Special organs of the head Flashcards
ID entire structure
Corpus ciliare (ciliary body) - Thickened area situated between the ora serrata and root of the iris that contains the ciliary muscle and ciliary processes.
Tunica Vasculosa Bulbi (vascular coat of eyeball)
ID highlight
Corona ciliares (corona ciliaris) - Circular zone formed by the ciliary processes.
ID 15
Corona ciliares (corona ciliaris) - Circular zone formed by the ciliary processes.
ID process
Processus ciliaris (Ciliary processes) - Between 70 and 80 radiating folds containing numerous capillaries measuring 0.1–0.2 mm wide, 1 mm high, and 2–3 mm long. Their epithelium produces aqueous humor.
ID folds
Plicae ciliares (Ciliary plicae/ ciliary folds) - Low folds in the corona ciliaris, some of which are also situated between the ciliary processes.
ID 19
Retinae (retina)
ID 21
Pars ciliaris retinae (ciliary part of retina) - Part situated on the posterior surface ciliary body. It is composed of simple, cuboidal, pigmented epithelium.
ID 22
Pars iridica retinae (iridial part of retina) - Part situated on the posterior surface of the iris. It is composed of a double layer of pigmented, cuboidal epithelium.
ID combination of 21 and 22
Pars caeca retinae (non visual part of retina)
ID 21
Angulus iridocornealis (Iridocorneal angle) - Angle between the iris and cornea. It contains the trabecular tissue, which allows drainage of aqueous humor through its interstices into the scleral venous sinus.
ID 17
Anulus tendineus communis (common tendinous ring / common anular tendon) - Tendinous ring giving origin to the rectus muscles. It surrounds the optic canal and medial part of the superior orbital fissure.
Anulus tendineus communis (common tendinous ring / common anular tendon) - Tendinous ring giving origin to the rectus muscles. It surrounds the optic canal and medial part of the superior orbital fissure.
ID yellow highlight
Anulus tendineus communis (common tendinous ring / common anular tendon) - Tendinous ring giving origin to the rectus muscles. It surrounds the optic canal and medial part of the superior orbital fissure.
ID combination of 9 and 10
Glandula Lacrimalis (lacrimal gland)
ID green
Glandula Lacrimalis (lacrimal gland)
ID 9
Pars orbitalis (orbital part of lacrimal gland) - Larger portion of the lacrimal gland situated above the tendon of the levator palpebrae.
ID 10
Pars palpebralis (palpebral part of lacrimal gland) - Smaller portion of the lacrimal gland situated below the tendon of the levator palpebrae.
ID entire structure
Labyrinthus osseus (bony labyrinth) - Bony capsule containing the membranous labyrinth.
ID 462.33
Aqueductus cochleae (cochlear aqueduct) - Passageway connecting the perilymphatic space with the subarachnoid space.
ID 462.33
Aqueductus cochleae (cochlear aqueduct) - Passageway connecting the perilymphatic space with the subarachnoid space.
Labyrinthus vestibularis (vestibular labyrinth) - Contents of the labyrinth including the semicircular canals, but excluding the cochlea.
ID 18
Ductus utriculosaccularis (Utriculosaccular duct) - Y-shaped connection joining the endolymphatic duct with the utricle and saccule.
Ductus utriculosaccularis (Utriculosaccular duct) - Y-shaped connection joining the endolymphatic duct with the utricle and saccule.
ID 19
Ductus utricularis (Utricular duct) - Connection between the utricle and utriculosaccular duct.
ID 20
Ductus saccularis (Saccular duct) - Connection between the saccule and utriculosaccular duct.
ID 23
Ductus reuniens - Thin tube connecting the saccule and cochlear duct.
ID 23
Ductus reuniens - Thin tube connecting the saccule and cochlear duct.
Ductus reuniens - Thin tube connecting the saccule and cochlear duct.
Define: cochlear labyrinth
Contents of the bony labyrinth.
ID 6
Stria vascularis - Broad, highly vascularized strip with specially structured epithelial cells overlying the spiral prominence. It presumably secretes endolymph.
ID structure outlined in green
Stria vascularis - Broad, highly vascularized strip with specially structured epithelial cells overlying the spiral prominence. It presumably secretes endolymph.
Cavitas tympanica (tympanic cavity) - Oblique crevice situated medial to the tympanic membrane. It contains the auditory ossicles and communicates posterosuperiorly with the pneumatized mastoid cells and anterosuperiorly with the nasopharynx via the auditory tube.
Remember this
ID 11
Promontorium (Promontory of the labyrinthine wall) - Elevation produced by the basal turn of the cochlea.
ID membrane that covers this opening
Membrana tympani secundaria (Secondary tympanic membrane of the labyrinthine wall of the tympanic cavity) - Membranous septum stretched in the round window between the scala tympani and tympanic cavity.
ID 24
Eminentia pyramides (Pyramidal eminence of the mastoid wall of the tympanic cavity) - Conical, bony prominence at the level of the oval window with a perforated summit. It contains the stapedius and gives its tendon exit through the opening at its tip.
ID 22
Pars flaccida (Pars flaccida (Shrapnell’s membrane) of the tympanic membrane) - Smaller, flaccid part of the tympanic membrane above the anterior and posterior malleolar folds.
ID 22
Pars flaccida (Pars flaccida (Shrapnell’s membrane) of the tympanic membrane) - Smaller, flaccid part of the tympanic membrane above the anterior and posterior malleolar folds.
ID 23
Pars tensa (Pars tensa of the tympanic membrane) - Much larger portion of the tympanic membrane that is stretched within the tympanic ring.
ID 23
Pars tensa (Pars tensa of the tympanic membrane) - Much larger portion of the tympanic membrane that is stretched within the tympanic ring.
ID 28
Umbo membrane tympanicae (Umbo of tympanic membrane) - Portion of the membrane lying at the tip of the handle of malleus that draws the tympanic membrane inward.
Pars flaccida (Pars flaccida (Shrapnell’s membrane) of the tympanic membrane) - Smaller, flaccid part of the tympanic membrane above the anterior and posterior malleolar folds.
Pars tensa (Pars tensa of the tympanic membrane) - Much larger portion of the tympanic membrane that is stretched within the tympanic ring.
Umbo membrane tympanicae (Umbo of tympanic membrane) - Portion of the membrane lying at the tip of the handle of malleus that draws the tympanic membrane inward.