Osteology, Myology, Cardiovascular of Abdomen Flashcards
ID 48.31
Vertebrae Lumbales [lumbar vertebrae] - The 5 lumbar vertebrae
ID 32
Processus accessorius [accessory process of a lumbar vertebra] - Rudiment of the original transverse process of the lumbar vertebrae projecting posteriorly from the base of the costal process
ID green
Processus accessorius [accessory process of a lumbar vertebra] - Rudiment of the original transverse process of the lumbar vertebrae projecting posteriorly from the base of the costal process
ID 34
Processus mammillaris [mamillary process of a lumbar vertebra] - Small protuberance on the lateral surface of the superior articular process of the lumbar vertebrae.
ID green
Processus mammillaris [mamillary process of a lumbar vertebra] - Small protuberance on the lateral surface of the superior articular process of the lumbar vertebrae.
ID 11
M. Pyramidalis [Pyramidalis m.] - Muscle located between two layers in the anterior part of the rectus sheath. o: Pubic crest and pubic symphysis. i: Linea alba. I: Subcostal nerve.
ID highlighted muscles
M. Pyramidalis [Pyramidalis m.] - Muscle located between two layers in the anterior part of the rectus sheath. o: Pubic crest and pubic symphysis. i: Linea alba. I: Subcostal nerve.
ID 31
M. Quadratus lumborum [quadratus lumborum m.] - o: Iliac crest. i: Twelfth rib, costal processes of lumbar vertebrae L1– L4. Draws ribs inferiorly, lateral flexion. I: In- tercostal nerve of twelfth rib, lumbar plexus.
ID muscle
M. Quadratus lumborum [quadratus lumborum m.] - o: Iliac crest. i: Twelfth rib, costal processes of lumbar vertebrae L1– L4. Draws ribs inferiorly, lateral flexion. I: In- tercostal nerve of twelfth rib, lumbar plexus.
Another view is shown here
ID 25
A. Phrenica inferior [Inferior phrenic artery] - Paired arteries arising from the anterior surface of the abdominal aorta. They supply the diaphragm from below.
ID 11
A. Phrenica inferior [Inferior phrenic artery] - Paired arteries arising from the anterior surface of the abdominal aorta. They supply the diaphragm from below.
ID 4’s
A. Phrenica inferior [Inferior phrenic artery] - Paired arteries arising from the anterior surface of the abdominal aorta. They supply the diaphragm from below.
Shown here as 42
A. Phrenica inferior [Inferior phrenic artery] - Paired arteries arising from the anterior surface of the abdominal aorta. They supply the diaphragm from below.
ID 31
A. Sacralis mediana [Median sacral artery] - Median continuation of the aorta over the promontory to the coccygeal body.
ID 30
A. Sacralis mediana [Median sacral artery] - Median continuation of the aorta over the promontory to the coccygeal body.
A. Sacralis mediana [Median sacral artery] - Median continuation of the aorta over the promontory to the coccygeal body.
ID 22
A. Suprarenalis media [Middle suprarenal artery] - Artery arising di- rectly from the aorta that supplies the supra-renal gland.
ID 12
A. Suprarenalis media [Middle suprarenal artery] - Artery arising di- rectly from the aorta that supplies the supra- renal gland.
A. Suprarenalis media [Middle suprarenal artery] - Artery arising di- rectly from the aorta that supplies the supra- renal gland.
ID 9
A. Iliaca interna [INTERNAL ILIAC ARTERY] - Artery beginning at the division of the common iliac artery, pas- sing from here into the lesser pelvis and ex- tending to the upper border of the greater scia- tic foramen. Its branches are highly variable.
ID 10
A. Iliolumbalis [iliolumbar artery] - It passes below the psoas and internal iliac artery into the iliac fossa.
ID 39
A. Iliolumbalis [iliolumbar artery] - It passes below the psoas and internal iliac artery into the iliac fossa.
A. Iliolumbalis [iliolumbar artery] - It passes below the psoas and internal iliac artery into the iliac fossa.
ID 16
A. Obturatoria [obturator artery] - Artery running in the lateral wall of the pelvis and passing through the obturator foramen to the adductors.
ID 20
A. Obturatoria [obturator artery] - Artery running in the lateral wall of the pelvis and passing through the obturator foramen to the adductors.
A. Obturatoria [obturator artery] - Artery running in the lateral wall of the pelvis and passing through the obturator foramen to the adductors.
ID 21
A. Glutea superior [superior gluteal artery] - Artery passing through the greater sciatic foramen over the piriformis into the gluteal region.
ID 40
A. Glutea superior [superior gluteal artery] - Artery passing through the greater sciatic foramen over the piriformis into the gluteal region.
A. Glutea superior [superior gluteal artery] - Artery passing through the greater sciatic foramen over the piriformis into the gluteal region.
ID 26
A. Glutea inferior [inferior gluteal artery] - After passing through the greater sciatic foramen, it runs beneath the piriformis, distributing branches beneath the gluteus maximus. It anastomoses with the superior gluteal artery, obturator artery, and circumflex femoral arteries.
ID 18
A. Glutea inferior [inferior gluteal artery] - After passing through the greater sciatic foramen, it runs beneath the piriformis, distributing branches beneath the gluteus maximus. It anastomoses with the superior gluteal artery, obturator artery, and circumflex femoral arteries.
A. Glutea inferior [inferior gluteal artery] - After passing through the greater sciatic foramen, it runs beneath the piriformis, distributing branches beneath the gluteus maximus. It anastomoses with the superior gluteal artery, obturator artery, and circumflex femoral arteries.
ID 17
Vena Azygos [AZYGOS VEIN] - Vein lying on the vertebral col- umn that begins at the ascending lumbar vein and opens at the level of the fourth to fifth thoracic vertebrae into the superior vena cava before it enters the pericardium.
ID 21
Vena Azygos [AZYGOS VEIN] - Vein lying on the vertebral col- umn that begins at the ascending lumbar vein and opens at the level of the fourth to fifth thoracic vertebrae into the superior vena cava before it enters the pericardium.
Shown here as 5
Vena Azygos [AZYGOS VEIN] - Vein lying on the vertebral column that begins at the ascending lumbar vein and opens at the level of the fourth to fifth thoracic vertebrae into the superior vena cava before it enters the pericardium.
ID 10
Vena Azygos [AZYGOS VEIN] - Vein lying on the vertebral column that begins at the ascending lumbar vein and opens at the level of the fourth to fifth thoracic vertebrae into the superior vena cava before it enters the pericardium.
Arcus venae azygos [arch of azygos vein] - Venous arch before the vein opens into the superior vena cava.
ID 20
V. Hemiazygos [hemi-azygos vein; inferior hemi-azygos vein] - Vein that frequently begins at the left ascend- ing lumbar vein, receives the eleventh through ninth intercostal veins, and usually opens at the level of the ninth to tenth thoracic verteb- rae into the azygos vein.
ID 34
V. Hemiazygos [hemi-azygos vein; inferior hemi-azygos vein] - Vein that frequently begins at the left ascend- ing lumbar vein, receives the eleventh through ninth intercostal veins, and usually opens at the level of the ninth to tenth thoracic verteb- rae into the azygos vein.
V. Hemiazygos [hemi-azygos vein; inferior hemi-azygos vein] - Vein that frequently begins at the left ascend- ing lumbar vein, receives the eleventh through ninth intercostal veins, and usually opens at the level of the ninth to tenth thoracic verteb- rae into the azygos vein.
ID 21
V. Hemiazygos accessoria [accessory hemi-azygos vein; superior hemi-azygos vein] - It receives the fourth through eighth intercostal veins and opens alone or to- gether with the hemi-azygos vein into the azy- gos vein. It can also receive the first three in- tercostal veins and, in this case, anastomose with the left brachiocephalic vein.
ID 32
V. Hemiazygos accessoria [accessory hemi-azygos vein; superior hemi-azygos vein] - It receives the fourth through eighth intercostal veins and opens alone or to- gether with the hemi-azygos vein into the azy- gos vein. It can also receive the first three in- tercostal veins and, in this case, anastomose with the left brachiocephalic vein.
V. Hemiazygos accessoria [accessory hemi-azygos vein; superior hemi-azygos vein] - It receives the fourth through eighth intercostal veins and opens alone or to- gether with the hemi-azygos vein into the azy- gos vein. It can also receive the first three in- tercostal veins and, in this case, anastomose with the left brachiocephalic vein.
ID 1
Vena Mesenterica Superior [superior mesenteric vein] - It drains the area from about the inferior half of the duodenum to the splenic flexure. It unites with the splenic vein to form the hepatic portal vein.
ID 4
V. Gastroomentalis dextra [right gastro-omental vein; right gastro-epiploic vein] - Accompanying vein of the right gastro-omental artery.
ID 20
V. Gastroomentalis dextra et sinistra [right and left gastro-omental vein; right gastro-epiploic vein] - Accompanying vein of the right gastro-omental artery.
V. Gastroomentalis dextra [right gastro-omental vein; right gastro-epiploic vein] - Accompanying vein of the right gastro-omental artery.
ID 14
V. Gastroomentalis sinistra [left gastro-omental vein: left gastro-epiploic vein] - Accompanying vein of the left gastro- omental artery.
V. Gastroomentalis sinistra [left gastro-omental vein: left gastro-epiploic vein] - Accompanying vein of the left gastro- omental artery.
ID 13
Vena portae hepatis [hepatic portal vein] - It conveys blood from the alimentary system to the liver. It forms important anastomoses with the esophageal veins, rectal venous plexus, and superficial veins of the abdominal skin.
ID 13
Vena portae hepatis [hepatic portal vein] - It conveys blood from the alimentary system to the liver. It forms important anastomoses with the esophageal veins, rectal venous plexus, and superficial veins of the abdominal skin.
Vena portae hepatis [hepatic portal vein] - It conveys blood from the alimentary system to the liver. It forms important anastomoses with the esophageal veins, rectal venous plexus, and superficial veins of the abdominal skin.
ID 28
V. Gastrica dextra [right gastric vein] - Accompanying vein of the right gastric artery.
V. Gastrica dextra [right gastric vein] - Accompanying vein of the right gastric artery.
ID 27
V. Gastrica sinistra [left gastric vein] - Accompanying vein of the left gastric artery.
ID 17
V. Gastrica sinistra [left gastric vein] - Accompanying vein of the left gastric artery.
V. Gastrica sinistra [left gastric vein] - Accompanying vein of the left gastric artery.
ID 5
V. Hepatica dextra [right hepatic vein] - Vein from the right lobe of liver.
V. Hepatica dextra [right hepatic vein] - Vein from the right lobe of liver.
ID 6
V. Hepatica intermedia [intermediate hepatic vein] - Vein from the caudate lobe.
V. Hepatica intermedia [intermediate hepatic vein] - Vein from the caudate lobe.
ID 7
V. Hepatica sinistra [left hepatic vein] - Vein from the left lobe of liver.
V. Hepatica sinistra [left hepatic vein] - Vein from the left lobe of liver.
ID 8
Vv. Renales [renal veins] - Right and left veins from the kidney.
ID 14
V. Suprarenalis dextra [right suprarenal vein] - Vein from the right suprarenal gland that usually opens directly into the inferior vena cava.
ID 11
V. Suprarenalis sinistra [left suprarenal vein] - Vein from the left suprarenal gland.
V. Suprarenalis sinistra [left suprarenal vein] - Vein from the left suprarenal gland.