Digestive, Respiratory, & Endocrine structures of Neck Flashcards
ID structure
Oesophagus [Esophagus] - Passageway measuring 23–26 cm in length that begins below the cricoid cartilage at the level of the sixth cervical vertebra and ends at the cardia of the stomach.
ID 38
Oesophagus [Esophagus] - Passageway measuring 23–26 cm in length that begins below the cricoid cartilage at the level of the sixth cervical vertebra and ends at the cardia of the stomach.
Shown as 13 here
ID 2
Pars cervicalis [cervical part of esophagus] - Segment of the esophagus located in front of the cervical vertebral column (C6–T1).
ID green highlight
Pars cervicalis [cervical part of esophagus] - Segment of the esophagus located in front of the cervical vertebral column (C6–T1).
ID 19
Cartilago Thyroidea [thyroid cartilage] - Largest laryngeal cartilage partly enclosing the others.
ID 21
Lamina sinistra [left lamina of thyroid cartilage] - Lateral plates of the thyroid cartilage that meet in the midline like the prow of a ship.
Lamina dextra [right lamina of thyroid cartilage] - Lateral plates of the thyroid cartilage that meet in the midline like the prow of a ship.
Lamina dextra [right lamina of thyroid cartilage] - Lateral plates of the thyroid cartilage that meet in the midline like the prow of a ship.
Shown here is the left:
Lamina sinistra [left lamina of thyroid cartilage] - Lateral plates of the thyroid cartilage that meet in the midline like the prow of a ship. 21 DE
ID 22
Incisura thyroidea superior [superior thyroid notch] - Deep, upper midline notch between the right and left laminae.
ID 6
Incisura thyroidea superior [superior thyroid notch] - Deep, upper midline notch between the right and left laminae.
ID 23
Incisura thyroidea inferior [inferior thyroid notch] - Shallow, lower midline depression between the right and left laminae.
ID 26
Linea obliqua [oblique line of the thyroid cartilage] - Oblique ridge on the outer aspect of the thyroid cartilage that gives attachment to the sternothyroid and thyrohyoid muscles and the inferior constrictor muscle of the pharynx.
Linea obliqua [oblique line of the thyroid cartilage] - Oblique ridge on the outer aspect of the thyroid cartilage that gives attachment to the sternothyroid and thyrohyoid muscles and the inferior constrictor muscle of the pharynx.
ID 30
Membrana thyrohyoidea [thyrohyoid membrane] - Fibroelastic membrane that extends between the upper medial border of the hyoid bone and the thyroid cartilage.
ID 4
Membrana thyrohyoidea [thyrohyoid membrane] - Fibroelastic membrane that extends between the upper medial border of the hyoid bone and the thyroid cartilage.
Shown here in green
ID 31
Lig. thyrohyoideum medianum [median thyrohyoid ligament] - Medial thickening of the thyrohyoid membrane containing elastic fibers.
Another view shown here in green
ID 34
Lig. thyrohyoideum laterale [lateral thyrohyoid ligament] - Band that passes from the superior horn to the posterior end of the greater horn of hyoid bone. Lateral thickening of the thyrohyoid membrane.
Another view shown here in green
ID 1
Cartilago Cricoidea [cricoid cartilage] - Signet-ring shaped cartilage located at the upper end of the trachea that articulates with the thyroid cartilage.
ID 4
Cartilago Cricoidea [cricoid cartilage] - Signet-ring shaped cartilage located at the upper end of the trachea that articulates with the thyroid cartilage.
(3 is the thyroid cartilage)
ID 2
Arcus cartilaginis cricoideae [arch of cricoid cartilage] - Anterior and lateral part of the cricoid cartilage.
ID 16
Arcus cartilaginis cricoideae [arch of cricoid cartilage] - Anterior and lateral part of the cricoid cartilage.
ID 3
Lamina cartilaginis cricoideae [lamina of cricoid cartilage] - Posteriorly directed cricoid cartilage plate.
ID 15
Lamina cartilaginis cricoideae [lamina of cricoid cartilage] - Posteriorly directed cricoid cartilage plate.
ID joint at 6
Articulatio cricothyroidea [cricothyroid joint] - Joint formed by the thyroid and cricoid cartilages. It allows tilting movement as well as horizontal and vertical sliding motion of the cricoid cartilage against the thyroid cartilage.
ID joint at 16
Articulatio cricothyroidea [cricothyroid joint] - Joint formed by the thyroid and cricoid cartilages. It allows tilting movement as well as horizontal and vertical sliding motion of the cricoid cartilage against the thyroid cartilage.
Shown here as 10
Cartilago Arytenoidea [arytenoid cartilage] - Nearly pyramid-shaped cartilage sitting atop the cricoid cartilage.
Cartilago Arytenoidea [arytenoid cartilage] - Nearly pyramid-shaped cartilage sitting atop the cricoid cartilage.
ID 14
Cartilago Arytenoidea [arytenoid cartilage] - Nearly pyramid-shaped cartilage sitting atop the cricoid cartilage.
ID 14
Facies anterolateralis [anterolateral surface of arytenoid cartilage] - Surface that faces anterolaterally and serves for muscle insertion and origin.
ID 15
Processus vocalis [vocal process of arytenoid cartilage] - Anteriorly projecting process that serves for the attachment of the vocal ligament.
ID 14
Processus vocalis [vocal process of arytenoid cartilage] - Anteriorly projecting process that serves for the attachment of the vocal ligament.
ID 16
Crista arcuata [arcuate crest of arytenoid cartilage] - Ridge of cartilage that begins between the oblong and triangular foveae, curves around the triangular fovea, and ends at the colliculus.
ID 12
Facies articularis [articular surface of arytenoid cartilage] - Cylindrical, concave basal articular surface below the muscular process with which the arytenoid cartilage rides on the cricoid cartilage.
ID 13
Basis cartilaginis arytenoideae [base of arytenoid cartilage] - Inferior surface of the arytenoid cartilage.
ID 22
Apex cartilaginis arytenoideae [apex of arytenoid cartilage] - Tip of the arytenoid cartilage that curves posteriorly and bears the corniculate cartilage.
ID 24
Articulatio cricoarytenoidea [cricoarytenoid joint] - Cylindrical projection for articulation between the arytenoid and cricoid cartilages with a wide capsule and without collateral ligaments. This allows oscillating movement around the oblique axis of the cylinder, gliding movement parallel to the axis, and rotation around the height axis of the arytenoid cartilage.
ID joint at 17
Articulatio cricoarytenoidea [cricoarytenoid joint] - Cylindrical projection for articulation between the arytenoid and cricoid cartilages with a wide capsule and without collateral ligaments. This allows oscillating movement around the oblique axis of the cylinder, gliding movement parallel to the axis, and rotation around the height axis of the arytenoid cartilage.
ID 3
Epiglottis [epiglottis] - Elastic cartilage shaped like a shoehorn.
ID 5
Petioles epiglottica [stalk of the epiglottis] - Inferiorly directed epiglottis petiolus. It is attached to the prow of the thyroid cartilage by connective tissue.
ID 7
Lig. thyroepiglotticum [thyroepiglottic ligament of epiglottis] - Band that attaches the stalk of epiglottis to the posterior surface of the thyroid cartilage.
Lig. thyroepiglotticum [thyroepiglottic ligament of epiglottis] - Band that attaches the stalk of epiglottis to the posterior surface of the thyroid cartilage.
ID 8
Lig. hyoepiglotticum [hyoepiglottic ligament] - Ligament that extends between the hyoid bone and the epiglottis.
ID 7
Lig. thyroepiglotticum [thyroepiglottic ligament of epiglottis] - Band that attaches the stalk of epiglottis to the posterior surface of the thyroid cartilage.
ID 23
Cavitas laryngitis [laryngeal cavity] - Space within the larynx.
Cavitas laryngitis [laryngeal cavity] - Space within the larynx.
ID 25
Plica Aryepiglottica [aryepiglottic fold of the laryngeal cavity] - Mucosal fold overlying the ary-epiglottic part of oblique arytenoid muscle. It extends from the apex of arytenoid cartilage to the lateral margin of the epiglottis.
ID pinned structure
Plica Aryepiglottica [aryepiglottic fold of the laryngeal cavity] - Mucosal fold overlying the ary-epiglottic part of oblique arytenoid muscle. It extends from the apex of arytenoid cartilage to the lateral margin of the epiglottis.
ID 168.30
Tuberculum corniculatum [corniculate tubercle of aryepiglottic fold] - Mucosa-covered prominence overlying the corniculate cartilage immediately above the apex of the arytenoid cartilage.
ID lowest pinned structure
Tuberculum corniculatum [corniculate tubercle of aryepiglottic fold] - Mucosa-covered prominence overlying the corniculate cartilage immediately above the apex of the arytenoid cartilage.
ID 2
Tuberculum cuneiforme [cuneiform tubercle of aryepiglottic fold] - Prominence in the aryepiglottic fold produced by the cuneiform cartilage or, if the cuneiform cartilage is absent, only by adipose cells.
ID middle pinned structure
Tuberculum cuneiforme [cuneiform tubercle of aryepiglottic fold] - Prominence in the aryepiglottic fold produced by the cuneiform cartilage or, if the cuneiform cartilage is absent, only by adipose cells.
ID 24
Tuberculum cuneiforme [cuneiform tubercle of aryepiglottic fold] - Prominence in the aryepiglottic fold produced by the cuneiform cartilage or, if the cuneiform cartilage is absent, only by adipose cells.
ID 25
Tuberculum corniculatum [corniculate tubercle of aryepiglottic fold] - Mucosa-covered prominence overlying the corniculate cartilage immediately above the apex of the arytenoid cartilage.
ID entire structure
Glottis [glottis] - Part of the larynx composed of the two vocal folds that produce the voice.
ID 16
Ligamenta vocale [vocal ligament of glottis] - Band extending between the vocal process of arytenoid cartilage and thyroid cartilage. It forms the upper end of the conus elasticus.
Shown here as 5
ID green
Ligamenta vocale [vocal ligament of glottis] - Band extending between the vocal process of arytenoid cartilage and thyroid cartilage. It forms the upper end of the conus elasticus.
ID 21
Glandula parathyroidea superior [superior parathyroid gland] - Small mass of epithelial cells. The parathyroid glands are located posterior to the thyroid gland between the two layers of the fibrous capsule. They secrete parathyroid hormone, which regulates calcium and phosphorus levels by means of osteoclast stimulation.
ID 22
Glandula parathyroidea inferior [inferior parathyroid gland] - Small mass of epithelial cells. The parathyroid glands are located posterior to the thyroid gland between the two layers of the fibrous capsule. They secrete parathyroid hormone, which regulates calcium and phosphorus levels by means of osteoclast stimulation.