcus of pons to the site where it divides into the posterior cerebral arteries.
ID 8
A. Basilaris (Basilar artery) - Unpaired vessel that arises from the union of the right and left vertebral arteries and extends in the basilar sulcus of pons to the site where it divides into the posterior cerebral arteries.
A. Basilaris (Basilar artery) - Unpaired vessel that arises from the union of the right and left vertebral arteries and extends in the basilar sulcus of pons to the site where it divides into the posterior cerebral arteries.
ID 2
A. cerebri posterior ( Posterior cerebral artery) - Paired terminal branch of the basilar artery that arises from the union of the right and left vertebral arteries.
ID 2
A. cerebri posterior ( Posterior cerebral artery) - Paired terminal branch of the basilar artery that arises from the union of the right and left vertebral arteries.
ID 6
A. cerebri posterior ( Posterior cerebral artery) - Paired terminal branch of the basilar artery that arises from the union of the right and left vertebral arteries.
ID 7
A. cerebri posterior ( Posterior cerebral artery) - Paired terminal branch of the basilar artery that arises from the union of the right and left vertebral arteries.
ID 14
A. cerebri posterior ( Posterior cerebral artery) - Paired terminal branch of the basilar artery that arises from the union of the right and left vertebral arteries.
ID 6
A. cerebri posterior ( Posterior cerebral artery) - Paired terminal branch of the basilar artery that arises from the union of the right and left vertebral arteries.
A. cerebri posterior ( Posterior cerebral artery) - Paired terminal branch of the basilar artery that arises from the union of the right and left vertebral arteries.
ID 21
Vena Jugularis Interna (INTERNAL JUGULAR VEIN) - Main vein of the neck that extends from the jugular foramen to the venous angle.
ID vein of 52
Vena Jugularis Interna (INTERNAL JUGULAR VEIN) - Main vein of the neck that extends from the jugular foramen to the venous angle.
ID 24
Vena Jugularis Interna (INTERNAL JUGULAR VEIN) - Main vein of the neck that extends from the jugular foramen to the venous angle.
ID 18
Vena Jugularis Interna (INTERNAL JUGULAR VEIN) - Main vein of the neck that extends from the jugular foramen to the venous angle.
ID 7
Vena Jugularis Interna (INTERNAL JUGULAR VEIN) - Main vein of the neck that extends from the jugular foramen to the venous angle.
ID 7
Vena Jugularis Interna (INTERNAL JUGULAR VEIN) - Main vein of the neck that extends from the jugular foramen to the venous angle.
ID vein at 29
V. lingualis (Lingual vein) - Vein of the tongue that mostly lie near the lingual artery.
ID vein
V. lingualis (Lingual vein) - Vein of the tongue that mostly lie near the lingual artery.
ID 5
Vena facialis (Facial vein) - Vein beginning at the medial angle of eye that lies behind the facial artery and then beneath the submandibular gland.
ID vein at 5
Vena facialis (Facial vein) - Vein beginning at the medial angle of eye that lies behind the facial artery and then beneath the submandibular gland.
ID 34
Vena facialis (Facial vein) - Vein beginning at the medial angle of eye that lies behind the facial artery and then beneath the submandibular gland.
ID 19
Vena facialis (Facial vein) - Vein beginning at the medial angle of eye that lies behind the facial artery and then beneath the submandibular gland.
ID vein
Vena facialis (Facial vein) - Vein beginning at the medial angle of eye that lies behind the facial artery and then beneath the submandibular gland.
ID vein at 12
V. labialis superiores (Superior labial vein) - Veins draining the upper lip.
ID 32
V. labialis superiores (Superior labial vein) - Veins draining the upper lip.
ID vein
V. labialis superiores (Superior labial vein) - Veins draining the upper lip.
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Vv. labiales inferiores (Inferior labial veins) - Usually multiple veins draining the lower lip.
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Vv. labiales inferiores (Inferior labial veins) - Usually multiple veins draining the lower lip.
ID veins
Vv. labiales inferiores (Inferior labial veins) - Usually multiple veins draining the lower lip.
ID vein at 6
V. angularis (Angular vein) - Beginning of the facial vein at the angle of eye formed by the union of the supratrochlear and supra-orbital veins. It anastomoses with the ophthalmic vein and communicates via the nasofrontal vein with the superior ophthalmic vein. Similar to the latter, it does not have any valves. Potential infection pathway from the face to the orbits and cranial cavity.
ID vein at 6
V. angularis (Angular vein) - Beginning of the facial vein at the angle of eye formed by the union of the supratrochlear and supra-orbital veins. It anastomoses with the ophthalmic vein and communicates via the nasofrontal vein with the superior ophthalmic vein. Similar to the latter, it does not have any valves. Potential infection pathway from the face to the orbits and cranial cavity.
ID 31
V. angularis (Angular vein) - Beginning of the facial vein at the angle of eye formed by the union of the supratrochlear and supra-orbital veins. It anastomoses with the ophthalmic vein and communicates via the nasofrontal vein with the superior ophthalmic vein. Similar to the latter, it does not have any valves. Potential infection pathway from the face to the orbits and cranial cavity.
ID vein
V. angularis (Angular vein) - Beginning of the facial vein at the angle of eye formed by the union of the supratrochlear and supra-orbital veins. It anastomoses with the ophthalmic vein and communicates via the nasofrontal vein with the superior ophthalmic vein. Similar to the latter, it does not have any valves. Potential infection pathway from the face to the orbits and cranial cavity.
ID vein at 14
Deep facial vein
ID vein
Deep facial vein
ID vein at 18
Vena retromandibularis ( Retromandibular vein) - It extends from the union of several branches in front of the ear to the facial vein.
ID 18
Vena retromandibularis ( Retromandibular vein) - It extends from the union of several branches in front of the ear to the facial vein.
ID vein at 8
Vena retromandibularis ( Retromandibular vein) - It extends from the union of several branches in front of the ear to the facial vein.
ID vein at 4
Vena retromandibularis ( Retromandibular vein) - It extends from the union of several branches in front of the ear to the facial vein.
ID vein
Vena Jugularis Externa ( External jugular vein) - Vein lying between the platysma and superficial layer of cervical fascia and usually emptying into the subclavian vein. It is fed by the following veins.
ID vein
Vena retromandibularis ( Retromandibular vein) - It extends from the union of several branches in front of the ear to the facial vein.
ID 22
Vv. temporales superficialis (Superficial temporal veins) - Veins accompanying the superficial temporal artery.
ID vein at 7
Vv. temporales superficialis (Superficial temporal veins) - Veins accompanying the superficial temporal artery.
ID 26
Vena Jugularis Externa ( External jugular vein) - Vein lying between the platysma and superficial layer of cervical fascia and usually emptying into the subclavian vein. It is fed by the following veins.
ID 25
Vena Jugularis Externa ( External jugular vein) - Vein lying between the platysma and superficial layer of cervical fascia and usually emptying into the subclavian vein. It is fed by the following veins.
ID 28
Vena Jugularis Externa ( External jugular vein) - Vein lying between the platysma and superficial layer of cervical fascia and usually emptying into the subclavian vein. It is fed by the following veins.
ID vein at 1
Vena Jugularis Externa ( External jugular vein) - Vein lying between the platysma and superficial layer of cervical fascia and usually emptying into the subclavian vein. It is fed by the following veins.
ID vein at 2
V. auricularis posterior (Posterior auricular vein) - Superficial vein lying behind the ear.
V. auricularis posterior (Posterior auricular vein) - Superficial vein lying behind the ear.
ID sinus at 8
Sinus transversus (transverse sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It commences at the confluence of sinuses and passes laterally to the sigmoid sinus.
ID sinus at 8
Sinus transversus (transverse sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It commences at the confluence of sinuses and passes laterally to the sigmoid sinus.
ID 11
Sinus transversus (transverse sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It commences at the confluence of sinuses and passes laterally to the sigmoid sinus.
ID 19
Sinus transversus (transverse sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It commences at the confluence of sinuses and passes laterally to the sigmoid sinus.
ID 5
Sinus transversus (transverse sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It commences at the confluence of sinuses and passes laterally to the sigmoid sinus.
Dural Venous Sinuses
Sinus transversus (transverse sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It commences at the confluence of sinuses and passes laterally to the sigmoid sinus.
ID sinus 14
Sinus sigmoideus (sigmoid sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It exits the lateral wall of the cranium as a continuation of the transverse sinus and courses in an S-shape to the jugular foramen.
ID sinus 14
Sinus sigmoideus (sigmoid sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It exits the lateral wall of the cranium as a continuation of the transverse sinus and courses in an S-shape to the jugular foramen.
ID sinus 35
Sinus sigmoideus (sigmoid sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It exits the lateral wall of the cranium as a continuation of the transverse sinus and courses in an S-shape to the jugular foramen.
ID 16
Sinus sigmoideus (sigmoid sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It exits the lateral wall of the cranium as a continuation of the transverse sinus and courses in an S-shape to the jugular foramen.
Sinus sigmoideus (sigmoid sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It exits the lateral wall of the cranium as a continuation of the transverse sinus and courses in an S-shape to the jugular foramen.
ID 18
Sinus rectus (straight sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It commences at the union of the great cerebral vein and inferior sagittal sinus and runs within the root of the falx cerebri at its junction with the tentorium cerebelli to the confluence of sinuses.
ID sinus at 3
Sinus rectus (straight sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It commences at the union of the great cerebral vein and inferior sagittal sinus and runs within the root of the falx cerebri at its junction with the tentorium cerebelli to the confluence of sinuses.
ID 12
Sinus rectus (straight sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It commences at the union of the great cerebral vein and inferior sagittal sinus and runs within the root of the falx cerebri at its junction with the tentorium cerebelli to the confluence of sinuses.
ID 10
Sinus rectus (straight sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It commences at the union of the great cerebral vein and inferior sagittal sinus and runs within the root of the falx cerebri at its junction with the tentorium cerebelli to the confluence of sinuses.
Sinus rectus (straight sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It commences at the union of the great cerebral vein and inferior sagittal sinus and runs within the root of the falx cerebri at its junction with the tentorium cerebelli to the confluence of sinuses.
ID sinus at 15
Sinus sagittalis superior (Superior sagittal sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It passes from the ca- vernous sinus along the superior border of the petrous part of temporal bone to the sigmoid sinus.
ID sinus at 15
Sinus sagittalis superior (Superior sagittal sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It passes from the ca- vernous sinus along the superior border of the petrous part of temporal bone to the sigmoid sinus.
ID sinus at 22
Sinus sagittalis superior (Superior sagittal sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It passes from the ca- vernous sinus along the superior border of the petrous part of temporal bone to the sigmoid sinus.
ID sinus at 9
Sinus sagittalis superior (Superior sagittal sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It passes from the ca- vernous sinus along the superior border of the petrous part of temporal bone to the sigmoid sinus.
ID sinus at 9
Sinus sagittalis superior (Superior sagittal sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It passes from the ca- vernous sinus along the superior border of the petrous part of temporal bone to the sigmoid sinus.
ID sinus at 17
Sinus sagittalis superior (Superior sagittal sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It passes from the ca- vernous sinus along the superior border of the petrous part of temporal bone to the sigmoid sinus.
Sinus sagittalis superior (Superior sagittal sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It passes from the ca- vernous sinus along the superior border of the petrous part of temporal bone to the sigmoid sinus.
ID sinus at 17
Sinus sagittalis inferior (inferior sagittal sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It runs from the caver- nous sinus along the posterior inferior border of the petrous part of temporal bone to the jugular foramen.
ID 15
Sinus sagittalis inferior (inferior sagittal sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It runs from the caver- nous sinus along the posterior inferior border of the petrous part of temporal bone to the jugular foramen.
ID 25
Sinus sagittalis inferior (inferior sagittal sinus of the dural venous sinuses) - It runs from the caver- nous sinus along the posterior inferior border of the petrous part of temporal bone to the jugular foramen.
Sinus sagittalis inferior (inferior sagittal sinus) - It runs from the caver- nous sinus along the posterior inferior border of the petrous part of temporal bone to the jugular foramen.
ID 9
Confluens sinuum (confluence of sinuses) - Union of the superior sagittal sinus, straight sinus, occipital sinus, and transverse sinus at the internal occipital protuberance.
ID 13
Confluens sinuum (confluence of sinuses) - Union of the superior sagittal sinus, straight sinus, occipital sinus, and transverse sinus at the internal occipital protuberance.
ID 17
Confluens sinuum (confluence of sinuses) - Union of the superior sagittal sinus, straight sinus, occipital sinus, and transverse sinus at the internal occipital protuberance.
ID 28
Confluens sinuum (confluence of sinuses) - Union of the superior sagittal sinus, straight sinus, occipital sinus, and transverse sinus at the internal occipital protuberance.