Myology of the Neck Flashcards
ID 5
Musculus scalenus anterior [anterior scalene m.] - o: Transverse process of C3–C6. i: Scalene tubercle of first rib. Elevation of the first rib, lateral flexion and rotation of the neck; divides anterior and posterior scalene spaces. I: Brachial plexus (C5–C7).
ID 26
Musculus scalenus anterior [anterior scalene m.] - o: Transverse process of C3–C6. i: Scalene tubercle of first rib. Elevation of the first rib, lateral flexion and rotation of the neck; divides anterior and posterior scalene spaces. I: Brachial plexus (C5–C7).
ID 15
Musculus scalenus anterior [anterior scalene m.] - o: Transverse process of C3–C6. i: Scalene tubercle of first rib. Elevation of the first rib, lateral flexion and rotation of the neck; divides anterior and posterior scalene spaces. I: Brachial plexus (C5–C7).
ID muscle at 2
Musculus scalenus anterior [anterior scalene m.] - o: Transverse process of C3–C6. i: Scalene tubercle of first rib. Elevation of the first rib, lateral flexion and rotation of the neck; divides anterior and posterior scalene spaces. I: Brachial plexus (C5–C7).
ID 15
Musculus scalenus anterior [anterior scalene m.] - o: Transverse process of C3–C6. i: Scalene tubercle of first rib. Elevation of the first rib, lateral flexion and rotation of the neck; divides anterior and posterior scalene spaces. I: Brachial plexus (C5–C7).
ID muscle
Musculus scalenus anterior [anterior scalene m.] - o: Transverse process of C3–C6. i: Scalene tubercle of first rib. Elevation of the first rib, lateral flexion and rotation of the neck; divides anterior and posterior scalene spaces. I: Brachial plexus (C5–C7).
Another view is shown here
ID 6
Musculus scalenus medius [middle scalene m.] - o: Transverse processes of C2–C7. i: First rib posterior to the groove for the subclavian artery. Elevation of the first rib and lateral flexion of the neck. I: Cervical plexus and brachial plexus (C4–C8).
ID 27
Musculus scalenus medius [middle scalene m.] - o: Transverse processes of C2–C7. i: First rib posterior to the groove for the subclavian artery. Elevation of the first rib and lateral flexion of the neck. I: Cervical plexus and brachial plexus (C4–C8).
ID muscle at 17
Musculus scalenus medius [middle scalene m.] - o: Transverse processes of C2–C7. i: First rib posterior to the groove for the subclavian artery. Elevation of the first rib and lateral flexion of the neck. I: Cervical plexus and brachial plexus (C4–C8).
ID muscle
Musculus scalenus medius [middle scalene m.] - o: Transverse processes of C2–C7. i: First rib posterior to the groove for the subclavian artery. Elevation of the first rib and lateral flexion of the neck. I: Cervical plexus and brachial plexus (C4–C8).
Another view is shown here
ID 7
Musculus scalenus posterior [posterior scalene m.] - o: Transverse processes of C4–C6. i: Upper margin of second rib. Elevation of the rib. Lateral flexion of the neck. I: Brachial plexus (C7–C8).
ID muscles at 1
Scalene muscles
ID 21
Musculus scalenus posterior [posterior scalene m.] - o: Transverse processes of C4–C6. i: Upper margin of second rib. Elevation of the rib. Lateral flexion of the neck. I: Brachial plexus (C7–C8).
ID 18
Musculus scalenus posterior [posterior scalene m.] - o: Transverse processes of C4–C6. i: Upper margin of second rib. Elevation of the rib. Lateral flexion of the neck. I: Brachial plexus (C7–C8).
Musculus scalenus posterior [posterior scalene m.] - o: Transverse processes of C4–C6. i: Upper margin of second rib. Elevation of the rib. Lateral flexion of the neck. I: Brachial plexus (C7–C8).
Another view with all other structures faded is shown here
ID muscle
Musculus scalenus posterior [posterior scalene m.] - o: Transverse processes of C4–C6. i: Upper margin of second rib. Elevation of the rib. Lateral flexion of the neck. I: Brachial plexus (C7–C8).
Note: this is the only scalene muscle that inserts at the second rib
ID group of muscles
Musculi suprahyoidei [suprahyoid mm.] - the muscles situated above the hyoid bone.
ID combination of 19 and 20
Musculus digastricus [digastric m.] - o: Mastoid notch. i: Digastric fossa. It has an intermediate tendon that acts on the lesser horn of the hyoid bone by means of a connective tissue sling. Raises the hyoid bone and opens the mouth.
ID combination of 3 and 16
Musculus digastricus [digastric m.] - o: Mastoid notch. i: Digastric fossa. It has an intermediate tendon that acts on the lesser horn of the hyoid bone by means of a connective tissue sling. Raises the hyoid bone and opens the mouth.
Musculus digastricus [digastric m.] - o: Mastoid notch. i: Digastric fossa. It has an intermediate tendon that acts on the lesser horn of the hyoid bone by means of a connective tissue sling. Raises the hyoid bone and opens the mouth.
ID 19
Venter anterior [anterior belly of digastric m.] - Portion of the digastric muscle that extends from the mandible to the intermediate tendon. I: Nerve to mylohyoid.
Another view is shown here
ID 3
Venter anterior [anterior belly of digastric m.] - Portion of the digastric muscle that extends from the mandible to the intermediate tendon. I: Nerve to mylohyoid.
ID 6
Venter anterior [anterior belly of digastric m.] - Portion of the digastric muscle that extends from the mandible to the intermediate tendon. I: Nerve to mylohyoid.
Venter anterior [anterior belly of digastric m.] - Portion of the digastric muscle that extends from the mandible to the intermediate tendon. I: Nerve to mylohyoid.
Another view is shown here
ID 20
Venter posterior [posterior belly of digastric m.] - Portion of the digastric muscle that passes from the mastoid notch to the intermediate tendon. I: Nerve to mylohyoid.
another view is shown here
ID 9
Venter posterior [posterior belly of digastric m.] - Portion of the digastric muscle that passes from the mastoid notch to the intermediate tendon. I: Nerve to mylohyoid.
Can be seen on many vessel models (19 is posterior belly, 9 is anterior belly)
Venter posterior [posterior belly of digastric m.] - Portion of the digastric muscle that passes from the mastoid notch to the intermediate tendon. I: Nerve to mylohyoid.
Another view is shown here
ID 21
Musculus stylohyoideus [stylohyoid m.] - o: Styloid process. i: Body of hyoid bone near lesser horn. It accompanies the posterior belly of the digastric muscle and gives it passage through a perforation. It acts to draw the hyoid bone upward and backward during swallowing. I: Facial nerve.
Another view is shown here
ID 9
Musculus stylohyoideus [stylohyoid m.] - o: Styloid process. i: Body of hyoid bone near lesser horn. It accompanies the posterior belly of the digastric muscle and gives it passage through a perforation. It acts to draw the hyoid bone upward and backward during swallowing. I: Facial nerve.
Another view is shown here (10)
Musculus stylohyoideus [stylohyoid m.] - o: Styloid process. i: Body of hyoid bone near lesser horn. It accompanies the posterior belly of the digastric muscle and gives it passage through a perforation. It acts to draw the hyoid bone upward and backward during swallowing. I: Facial nerve.
Another view is shown here
ID 22
Musculus mylohyoideus [mylohyoid m.] - o: Mylohyoid line. i: Median fibrous raphe and body of hyoid bone. It forms the muscular floor of the mouth; supports the tongue. Raises the floor of the mouth and the hyoid bone. Draws the mandible inferiorly. I: Nerve to mylohyoid.
Another view is shown here
ID 18
Musculus mylohyoideus [mylohyoid m.] - o: Mylohyoid line. i: Median fibrous raphe and body of hyoid bone. It forms the muscular floor of the mouth; supports the tongue. Raises the floor of the mouth and the hyoid bone. Draws the mandible inferiorly. I: Nerve to mylohyoid.
Another view is shown here (muscle at 1)
Musculus mylohyoideus [mylohyoid m.] - o: Mylohyoid line. i: Median fibrous raphe and body of hyoid bone. It forms the muscular floor of the mouth; supports the tongue. Raises the floor of the mouth and the hyoid bone. Draws the mandible inferiorly. I: Nerve to mylohyoid.
Another view is shown here
ID 23
Musculus geniohyoideus [geniohyoid m.] - o: Inferior mental spine. i: Body of hyoid bone. Aids the mylohyoid. I: Anterior rami of spinal nerves (C1–C2).
ID 34
Musculus geniohyoideus [geniohyoid m.] - o: Inferior mental spine. i: Body of hyoid bone. Aids the mylohyoid. I: Anterior rami of spinal nerves (C1–C2).
(35 is mylohyoid m.)
Another view is shown here (4)
Musculus geniohyoideus [geniohyoid m.] - o: Inferior mental spine. i: Body of hyoid bone. Aids the mylohyoid. I: Anterior rami of spinal nerves (C1–C2).
Another view is shown here
ID group of muscles
Musculi infrahyoidei [infrahyoid mm.] - Muscles located inferior to the hyoid bone that act to either stabilize it or draw it inferiorly. Accessory muscles of deglutition and respiration. Indirect flexion at head and neck joints. I: Ansa cervicalis (C1-C3).
An isolated posterior view is shown here
ID 25
Musculus sternohyoidei [sternohyoid m.] - o: Posterior surface of manubrium of sternum and sternoclavicular joint. i: Body of hyoid bone.
ID muscle at 28
Musculus sternohyoidei [sternohyoid m.] - o: Posterior surface of manubrium of sternum and sternoclavicular joint. i: Body of hyoid bone.
Another view is shown here (8)
Musculus sternohyoidei [sternohyoid m.] - o: Posterior surface of manubrium of sternum and sternoclavicular joint. i: Body of hyoid bone.
Another view is shown here (posterior)
ID combination of 27 and 28
Musculus omohyoideus [omohyoid m.] - o: Superior border of scapula. i: Body of hyoid bone. It is divided into two bellies by an intermediate tendon that passes over the jugular vein. Hence it also tenses the pretracheal layer of the cervical fascia.
Musculus omohyoideus [omohyoid m.] - o: Superior border of scapula. i: Body of hyoid bone. It is divided into two bellies by an intermediate tendon that passes over the jugular vein. Hence it also tenses the pretracheal layer of the cervical fascia.
Another view is shown here
ID 27
Ventra superior [superior belly of omohyoid m.] - Upper portion of the omohyoid muscle between the hyoid bone and intermediate tendon.
ID 7
Ventra superior [superior belly of omohyoid m.] - Upper portion of the omohyoid muscle between the hyoid bone and intermediate tendon.
Another view is shown here (19)
ID 28
Ventra inferior [inferior belly of omohyoid m.] - Lower half of the omohyoid muscle that extends from the intermediate tendon to the Supra scapular notch.
ID 100.2
Musculus thyrohyoideus [thyrohyoid m] - o: Oblique line of thyroid cartilage. i: Greater horn and lateral one-third of the medial aspect of the hyoid bone.
ID muscle
Musculus thyrohyoideus [thyrohyoid m] - o: Oblique line of thyroid cartilage. i: Greater horn and lateral one-third of the medial aspect of the hyoid bone.
ID 5
Musculus thyrohyoideus [thyrohyoid m] - o: Oblique line of thyroid cartilage. i: Greater horn and lateral one-third of the medial aspect of the hyoid bone.
Shown here at 21
ID group of muscles
Musculi pharyngis [pharyngeal mm.] - Muscular layer of the wall of the pharynx.
ID 25
M. constrictor pharyngis superior [superior pharyngeal constrictor m.] - Superior constrictor muscle that consists of the pterygopharyngel part, buccopharyngeal part, mylopharyngeal part, and glossopharyngeal part and inserts on the pharyngeal raphe. I: Pharyngeal plexus.
Another view is shown here (combination of 26-29)
M. constrictor pharyngis superior [superior pharyngeal constrictor m.] - Superior constrictor muscle that consists of the pterygopharyngel part, buccopharyngeal part, mylopharyngeal part, and glossopharyngeal part and inserts on the pharyngeal raphe. I: Pharyngeal plexus.
ID 7
M. constrictor pharyngis superior [superior pharyngeal constrictor m.] - Superior constrictor muscle that consists of the pterygopharyngel part, buccopharyngeal part, mylopharyngeal part, and glossopharyngeal part and inserts on the pharyngeal raphe. I: Pharyngeal plexus.
Another view shown here (25)
ID 30
M. constrictor pharyngis medius [middle pharyngeal constrictor m.] - o: Hyoid bone. i: Pharyngeal raphe. I: Pharyngeal plexus.
M. constrictor pharyngis medius [middle pharyngeal constrictor m.] - o: Hyoid bone. i: Pharyngeal raphe. I: Pharyngeal plexus.
ID 12
M. constrictor pharyngis medius [middle pharyngeal constrictor m.] - o: Hyoid bone. i: Pharyngeal raphe. I: Pharyngeal plexus.
Note: 19 is superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle
Another view is shown here (6 is middle / 4 is superior)
ID 33
M. constrictor pharyngis inferior [inferior pharyngeal constrictor m.] - o: (thyropharyngeal part) oblique line of thyroid cartilage, (cricopharyngeal part) cricoid cartilage. Lower constrictor muscle arising from the larynx. I: Pharyngeal plexus.
M. constrictor pharyngis inferior [inferior pharyngeal constrictor m.] - o: (thyropharyngeal part) oblique line of thyroid cartilage, (cricopharyngeal part) cricoid cartilage. Lower constrictor muscle arising from the larynx. I: Pharyngeal plexus.
ID combination of 16 and 18
M. constrictor pharyngis inferior [inferior pharyngeal constrictor m.] - o: (thyropharyngeal part) oblique line of thyroid cartilage, (cricopharyngeal part) cricoid cartilage. Lower constrictor muscle arising from the larynx. I: Pharyngeal plexus.
Another view is shown here (10)
ID 36
M. stylopharyngeus [stylopharyngeus m.] - o: Styloid process. i: It extends medially between the superior and middle constrictor muscles and reaches the wall of the pharynx,thyroid cartilage,and epiglottis. I: Glossopharyngeal nerve.
M. stylopharyngeus [stylopharyngeus m.] - o: Styloid process. i: It extends medially between the superior and middle constrictor muscles and reaches the wall of the pharynx,thyroid cartilage,and epiglottis. I: Glossopharyngeal nerve.
ID 5
M. stylopharyngeus [stylopharyngeus m.] - o: Styloid process. i: It extends medially between the superior and middle constrictor muscles and reaches the wall of the pharynx,thyroid cartilage,and epiglottis. I: Glossopharyngeal nerve.
ID 37
M. salpingopharyngeus [salpingopharyngeus m.] - o: Dorsomedial lip of cartilaginous part of auditory tube, part of the longitudinal muscles of pharynx. i: Lateral wall of pharynx. Prevents the levator veli palatini from sliding posteriorly. I: Pharyngeal plexus.
M. salpingopharyngeus [salpingopharyngeus m.] - o: Dorsomedial lip of cartilaginous part of auditory tube, part of the longitudinal muscles of pharynx. i: Lateral wall of pharynx. Prevents the levator veli palatini from sliding posteriorly. I: Pharyngeal plexus.
ID 22
M. palatopharyngeus [palatopharyngeus m.] - o: Arises from the palatine aponeurosis in two portions, between which the levator veli palatini inserts, and from the pterygoid hamulus. I: Glossopharyngeal nerve.
M. palatopharyngeus [palatopharyngeus m.] - o: Arises from the palatine aponeurosis in two portions, between which the levator veli palatini inserts, and from the pterygoid hamulus. I: Glossopharyngeal nerve.
ID 19
M. palatopharyngeus [palatopharyngeus m.] - o: Arises from the palatine aponeurosis in two portions, between which the levator veli palatini inserts, and from the pterygoid hamulus. I: Glossopharyngeal nerve.
ID group of muscles
Laryngeal muscles
ID 11
M. cricothyroideus [cricothyroid m.] - o: Anterior and lateral from the cricoid cartilage. i: Inferior margin of the lamina of thyroid cartilage on the inner and outer surface of the inferior horn. If the thyroid cartilage is fixed, it tilts the cricoid cartilage with the arytenoid cartilages posteriorly, thereby tensing the vocal ligaments. I: External branch of superior laryngeal nerve (only one). It is composed in 50% of the straight part and oblique part.
M. cricothyroideus [cricothyroid m.] - o: Anterior and lateral from the cricoid cartilage. i: Inferior margin of the lamina of thyroid cartilage on the inner and outer surface of the inferior horn. If the thyroid cartilage is fixed, it tilts the cricoid cartilage with the arytenoid cartilages posteriorly, thereby tensing the vocal ligaments. I: External branch of superior laryngeal nerve (only one). It is composed in 50% of the straight part and oblique part.
ID 22
M. cricothyroideus [cricothyroid m.] - o: Anterior and lateral from the cricoid cartilage. i: Inferior margin of the lamina of thyroid cartilage on the inner and outer surface of the inferior horn. If the thyroid cartilage is fixed, it tilts the cricoid cartilage with the arytenoid cartilages posteriorly, thereby tensing the vocal ligaments. I: External branch of superior laryngeal nerve (only one). It is composed in 50% of the straight part and oblique part.
ID 14
M. cricoarytenoideus posterior [posterior cricoarytenoid m.] - o: Posterior surface of cricoid cartilage. i: Muscular process of arytenoid cartilage. The only muscle that acts to open the rima glottis, doing so by superolateral rotation of the vocal process. I: Recurrent laryngeal nerve.
M. cricoarytenoideus posterior [posterior cricoarytenoid m.] - o: Posterior surface of cricoid cartilage. i: Muscular process of arytenoid cartilage. The only muscle that acts to open the rima glottis, doing so by superolateral rotation of the vocal process. I: Recurrent laryngeal nerve.
ID 8
M. cricoarytenoideus posterior [posterior cricoarytenoid m.] - o: Posterior surface of cricoid cartilage. i: Muscular process of arytenoid cartilage. The only muscle that acts to open the rima glottis, doing so by superolateral rotation of the vocal process. I: Recurrent laryngeal nerve.
ID 16
M. cricoarytenoideus lateralis [lateral cricoarytenoid m.] - o: Upper margin and lateral outer surface of cricoid cartilage. i: Lateral margin of muscular process of arytenoid cartilage and adjacent area. Synergist in closing the rima glottidis. I: Recurrent laryngeal nerve.
M. cricoarytenoideus lateralis [lateral cricoarytenoid m.] - o: Upper margin and lateral outer surface of cricoid cartilage. i: Lateral margin of muscular process of arytenoid cartilage and adjacent area. Synergist in closing the rima glottidis. I: Recurrent laryngeal nerve.
ID 13
M. cricoarytenoideus lateralis [lateral cricoarytenoid m.] - o: Upper margin and lateral outer surface of cricoid cartilage. i: Lateral margin of muscular process of arytenoid cartilage and adjacent area. Synergist in closing the rima glottidis. I: Recurrent laryngeal nerve.
ID 17
M. vocalis [vocalis m.] - o: Inner surface of thyroid cartilage near the midline. i: Vocal process and oblong fovea of arytenoid cartilage. Its tensing action changes the intrinsic vibration of the vocal ligament. I: Recurrent laryngeal nerve.
M. vocalis [vocalis m.] - o: Inner surface of thyroid cartilage near the midline. i: Vocal process and oblong fovea of arytenoid cartilage. Its tensing action changes the intrinsic vibration of the vocal ligament. I: Recurrent laryngeal nerve.
ID 20
M. vocalis [vocalis m.] - o: Inner surface of thyroid cartilage near the midline. i: Vocal process and oblong fovea of arytenoid cartilage. Its tensing action changes the intrinsic vibration of the vocal ligament. I: Recurrent laryngeal nerve.
ID 18
M. thyroarytneoideus [thyroarytenoid m.] - o: Anterior inner surface of thyroid cartilage. i: Anterior lateral surface of arytenoid cartilage. Synergist in closing the rima glottidis. I: Recurrentlaryngeal nerve.
M. thyroarytneoideus [thyro-arytenoid m.] - o: Anterior inner surface of thyroid cartilage. i: Anterior lateral surface of arytenoid cartilage. Synergist in closing the rima glottidis. I: Recurrentlaryngeal nerve.
ID 20
M. arytenoideus obliquus [oblique arytenoid m.] - o: Posterior surface of muscular process. i: Apex of the contralateral arytenoid cartilage. Acts to bring the arytenoid cartilages closer together. Synergist in closing the rima glottidis. I: Recurrent laryngeal nerve.
M. arytenoideus obliquus [oblique arytenoid m.] - o: Posterior surface of muscular process. i: Apex of the contralateral arytenoid cartilage. Acts to bring the arytenoid cartilages closer together. Synergist in closing the rima glottidis. I: Recurrent laryngeal nerve.
ID 22
M. arytneoideus transversus [transverse arytenoid m.] - Transverse bundle of muscle fibers that connect the lateral margins of the arytenoid cartilages. Acts to bring the arytenoid cartilages closer together. Synergist in closing the rima glottidis. I: Recurrent laryngeal nerve.
M. arytneoideus transversus [transverse arytenoid m.] - Transverse bundle of muscle fibers that connect the lateral margins of the arytenoid cartilages. Acts to bring the arytenoid cartilages closer together. Synergist in closing the rima glottidis. I: Recurrent laryngeal nerve.
ID group of muscles
Suboccipital muscles
ID 11
M. rectus capitis anterior [rectus capitis anterior m.] - o: Lateral mass of atlas. i: Basilar part of occipital bone. Forward bending of the head. I: Cervical plexus (C1).
M. rectus capitis anterior [rectus capitis anterior m.] - o: Lateral mass of atlas. i: Basilar part of occipital bone. Forward bending of the head. I: Cervical plexus (C1).
ID 12
M. rectus capitis lateralis [rectus capitis lateralis m.] - o: Transverse process of atlas. i: Jugular process of occipital bone. Lateral bending of the head. I: Anterior ramus of spinal nerve (C1).
M. rectus capitis lateralis [rectus capitis lateralis m.] - o: Transverse process of atlas. i: Jugular process of occipital bone. Lateral bending of the head. I: Anterior ramus of spinal nerve (C1).
ID 13
M. rectus capitis posterior major [rectus capitis posterior major m.] - o: Spinous process of axis. i: Middle inferior nuchal line. Rotates the face laterally. Posterior flexion. I: Suboccipital nerve.
M. rectus capitis posterior major [rectus capitis posterior major m.] - o: Spinous process of axis. i: Middle inferior nuchal line. Rotates the face laterally. Posterior flexion. I: Suboccipital nerve.
ID 14
M. rectus capitis posterior minor [rectus capitis posterior minor m.] - o: Posterior tubercle of the posterior arch of atlas. i: Medial one-third of inferior nuchal line. Mainly posterior flexion of the head. I: Suboccipital nerve.
M. rectus capitis posterior minor [rectus capitis posterior minor m.] - o: Posterior tubercle of the posterior arch of atlas. i: Medial one-third of inferior nuchal line. Mainly posterior flexion of the head. I: Suboccipital nerve.
ID 15
M. obliquus capitis superior [obliquus capitis superior m.] - o: Transverse process of atlas. i: Area overlying the insertion of the rectus capitis posterior major. Posterior and lateral bending of the head. I: Suboccipital nerve.
M. obliquus capitis superior [obliquus capitis superior m.] - o: Transverse process of atlas. i: Area overlying the insertion of the rectus capitis posterior major. Posterior and lateral bending of the head. I: Suboccipital nerve.
ID 16
M. obliquus capitis inferior [obliquus capitis inferior m.] - o: Spinous process of axis. i: Transverse process of atlas. Lateral rotation of the atlas and face to the ipsilateral side. I: Suboccipital nerve.
M. obliquus capitis inferior [obliquus capitis inferior m.] - o: Spinous process of axis. i: Transverse process of atlas. Lateral rotation of the atlas and face to the ipsilateral side. I: Suboccipital nerve.
ID 100.1
Musculus sternothyroideus [sternothyroid m.] - o: Posterior surface of manubrium of sternum and first rib. i: Oblique line of thyroid cartilage.
Musculus sternothyroideus [sternothyroid m.] - o: Posterior surface of manubrium of sternum and first rib. i: Oblique line of thyroid cartilage.
ID 9
Musculus sternothyroideus [sternothyroid m.] - o: Posterior surface of manubrium of sternum and first rib. i: Oblique line of thyroid cartilage.
Another view is shown here at 4