Bones of the Head Flashcards
ID 25
Facies interna [internal surface of parietal bone]- surface of the parietal bone facing the brain.
ID 26
Sulcus sinus sigmoidei [groove for the sigmoid sinus of parietal bone]- Groove near the mastoid angle of the parietal bone for the passage of the sigmoid sinus.
ID 27
Sulcus sinus Sagittalis superioris [Groove for superior sagittal sinus of parietal b.]
ID 30
Facies externa [external surface of parietal bone]- surface of the parietal bone facing the scalp.
ID 33
Tuber parietale (Parietal tuber)- Parietal eminence. Projection located near the center of the external surface of the parietal bone.
ID 34
Margo occipitalis [occipital border of parietal bone]- border of the parietal bone that faces the occipital bone.
ID 34
Margo occipitalis [occipital border of parietal bone]- border of the parietal bone that faces the occipital bone.
ID 35
Margo squamosus [squamous border of parietal bone]- inferior margin of the parietal bone that is directed toward the temporal bone.
ID 35
Margo squamosus [squamous border of parietal bone]- inferior margin of the parietal bone that is directed toward the temporal bone.
ID 36
Margo sagittalis [sagittal border of parietal bone]- superior margin of the parietal bone located in the sagittal suture.
ID 36
Margo sagittalis [sagittal border of parietal bone]- superior margin of the parietal bone located in the sagittal suture.
ID 37
Margo frontalis [frontal border of parietal bone]- anterior border of the parietal bone that articulates with the frontal bone.
ID 37
Margo frontalis [frontal border of parietal bone]- anterior border of the parietal bone that articulates with the frontal bone.
ID 42
Foramen parietale [Parietal foramen]- Opening that is usually located in the posterosuperior part of the parietal bone for the passage of the parietal emissary vein.
ID 42
Foramen parietale [Parietal foramen]- Opening that is usually located in the posterosuperior part of the parietal bone for the passage of the parietal emissary vein.
ID 3
Facies externa [ External surface of frontal bone]
ID 8
Margo supraorbitalis [Supra-orbital margin of frontal b.]
ID 9
Incisura/foramen supraorbitalis [supraorbital notch/foramen of frontal bone]- notch or opening in the supraorbital margin for the passage of the supraorbital artery and the medial branch of the supraorbital nerve.
ID 10
Incisura/foramen frontale [frontal notch/foramen]- notch or opening medial to the supraorbital foramen for the passage of the supratrochlear artery and the medial branch of the supraorbital nerve.
ID 11
Facies temporalis (temporal surface of frontal b.) External, lateral surface of the frontal bone.
ID 14
Processus zygomaticus [zygomatic process of frontal bone]- process situated lateral to the orbit for articulation with the zygomatic bone.
ID surface at 15
Facies interna (internal surface of frontal b.)
ID 16
Crista frontalis (frontal crest of frontal b.) - Anteromedial bony ridge that serves as attachment for the falx cerebri.
ID surface at 23
Facies orbitalis (orbital surface of frontal b.) - Surface of the frontal bone that faces the orbit.
ID 26
Fossa glandulae lacrimalis (Fossa for lacrimal gland; Lacrimal fossa of frontal b.) - Depression for the lacrimal gland in the lateral angle of the eye.
ID 25
Fovea trochlearis (Trochlear fovea of frontal b.) - Small concavity gives attachment to a fibrous pulley of the superior oblique muscle.
ID 29
Sinus frontalis (frontal sinus)
ID 30
Apertura sinus frontalis (Aperture of the frontal sinus) - Medial opening in the floor of the frontal sinus for the drainage of discharge into the ethmoidal infundibulum located below the middle nasal concha.
ID 31
Septum sinuum frontalium (Septum of frontal sinuses of frontal bone) - Partition that divides the right and left frontal sinuses.
ID 18
Incisura jugularis [Jugular notch of occipital b.) - Recess that, together with the petrous part of temporal bone, forms the jugular foramen.
ID 18
Incisura jugularis [Jugular notch of occipital b.) - Recess that, together with the petrous part of temporal bone, forms the jugular foramen.
ID 17
Tuberculum jugulare [jugular tubercle of occipital bone]- small protuberance above the hypoglossal canal.
ID 19
Processus jugularis [Jugular process of occipital b.] - Projection located lateral to the jugular foramen that is visible internally and externally. It corresponds to the transverse process of a vertebra.
ID 19
Processus jugularis [Jugular process of occipital b.] - Projection located lateral to the jugular foramen that is visible internally and externally. It corresponds to the transverse process of a vertebra.
Another view is shown here
ID 20
Processus intrajugularis [Intrajugular process of occipital b.] - Process that occasionally divides the jugular foramen into a lateral compartment for the passage of the internal jugular vein and a medial compartment for the transmission of nerves.
ID 23
Linea nuchalis suprema [highest nuchal line of occipital bone]- curved line that extends laterally from the superior margin of the external occipital protuberance. It gives origin to the occipital belly of the epicranius muscle.
ID 24
Linea nuchalis superior [superior nuchal line of occipital bone]- transverse ridge at the level of the external occipital protuberance. The area between it and the highest nuchal line gives origin to the trapezius muscle.
ID 25
Linea nuchalis inferior [inferior nuchal line of occipital bone]- transverse ridge that extends from the superior nuchal line to the foramen magnum. The area between the inferior and superior nuchal lines gives attachment to the semispinalis capitis muscle.
ID 28
Eminentia cruciformis [Cruciform eminence of occipital b.) - Bony projection in the shape of a cross with the internal occipital protuberance at its center.
ID 37
Fossa cerebralis [cerebral fossa of occipital bone]- depression that lodges the occipital lobes.
ID 38
Fossa cerebellaris [cerebellar fossa of occipital bone]- depression that lodges the cerebellum.
ID 32
Sulcus sinus transversi [groove for transverse sinus of occipital b.)
ID 33
Sulcus sinus sigmoidei [groove for sigmoid sinus of occipital b.]
ID 33
Sulcus sinus sigmoidei [groove for sigmoid sinus of occipital b.]
ID 34
Sulcus sinus occipitalis [groove for occipital sinus of occipital b.]
ID 35
Sulcus sinus marginalis [groove for marginal sinus of occipital b.] - Groove that is occasionally present along the inferior margin of the foramen magnum for the passage of the marginal sinus.
ID 6
Pars basilaris [Basilar part of occipital bone] - The part that ascends from the foramen magnum to the spheno-occipital synchondrosis.
ID 6
Pars basilaris [Basilar part of occipital bone] - The part that ascends from the foramen magnum to the spheno-occipital synchondrosis.
ID 7
Clivus - Bony structure that slopes downward from the dorsum sellae to the foramen mag- num. It is formed by the occipital bone and the sphenoid.
ID 2
Corpus [body of sphenoid bone]- the part of the sphenoid between the wings of the sphenoid and their processes.
ID 10
Dorsum sellae [dorsum sellae of sphenoid bone]- posterior wall of the sella turcica.
ID 9
Fossa hypophysialis [hypophyseal fossa of sphenoid bone]- hollow for reception of the pituitary gland.
ID 11
Processus clinoideus posterior [ Posterior clinoid process of sphenoid b.) - Protuberance on both sides of the dorsum sellae.
ID 16
Sinus Sphenoidalis [sphenoidal sinus]
ID 17
Septum sinuum sphenoidalium [Septum of sphenoidal sinuses] - Septum that divides the right and left sphenoidal sinuses.
ID 18
Apertura sinus sphenoidalium [ Opening of sphenoidal sinus] - Anterior opening of the sphenoidal sinus into the spheno-ethmoidal recess.
ID 3
Jugum sphenoidale [Jugum sphenoidale; Sphenoidal yoke] - The part of the body of the sphenoid that connects the lesser wings of the sphenoid.
ID 12
Sulcus caroticus [carotid groove of sphenoid bone]- rather S-shaped groove on the lateral surface of the sphenoid for the passage of the internal carotid artery.
ID 20
Ala minor [lesser wing of sphenoid b.]
ID 22
Processus clinoideus anterior [Anterior clinoid process of sphenoid b.] - Projection from the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone that is directed posteriorly toward the middle and posterior clinoid processes.
ID 5
Fossa pterygoidea [Pterygoid fossa of sphenoid b.] - Depression between the lateral and medial plates of the pterygoid process for the medial pterygoid muscle.
ID 10
Hamulus pterygoideus [Pterygoid hamulus of sphenoid b.] - Hooked process on the end of the medial plate of the pterygoid process.
ID 15 (part)
Pars petrosa [petrous part of the temporal bone]- the part of the temporal bone that contains the internal ear.
ID 18
Incisura mastoideus [mastoid notch of temporal bone]- Notch on the inferior surface of the petrous part of the temporal bone, medial to the mastoid process. Origin of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle.
ID 22
Canalis nervi facialis [canal for the facial nerve of temporal bone]- canal for the transmission of the facial nerve. It begins at the internal acoustic opening and ends at the stylomastoid foramen.
ID 22
Canalis nervi facialis [canal for the facial nerve of temporal bone]- canal for the transmission of the facial nerve. It begins at the internal acoustic opening and ends at the stylomastoid foramen.
ID 22
Canalis nervi facialis [canal for the facial nerve of temporal bone]- canal for the transmission of the facial nerve. It begins at the internal acoustic opening and ends at the stylomastoid foramen.
ID 19
Incisura Jugularis [ Jugular notch of temporal b.] - Notch that forms the anterior margin of the jugular foramen.
ID 19
Incisura Jugularis [ Jugular notch of temporal b.] - Notch that forms the anterior margin of the jugular foramen.
ID 8
Impressio trigeminalis [Trigeminal impression of temporal b.] - Shallow depression on the anterior surface of the apex of the petrous part of the temporal bone that lodges the trigeminal ganglion.
ID 1 (part)
Pars tympanica [tympanic part of temporal b.]
ID 2
Anulus tympanicus [Tympanic ring of temporal b.] - Bony ring, the upper part of which is still open in newborns.
ID 7
Sulcus tympanicus [Tympanic groove of temporal b.] - Groove that provides attachment to the tympanic membrane.
ID 9
Vagina processus styloidei [Sheath of styloid process of temporal b.] - Sheath-like ridge formed by the tympanic part of the temporal bone that encloses the root of the styloid process.
ID 10 (part)
Pars squamosa [Squamous part of temporal b.]
ID 17
Crista supramastoidea [Supramastoid crest of temporal b.] - Prolongation of the border of the zygomatic arch as the inferior temporal line of the parietal bone.
ID 13
Concha nasalis superior [superior nasal concha of the ethmoid bone]
ID 14
Concha nasalis media [middle nasal concha of the ethmoid bone]
ID 11
Lamina orbitalis [Orbital plate of ethmoid b.] - Especially thin plate of bone that forms part of the medial wall of the orbit.
ID bone
Concha nasalis inferior [inferior nasal concha]
ID 21
Processus maxillaris [maxillary process of inferior nasal concha]- lateral process that forms part of the medial wall of the maxillary sinus.
ID 25
Sulcus lacrimalis [lacrimal groove of the lacrimal bone]- groovelike beginning of the nasolacrimal canal.
ID 26
Hamulus lacrimalis [Hamulus of the lacrimal bone] - Hooked process projecting anterolaterally at the entrance to the nasolacrimal canal.
ID 29
Sulcus ethmoidalis [Ethmoidal groove of the nasal bone] - Longitudinal groove on the inferior surface of the nasal bone for the passage of the external nasal branch of the anterior ethmoidal nerve.
ID 32
Ala vomeris [ala of vomer]- winglike process that articulates with the sphenoidal rostrum and, laterally, with the palatine bone.
ID 33
Sulcus vomeris [Vomerine groove] - Oblique groove for transmission of the nasopalatine nerve and its accompanying vessels.
ID 10
Incisura nasalis [nasal notch of maxilla]- curved margin of the anterior nasal aperture.
ID 24
Processus frontalis [frontal process of maxilla] (24AB)
ID 28
Processus zygomaticus [zygomatic process of maxilla]- lateral process of the maxilla for articulation with the zygomatic bone.
ID 3
Facies orbitalis (Orbital surface of maxilla] - The part of the body that forms the largest surface of the floor of the orbit.
ID 8
Processus alveolaris [alveolar process of maxilla]- the thickened ridge of bone that contains the tooth sockets (dental alveoli) on the jaw bones that hold teeth.
ID 4
Canalis incisiva [Incisive canals of maxilla] - They begin as a pair of canals on the floor of the nasal cavity and unite on the palate in a single incisive fossa.
ID 25
Processus orbitalis [orbital process of palatine bone]- anterosuperiorly projecting process located between the maxilla, ethmoid, and sphenoid bones.
ID 6
Processus frontalis [Frontal process of zygomatic b.] - Projection that articulates with the zygomatic process of the frontal bone and with the greater wing of the sphenoid.
ID 4
Facies orbitalis [Orbital surface of zygomatic b.] - Surface of the zygomatic bone facing the orbit.
ID 13
Corpus mandibulae [Body of mandible] - Horizontal part of the mandible to which the rami of the mandible are attached.
ID 16
Protuberantia mentalis [Mental protuberance of mandible]
ID 21
Fossa digastrica [Digastric fossa of mandible] - Paired pea-sized or beansized depressions near the mental protuberance just above the inferior margin of the mandible for attachment of the anterior belly of the digastric muscle.
ID 24
Linea mylohyoidea [Mylohyoid line of mandible] - Oblique ridge extending on the body of the mandible from posterosuperior to anteroinferior, giving origin to the mylohyoid muscle. At its posterior end the mylopharyngeal part of the superior constrictor muscle of the pharynx takes origin. The lingual nerve enters the oral cavity between the two muscles.
ID 20
Linea obliqua [Oblique line of mandible] - Oblique ridge that extends from the ramus of the mandible to the external surface of the body of mandible.
ID 26
Fovea sublingualis [ Sublingual fossa of mandible] - Concavity that lodges the sublingual gland on the anterior part of the body of the mandible above the mylohyoid line.
ID 27
Fovea submandibularis [Submandibular fossa] - . Depression below the mylohyoid line on the posterior half of the body of mandible.
ID 1
Ramus mandibulae [Ramus of mandible] - . Projection that forms the ascending ramus of the mandible.
ID 8
Sulcus mylohyoideus [Mylohyoid groove of mandible] - Groove that begins at the mandibular foramen and extends anteroinferiorly, transmitting the mylohyoid nerve and the mylohyoid branch of the inferior alveolar artery.
ID 15
Fovea pterygoides [Pterygoid fovea of mandible] - Anteromedial depression below the head of the mandible for attachment of the lateral pterygoid muscle.
ID 3
Caput stapedis [head of stapes]- portion of the stapes situated opposite its base that articulates via the lenticular process with the long limb of incus.
ID 3
Caput stapedis [head of stapes]- portion of the stapes situated opposite its base that articulates via the lenticular process with the long limb of incus.
ID 6
Basis stepedis [base of stapes]- part inserted in the oval window.
ID 6
Basis stepedis [base of stapes]- part inserted in the oval window.
ID 8
Corpus incudis [body of incus]- portion that articulate via a saddle-shaped articular surface with the malleus.
ID 9
Crus longum [long leg of incus]- limb descending nearly vertically behind the handle of malleus with the lenticular process at its end.
ID 11
Crus breve [short leg of incus]- limb pointing horizontally backward and attached by the ligament to the fossa of incus.
ID 13
Manubrium mallei [manubruim of malleus]- manubrium of malleus that is fused along its lateral surface with the tympanic membrane as far as the lateral process.
ID 14
Caput mallei [head of malleus]- portion bearing a convex facet for articulation with the body of incus.
ID 15
Collum mallei [neck of malleus]- segment connecting the head and handle of malleus.
ID 16
Processus lateralis [lateral process of malleus]- short, lateral process at the end of the handle of malleus. It produces the malleolar prominence in the tympanic membrane.
ID 17
Processus anterior [anterior process of malleus]- longer, very thin process. In the newborn it extends into the petrotympanic fissure. It regresses in the adult.
ID green
Lacrimal groove of the lacrimal bone
ID green
Hamulus of the lacrimal bone
ID green
Ethmoidal groove of nasal bone
ID green
Groove for the sigmoid sinus of the occipital bone
ID green
Frontal crest of the frontal bone
ID green
Jugular notch of the occipital bone
ID green
Jugular tubercle of the occipital bone
ID green
Carotid groove of the sphenoid bone
ID green
Groove for the sigmoid sinus of parietal bone
ID green
Groove for the superior sagittal sinus of the parietal bone
ID red x
ID green
Pterygoid fossa of sphenoid bone
ID green
Fossa for lacrimal gland of frontal bone
ID purple
Jugular process of the occipital bone
ID green
Pterygoid hamulus of the sphenoid bone
ID green
Dorsum sellae of sphenoid bone
ID green
Trigeminal eminence of the temporal bone
ID green
Mastoid notch of temporal bone
ID green
Posterior clinoid process of sphenoid bone
ID green
Jugular notch of temporal bone