Superior limb osteology & arthrology Flashcards
ID bony landmark at 31
Sulcus Musculi Subclavius [Groove for Subclavius Muscle of the clavicle]- Deep, elongated groove for the attachment of the subclavian muscle. Located on the inferior aspect of the clavicle.
ID surface at 33
Facies articularis acromialis [acromial articular surface of the clavicle] - articular surface facing the acromion of the scapula
ID surface at 28
Facies articularis sternalis [sternal articular surface of the clavicle] - articular surface facing the sternum
ID 36
Linea trapezoidea [Trapezoid line of the clavicle] - Ridge just lateral to the Conoid tubercle of the clavicle. Gives attachment for the coracoclavicular ligament.
ID 12
Facies articularis clavicularis [Clavicular Articular Surface of the Scapula]- Facet on the anteromedial border of the acromion. Articulates with the clavicle.
ID 13
Angulus Acromii [Acromial Angle of Scapula]- Sharp bend where the spine of the scapula passes into the lateral margin of the acromion.
ID 8
Tuberculum Deltoideum [Deltoid Tubercle of the scpaula]- Located on the medial aspect on the spine of the scapula, just lateral to the medial border of the scapula. Attachment point for the trapezius and deltoideus mm.
ID 22
Tuberculum infraglenoidale [Infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula] - small tubercle located just inferior to the glenoid fossa of the scapula
ID 23
Tuberculum supraglenoidale [Supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula] - small tubercle located just superior to the margin of the glenoid fossa of the scapula
ID 29
Sulcus Nervi Ulnaris [Groove for Ulnar Nerve of the humerus]- Groove on the posterior surface of the medial border of the medial epicondyle that transmits the ulnar nerve.
ID 15
Sulcus Nervi Radialis [Groove for Radial Nerve of the humerus]- Spiral groove for the radial nerve that passes from the posterior surface of the humerus around the lateral border to reach the anterolateral surface.
ID 9
Crista Tuberculum Majoris [Crest of Greater Tubercle of Humerus]- Bony ridge extending distalward from the greater tubercle that gives attachment to the pectoralis major muscle. The lateral lip.
ID 10
Crista Tuberculum Menoris [Crest of Lesser Tubercle of Humerus]- Bony ridge extending distalward from the lesser tubercle that gives attachment to the pectoralis major muscle. Medial lip.
ID 17
Crista supracondylaris medialis [Medial supracondylar crest of the humerus]-Medial supraepicondylar ridge; Medial supracondylar ridge. Sharp, inferior end of the medial border of the humerus. It is continuous with the medial epicondyle.
ID 20
Crista supracondylaris lateralis [Lateral supracondylar crest of the humerus]- Lateral supracondylar ridge. Sharp, inferior end of the lateral border of the humerus that is continuous with the lateral epicondyle.
ID 3
Fovea Articularis [Articular Fovea of the head of the Radius]- Concavity that receives the capitulum of the humerus.
ID 4
Circumferentia Articularis [Articular Circumference of Head of Radius]- Rimlike surface around the head of the radius for articulation with the radial notch of the ulna.
ID 11
Tuberositas Pronatoria [Pronator Tuberosity of Radius]- Attachment site of the pronator teres muscle . Roughened portion, Located on the lateral aspect of the body of the radius
ID 16
Crista Suprastyloidea [Suprastyloid Crest of the Radius]- ridge just proximal to the styloid process that gives attachment for the brachioradialis m.
ID 17
Tuberculum Dorsale [Dorsal Tubercle of the Radius]- Bony ridge that is often palpable through the skin between the grooves for the extensor pollicis longus and the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscles.
ID 24
Tuberositas Ulnae [Tuberosity of Ulna]- Roughened area distal to the coronoid process for attachment of the brachialis muscle.
ID 36
Circumferentia Articularis [Articular circumference of the head of the ulna] - Anterolateral articular surface for articulation with the ulnar notch of the radius
ID 34
Crista Musculi Supinatoris [Crest of the supinator muscle of the ulna]- Bony ridge extending distalward from the radial notch on the posterior surface of the shaft that gives origin to the supinator muscle.
ID border at 33
Margo Anterior [Anterior Border of Ulna]- Margin facing anteromedially.
ID border at 32
Margo Posterior [Posterior Border of Ulna]- Margin facing posteriorly.
ID border at 31
Margo Interosseous [Interosseous Border of Ulna]- Attachment site of the interosseous membrane.
ID 15
Sulcus Carpi [Carpal Groove]- Palmar groove between the tubercles of the scaphoid and trapezium on the radial side and the hook of hamate and pisiform on the ulnar side. It is converted by a transverse ligament into a closed canal for the flexor tendons of the fingers.
ID 5
Tuberculum Ossis Scaphoidei [Tubercle of Scaphoid Bone]- Prominence on the anterior surface of the scaphoid. It protrudes visibly with radial abduction of the hand.
ID 10
Tuberculum Ossis Trapezii [Tubercle of Trapezium Bone]- Tubercle situated distal to the tubercle of the scaphoid and radial to the groove for the flexor carpi radialis muscle.
ID 20
Processus Styloideus (of Mc. III) [Styloid Process of Third Metacarpal Bone]- Dorsal process at the base of the third metacarpal radial to the capitate.
ID 29
Trochlea Phalangis [Phalangeal Trochlea]- Trochlea of phalanx. The pulleylike head of the proximal and middle phalanges.
Labrum Glenoidale [Glenoidal Labrum]- lip of firbrocartilage around the margin of the shoulder joint that augments the bony articular surface.
ID green highlight and the 2 structures inferior to it
Ligamenta Glenohumeralia [Glenohumeral Ligaments of the glenohumeral joint]- three thickened bands (superior, middle, inferior) within the anterior wall of the joint capsule.
ID green
Ligamentum Coracohumerale [Coracohumeral Ligament of the glenohumeral joint]- Thickened portion of the joint capsule that extends from the root of the coracoid process of the scapula to the superior margins of the lesser and greater tubercles of the humerus.
ID green
Ligamentum transversum humeri [Transverse humeral ligament of the glenohumeral joint] Transverse band that extends over the intertubercular sulcus, converting it into a canal for the passage of the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle
ID Joint
Articulatio Cubiti - elbow joint
ID green
Ligamentum Collaterale Ulnare [Ulnar collateral ligament of the elbow joint] - Triangular plate of fibers, the apex of which is directed superiorly. It is situated on the medial aspect of the arm between the humerus and ulna.
ID green
Ligamentum Collaterale Radiale [Radial collateral ligament of the elbow joint] - Lateral collateral ligament. Its fibers radiate from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and blend into the anular ligament of the radius, which continues to the ulna
ID green
Ligamentum Anulare Radii [Anular ligament of elbow joint] - Ringlike band that is woven into the joint capsule and encircles a portion of the articular circumference of the head of the radius. It is attached to the anterior and posterior margins of the radial notch of the ulna.
A more lateral view is shown here.
ID green
Ligamentum Quadratum [Quadrate ligament of the elbow joint] - Thin band of fibers that extends from the distal margin of the radial notch of the ulna to the neck of the radius.
ID joint
Articulatio Ossis Pisiformis [Joint of Pisiform Bone]
ID 2
Facies articularis sternalis/acromialis [acromial articular surface of the clavicle] - articular surface facing the acromion.
ID 3
Facies articularis sternalis/acromialis [sternal articular surface of the clavicle] - articular surface facing the sternum.
ID 5
Linea trapezoidea [Trapezoid line of the clavicle] - Ridge just lateral to the Conoid tubercle. Gives attachment for the coracoclavicular ligament, which is sometimes called the trapezoid ligament.
ID green
Facies articularis acromialis [acromial articular surface of the clavicle] - articular surface facing the acromion.
ID green
Facies articularis sternalis [sternal articular surface of the clavicle] - articular surface facing the sternum.
ID green
Linea trapezoidea [Trapezoid line of the clavicle] - Ridge just lateral to the Conoid tubercle. Gives attachment for the coracoclavicular ligament, which is sometimes referred to as the trapezoid ligament
ID green
Sulcus Musculi Subclavius [Groove for Subclavius Muscle of the clavicle] - Deep, elongated groove for the attachment of the subclavian muscle. Located on the inferior aspect of the clavicle.
ID green
Angulus Acromii [Acromial Angle of Scapula] - Sharp bend where the spine of the scapula passes into the lateral margin of the acromion.
ID green
Facies articularis clavicularis [Clavicular Articular Surface of the Scapula] - Facet on the anteromedial border of the acromion. Articulates with the clavicle.
ID 9
Facies articularis clavicularis [Clavicular Articular Surface of the Scapula] - Facet on the anteromedial border of the acromion. Articulates with the clavicle.
ID green
Tuberculum supraglenoidale/infraglenoidale [Supraglenoid/Infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula]- small tubercle located on the superior portion of the glenoid fossa, origin for the long head of the biceps brachii m./ Small tubercle inferior to the glenoid fossa, origin for the long head of the triceps brachii m.
ID 3
Crista Tuberculi Minoris [Crest of Lesser Tubercle of Humerus] - Bony ridge extending distalward from the lesser tubercle that gives attachment to the teres major and latissimus dorsi muscles.
ID 4
Crista Tuberculi Majoris [Crest of Greater Tubercle of Humerus]- Bony ridge extending distalward from the greater tubercle that gives attachment to the pectoralis major muscle.
ID 21
Sulcus Nervi Ulnaris [Groove for Ulnar Nerve of the humerus] - Groove on the posterior surface of the medial border of the medial epicondyle that transmits the ulnar nerve.
ID 22
Sulcus Nervi Radialis [Groove for Radial Nerve of the humerus]- Spiral groove for the radial nerve that passes from the posterior surface of the humerus around the lateral border to reach the anterolateral surface.
ID green
Crista Tuberculi Majoris [Crest of Greater Tubercle of Humerus]- Bony ridge extending distalward from the greater tubercle that gives attachment to the pectoralis major muscle.
ID green
Crista Tuberculi Minoris [Crest of Lesser Tubercle of Humerus] - Bony ridge extending distalward from the lesser tubercle that gives attachment to the teres major and latissimus dorsi muscles.
ID green
Sulcus Nervi Ulnaris [Groove for Ulnar Nerve of the humerus] - Groove on the posterior surface of the medial border of the medial epicondyle that transmits the ulnar nerve.
ID green
Sulcus Nervi Radialis [Groove for Radial Nerve of the humerus] - Spiral groove for the radial nerve that passes from the posterior surface of the humerus around the lateral border to reach the anterolateral surface.
ID 9
Crista supracondylaris lateralis [Lateral supracondylar crest of the humerus]- Lateral supracondylar ridge. Sharp, inferior end of the lateral border of the humerus that is continuous with the lateral epicondyle.
ID green
Fovea Articularis [Articular Fovea of Radius] - Concavity that receives the capitulum of the humerus.
ID green
Circumferentia Articularis [Articular Circumference of Head of Radius] - Rimlike surface around the head of the radius for articulation with the radial notch of the ulna.
ID purple
Tuberositas Pronatoria [Pronator Tuberosity of Radius] - Attachment site of the pronator teres muscle . The roughened portion located on the lateral aspect of the body of the radius
ID green
Tuberculum Dorsale [Dorsal Tubercle of the Radius] - Bony ridge that is often palpable through the skin between the grooves for the extensor pollicis longus and the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscles.
Crista Suprastyloidea [Suprastyloid Crest of the Radius] - ridge just proximal to the styloid process that gives attachment for the brachioradialis m. On the anterior aspect.
ID 14
Tuberositas Ulnae [Tuberosity of Ulna] - Roughened area distal to the coronoid process for attachment of the brachialis muscle.
ID green
Tuberositas Ulnae [Tuberosity of Ulna] - Roughened area distal to the coronoid process for attachment of the brachialis muscle.
ID 16
Circumferentia Articularis [Articular circumference of the head of the ulna] - Anterolateral articular surface for articulation with the ulnar notch of the radius
ID green
Circumferentia Articularis [Articular circumference of the head of the ulna] - Anterolateral articular surface for articulation with the ulnar notch of the radius
ID purple
Crista Musculi Supinatoris [Crest of the supinator muscle of the ulna]- Bony ridge extending distalward from the radial notch on the posterior surface of the shaft that gives origin to the supinator muscle.
ID purple
Margo Anterior [Anterior Border of Ulna] - Margin facing anteromedially.
ID purple
Margo Posterior [Posterior Border of Ulna] - Margin facing posteriorly.
Crista Musculi Supinatoris [Crest of the supinator muscle of the ulna] - Bony ridge extending distalward from the radial notch on the posterior surface of the shaft that gives origin to the supinator muscle.
ID purple
Margo Interosseous [Interosseous Border of Ulna] - Attachment site of the interosseous membrane.
ID purple
Tuberculum Ossis Scaphoidei [Tubercle of Scaphoid Bone] - Prominence on the anterior surface of the scaphoid. It protrudes visibly with radial abduction of the hand.
ID purple
Tuberculum Ossis Trapezii [Tubercle of Trapezium Bone] - Tubercle situated distal to the tubercle of the scaphoid and radial to the groove for the flexor carpi radialis muscle.
ID green
Processus Styloideus (of Mc. III) [Styloid Process of Third Metacarpal Bone] - Dorsal process at the base of the third metacarpal radial to the capitate.
ID green
Trochlea Phalangis [Phalangeal Trochlea] - Trochlea of phalanx. The pulleylike head of the proximal and middle phalanges.
ID joint at 13
Labrum Glenoidale [Glenoidal Labrum] - lip of firbrocartilage around the margin of the shoulder joint that augments the bony articular surface.
Ligamentum Corachohumerale [Coracohumeral Ligament of the glenohumeral joint] - Thickened portion of the joint capsule that extends from the root of the coracoid process of the scapula to the superior margins of the lesser and greater tubercles of the humerus.
Ligamenta Glenohumeralia [Glenohumeral Ligaments] - three thickened bands (superior, middle, inferior) within the anterior wall of the joint capsule.
Ligamentum transversum humeri [Transverse humeral ligament] - Transverse band that extends over the intertubercular sulcus, converting it into a canal for the passage of the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle
ID 8
Ligamentum Collaterale Ulnare [Ulnar collateral ligament of the elbow joint] - Triangular plate of fibers, the apex of which is directed superiorly. It is situated on the medial aspect of the arm between the humerus and ulna.
ID 8
Ligamentum Collaterale Ulnare [Ulnar collateral ligament] - Triangular plate of fibers, the apex of which is directed superiorly. It is situated on the medial aspect of the arm between the humerus and ulna.
Ligamentum Collaterale Radiale [Radial collateral ligament] - Lateral collateral ligament. Its fibers radiate from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and blend into the anular ligament of the radius, which continues to the ulna
ID 4
Ligamentum Anulare Radii [Anular ligament of radius] - Ringlike band that is woven into the joint capsule and encircles a portion of the articular circumference of the head of the radius. It is attached to the anterior and posterior margins of the radial notch of the ulna.
Ligamentum Quadratum [Quadrate ligament] - Thin band of fibers that extends from the distal margin of the radial notch of the ulna to the neck of the radius.