Digestive, Respiratory, Endocrine of Thorax Flashcards
ID combination of 2,3 and 4
Oesophagus [ESOPHAGUS] - Passageway measuring 23–26 cm in length that begins below the cricoid cartilage at the level of the sixth cervical vertebra and ends at the cardia of the stomach.
ID structure
Oesophagus [ESOPHAGUS] - Passageway measuring 23–26 cm in length that begins below the cricoid cartilage at the level of the sixth cervical vertebra and ends at the cardia of the stomach.
ID structure in green
Oesophagus [ESOPHAGUS] - Passageway measuring 23–26 cm in length that begins below the cricoid cartilage at the level of the sixth cervical vertebra and ends at the cardia of the stomach.
ID 3
Pars thoracica [Thoracic part of esophagus] - Part of the esophagus that extends from the first thoracic vertebra to its passage through the diaphragm (near T11).
ID structure
Trachea - elastic tube between the larynx and bronchi.
ID 21
M. trachealis [Trachealis m.] - Smooth-muscle cells that pass between the free ends of the horseshoe-shaped tracheal cartilages in the membranous wall of the trachea.
M. trachealis [Trachealis m.] - Smooth-muscle cells that pass between the free ends of the horseshoe-shaped tracheal cartilages in the membranous wall of the trachea.
What general term do the labeled terms fall under?
Bronchi lobares et segmentales [lobar and segmental bronchi] - The bronchi supplying the 5 lobes of the lungs and their 20 segments.
ID 6
Bronchus lobaris superior dexter [Right superior lobar bronchus] - Bronchus that branches off shortly after the tracheal bifurcation and supplies the right superior lobe.
Bronchus lobaris superior dexter [Right superior lobar bronchus] - Bronchus that branches off shortly after the tracheal bifurcation and supplies the right superior lobe.
ID 7
Bronchus segmentalis apicalis (BI) [Apical segmental bronchus (B I)] - It supplies the apical segment, extending inferiorly to the third rib.
Bronchus segmentalis apicalis (BI) [Apical segmental bronchus (B I)] - It supplies the apical segment, extending inferiorly to the third rib.
ID 8
Bronchus segmentalis posterior (BII) [Posterior segmental bronchus (B II)] - It supplies the posterior segment, which extends anteriorly to about the midaxillary line.
Bronchus segmentalis posterior (BII) [Posterior segmental bronchus (B II)] - It supplies the posterior segment, which extends anteriorly to about the midaxillary line.
ID 9
Bronchus segmentalis anterior (BII) [Anterior segmental bronchus (B III)] - It supplies the anterior segment, which extends posteriorly to about the midaxillary line.
Bronchus segmentalis anterior (BII) [Anterior segmental bronchus (B III)] - It supplies the anterior segment, which extends posteriorly to about the midaxillary line.
ID 10
Bronchus lobaris medius dexter [middle lobar bronchus] - Lobar bronchus supplying the middle lobe of right lung.
Here it is what 11 and 12 branch off of:
Bronchus lobaris medius dexter [middle lobar bronchus] - Lobar bronchus supplying the middle lobe of right lung.
ID 11
Bronchus segmentalis lateralis (BIV) [lateral segmental bronchus (B IV)] - It supplies the lateral segment in the dorsal part of the middle lobe.
Bronchus segmentalis lateralis (BIV) [lateral segmental bronchus (B IV)] - It supplies the lateral segment in the dorsal part of the middle lobe.
ID 12
Bronchus segmentalis medialis (BV) [Medial segmental bronchus (B V)] - It supplies the anteromedial segment in the middle lobe.
Bronchus segmentalis medialis (BV) [Medial segmental bronchus (B V)] - It supplies the anteromedial segment in the middle lobe.
ID 13
Bronchus lobaris inferior dexter [Right inferior lobar bronchus] - It supplies the right inferior lobe, which extends posteriorly up to the level of the fourth rib.
Bronchus lobaris inferior dexter [Right inferior lobar bronchus] - It supplies the right inferior lobe, which extends posteriorly up to the level of the fourth rib.
ID 14
Bronchus segmentalis superior (BVI) [Superior segmental bronchus (B VI)] - Bronchus supplying the apical segment, which borders only on the superior lobe.
Bronchus segmentalis superior (BVI) [Superior segmental bronchus (B VI)] - Bronchus supplying the apical segment, which borders only on the superior lobe.
ID 15
Bronchus segmentalis basalis medialis (BVII) [Medial basal segmental bronchus (B VII)] - Bronchus supplying the medial segment, which does not reach the outer surface of the inferior lobe.
Bronchus segmentalis basalis medialis (BVII) [Medial basal segmental bronchus (B VII)] - Bronchus supplying the medial segment, which does not reach the outer surface of the inferior lobe.
ID 16
Bronchus segmentalis basalis anterior (BVIII) [Anterior basal segmental bronchus (B VIII)] - Bronchus supplying the wedge-shaped anterior end of the inferior lobe.
Bronchus segmentalis basalis anterior (BVIII) [Anterior basal segmental bronchus (B VIII)] - Bronchus supplying the wedge-shaped anterior end of the inferior lobe.
ID 17
Bronchus segmentalis basalis lateralis (BIX) [Lateral basal segmental bronchus (B IX)] - Bronchus supplying the small lateral segment located between the anterior and posterior segments.
Bronchus segmentalis basalis lateralis (BIX) [Lateral basal segmental bronchus (B IX)] - Bronchus supplying the small lateral segment located between the anterior and posterior segments.
ID 18
Bronchus segmentalis basalis posterior (BX) [Posterior basal segmental bronchus (B X)] - It supplies the segment extending posteriorly to the vertebral column.
Bronchus segmentalis basalis posterior (BX) [Posterior basal segmental bronchus (B X)] - It supplies the segment extending posteriorly to the vertebral column.
ID 19
Bronchus lobaris superior sinister [Left superior lobar bronchus] - Lobar bronchus supplying the superior lobe of left lung.
Bronchus lobaris superior sinister [Left superior lobar bronchus] - Lobar bronchus supplying the superior lobe of left lung.
ID 20
Bronchus segmentalis apicoposterior (BI+BII) [Apicoposterior segmental bronchus (B I + II)] - Bronchus supplying the apicoposterior segment of left lung.
Bronchus segmentalis apicoposterior (BI+BII) [Apicoposterior segmental bronchus (B I + II)] - Bronchus supplying the apicoposterior segment of left lung.
ID 21
Bronchus segmentalis anterior (BIII) [Anterior segmental bronchus (B III)] - It supplies the anterior segment of the superior lobe of left lung, which is anterior to the apical segment.
Bronchus segmentalis anterior (BIII) [Anterior segmental bronchus (B III)] - It supplies the anterior segment of the superior lobe of left lung, which is anterior to the apical segment.
ID 22
Bronchus segmentalis bronchus lingularis superior (BIV) [Superior lingular segmental bronchus (B IV)] - Bronchus supplying the second lowest segment of the superior lobe of left lung, which extends to the border of the inferior lobe.
Bronchus segmentalis bronchus lingularis superior (BIV) [Superior lingular segmental bronchus (B IV)] - Bronchus supplying the second lowest segment of the superior lobe of left lung, which extends to the border of the inferior lobe.
ID 23
Bronchus segmentalis bronchus lingularis inferior (BV) [Inferior lingular segmental bronchus (B V)] - Bronchus supplying the lowest segment of the superior lobe, which is mainly situated ventrally.
Bronchus segmentalis bronchus lingularis inferior (BV) [Inferior lingular segmental bronchus (B V)] - Bronchus supplying the lowest segment of the superior lobe, which is mainly situated ventrally.
ID 24
Bronchus lobaris inferior sinister [Left inferior lobar bronchus] - Lobar bronchus supplying the inferior lobe of left lung which extends dorsally upward to T4.
Bronchus lobaris inferior sinister [Left inferior lobar bronchus] - Lobar bronchus supplying the inferior lobe of left lung which extends dorsally upward to T4.
ID 25
Bronchus segmentalis superior (BVI) [Superior segmental bronchus (B VI)] - Bronchus supplying the apical segment in the posterosuperior part of the inferior lobe.
Bronchus segmentalis superior (BVI) [Superior segmental bronchus (B VI)] - Bronchus supplying the apical segment in the posterosuperior part of the inferior lobe.
ID 26
Bronchus segmentalis basalis medialis (BVII) [Medial basal segmental bronchus (B VII)] - It supplies the medial basal segment which does not reach the lateral surface of the lung.
Bronchus segmentalis basalis medialis (BVII) [Medial basal segmental bronchus (B VII)] - It supplies the medial basal segment which does not reach the lateral surface of the lung.
ID 27
Bronchus segmentalis basalis anterior (BVIII) [Anterior basal segmental bronchus (B VIII)] - It supplies the anterior basal segment which extends to the anterior boundary of the inferior lobe.
Bronchus segmentalis basalis anterior (BVIII) [Anterior basal segmental bronchus (B VIII)] - It supplies the anterior basal segment which extends to the anterior boundary of the inferior lobe.
ID 28
Bronchus segmentalis basalis lateralis (BIX) [Lateral basal segmental bronchus (B IX)] - Bronchus supplying the middle basal segment between the anterior and posterior basal segments.
Bronchus segmentalis basalis lateralis (BIX) [Lateral basal segmental bronchus (B IX)] - Bronchus supplying the middle basal segment between the anterior and posterior basal segments.
ID 29
Bronchus segmentalis basalis posterior (BX) [Posterior basal segmental bronchus (B X)] - Bronchus supplying the posterior basal segment of the inferior lobe located below the apical segment.
Bronchus segmentalis basalis posterior (BX) [Posterior basal segmental bronchus (B X)] - Bronchus supplying the posterior basal segment of the inferior lobe located below the apical segment.
Segmenta bronchopulmonalia [Bronchopulmonary segments] - Lung segments that are bounded from each other peripherally by veins and connective-tissue tracts and that have their own central bronchial and arterial supply.
Segmenta bronchopulmonalia [Bronchopulmonary segments] - Lung segments that are bounded from each other peripherally by veins and connective-tissue tracts and that have their own central bronchial and arterial supply.
ID marked organ
Thymus [Thymus] - Lymphoid organ situated in the thymic triangle. It regresses during puberty.
ID 1
Lobus sinister [Left lobe of the thymus]
ID 2
Lobus dexter [Right lobe of the thymus]
ID green highlight
Bronchioli respiratorii [Respiratory bronchioles] - . Noncartilaginous segments of the bronchial tree that diverge from the small bronchi and extend to the alveolar ducts. Their lining of simple, ciliated, columnar epithelium transitions into cuboidal epithelium.
ID green
Ductus alveolares - [Alveolar duct] - The part of the respiratory passages distal to the respiratory bronchiole; from it arise alveolar sacs and alveoli.
ID highlighted structure
Sacculi alveolares - [Alveolar sac] - terminal dilation of the alveolar ducts, which give rise to alveoli in the lung; a small air chamber in the pulmonary tissue from which the pulmonary alveoli project like bays and into which an alveolar duct opens
Alveoli pulmonis [pulmonary alveoli] - One of the thin-walled, saclike terminal dilations of the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveolar sacs across which gas exchange occurs between alveolar air and the pulmonary capillaries.