Urology, Male/Female Reproductive of Pelvis Flashcards
ID 1
Ureter - Urinary duct situated in the retroperitoneum. It connects the renal pelvis with the urinary bladder, measures 25–30 cm in length and is about 3 mm thick.
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ID structure
Ureter - Urinary duct situated in the retroperitoneum. It connects the renal pelvis with the urinary bladder, measures 25–30 cm in length and is about 3 mm thick.
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ID 3
Pars pelvica [pelvic part of ureter] - Part of the ureter located in the pelvis, extending from the linea terminalis to the urinary bladder. At the pelvic inlet it lies in front of the divergence of the common iliac vessels and, in the male lesser pelvis, below the ductus deferens; in the female lesser pelvis below the uterine artery.
ID 10
Pars pelvica [pelvic part of ureter] - Part of the ureter located in the pelvis, extending from the linea terminalis to the urinary bladder. At the pelvic inlet it lies in front of the divergence of the common iliac vessels and, in the male lesser pelvis, below the ductus deferens; in the female lesser pelvis below the uterine artery.
ID structure
Vesica Urinaria [urinary bladder] - Organ located beneath the peritoneum in the lesser pelvis posterior to the pubic symphysis. Its size varies depending on fullness, with the urge to evacuate the bladder occurring at about 350 ml. Even at maximum distension it remains below the level of the navel.
ID structure
Vesica Urinaria [urinary bladder] - Organ located beneath the peritoneum in the lesser pelvis posterior to the pubic symphysis. Its size varies depending on fullness, with the urge to evacuate the bladder occurring at about 350 ml. Even at maximum distension it remains below the level of the navel.
ID 16
Vesica Urinaria [urinary bladder] - Organ located beneath the peritoneum in the lesser pelvis posterior to the pubic symphysis. Its size varies depending on fullness, with the urge to evacuate the bladder occurring at about 350 ml. Even at maximum distension it remains below the level of the navel.
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ID 12
Vesica Urinaria [urinary bladder] - Organ located beneath the peritoneum in the lesser pelvis posterior to the pubic symphysis. Its size varies depending on fullness, with the urge to evacuate the bladder occurring at about 350 ml. Even at maximum distension it remains below the level of the navel.
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ID 18
Vesica Urinaria [urinary bladder] - Organ located beneath the peritoneum in the lesser pelvis posterior to the pubic symphysis. Its size varies depending on fullness, with the urge to evacuate the bladder occurring at about 350 ml. Even at maximum distension it remains below the level of the navel.
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ID 16
Tunica muscularis [Muscular layer; Muscular coat of urinary bladder] - The muscular coat of the urinary bladder mainly consists of interwoven bundles of smooth-muscle cells that conform to the degree of its distension. In the trigone region muscle fibers from the urinary bladder overlap with those of the ureter.
ID 1
Tunica muscularis [Muscular layer; Muscular coat] - The muscular coat of the urinary bladder mainly consists of interwoven bundles of smooth-muscle cells that conform to the degree of its distension. In the trigone region muscle fibers from the urinary bladder overlap with those of the ureter.
ID 188.1
M. detrusor vesicae [Detrusor m.] - Muscle forming the wall of the urinary bladder excepting the trigone of bladder. It is formed by two differently structured parts that are produced by the spiral arrangement of the cells with alternating gradient angles.
ID 1
Urethra Masculina [male urethra]
ID 16
Urethra Masculina [male urethra]
Shown here as 18
ID combination of 10 and 13
Urethra Masculina [male urethra]
Shown here as 11, 13, 15, and 17
ID 6
Pars Prostatica Urethrae [prostatic part of urethra] -Part of the male urethra that passes through the prostate.
ID 13
Pars Prostatica Urethrae [prostatic part of urethra] -Part of the male urethra that passes through the prostate.
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ID 12
Pars Prostatica Urethrae [prostatic part of urethra] -Part of the male urethra that passes through the prostate.
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ID 9
Crista urethralis masculina [Urethral crest] - Mucosal fold in the posterior wall of the prostatic urethra that is continuous with the uvula of bladder.
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ID 10
Colliculus seminalis [Seminal colliculus] - Elevation on the urethral crest that contains the openings of the ejaculatory ducts.
ID 3
Ostium ductus ejaculatorii [opening/orifice of ejaculatory duct]
ID 1
Crista urethralis masculina [Urethral crest] - Mucosal fold in the posterior wall of the prostatic urethra that is continuous with the uvula of bladder.
ID 2
Colliculus seminalis [Seminal colliculus] - Elevation on the urethral crest that contains the openings of the ejaculatory ducts.
Ostium ductus ejaculatorii [opening/orifice of ejaculatory duct]
Urachus - A fibrous cord that connects the urinary bladder to the umbilicus (navel). The urachus is formed as the allantoic stalk during fetal development and lasts through life. Also called median umbilical ligament.
ID 13
Tunica vaginalis testis [Tunica vaginalis of testis] - Serous covering of the testis. Vestige of the vaginal process of the peritoneum. It consists of the following layers.
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ID 39 and 40
Tunica vaginalis testis [Tunica vaginalis of testis] - Serous covering of the testis. Vestige of the vaginal process of the peritoneum. It consists of the following layers.
ID 14
Lamina parietalis tunicae vaginalis testis [Parietal layer of tunica vaginalis of testis] - Layer that lines the inner surface of the tunica vaginalis and is reflected on the visceral layer at the posterior border of the epididymis and mediastinum of testis.
ID 40
Lamina parietalis tunicae vaginalis testis [Parietal layer of tunica vaginalis of testis] - Layer that lines the inner surface of the tunica vaginalis and is reflected on the visceral layer at the posterior border of the epididymis and mediastinum of testis.
Shown here as 12 and 19
Cavitas tunicae vaginalis testis [cavity of tunica vaginalis of testis]
ID 15
Lamina visceralis tunicae vaginalis testis [Visceral layer of tunica vaginalis of testis] - Layer lying on the tunica albuginea and epididymis. It does not cover the mediastinum of testis.
Cavitas tunicae vaginalis testis [cavity of tunica vaginalis of testis]
ID 39
Lamina visceralis tunicae vaginalis testis [Visceral layer of tunica vaginalis of testis] - Layer lying on the tunica albuginea and epididymis. It does not cover the mediastinum of testis.
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ID 40
Appendix testis [Appendix of testis] - . Vesicular appendage of the testis.
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Appendix testis [Appendix of testis] - . Vesicular appendage of the testis.
ID 23
Mediastinum testis [Mediastinum of testis] - Connective tissue protruding from the tunica albuginea into the interior of the testis.
ID 4
Mediastinum testis [Mediastinum of testis] - Connective tissue protruding from the tunica albuginea into the interior of the testis.
ID 24
Septula testis [septa testis] - Connective tissue partitions between the mediastinum of testis and the tunica albuginea.
ID 3
Septula testis [septa testis] - Connective tissue partitions between the mediastinum of testis and the tunica albuginea.
ID 27
Tubuli seminiferi contorti [convoluted seminiferous tubules] - Convoluted seminiferous tubules that form the lobules of testis.
ID 7
Tubuli seminiferi contorti [convoluted seminiferous tubules] - Convoluted seminiferous tubules that form the lobules of testis.
ID 28
Tubuli seminiferi recti [straight seminiferous tubules] - Short transition between the convoluted seminiferous tubules and the rete testis.
ID 30
Ductuli efferentes testis [Efferent ductules of testis] - Ten to twenty small ducts between the rete testis and the duct of epididymis.
Ductuli efferentes testis [Efferent ductules of testis] - Ten to twenty small ducts between the rete testis and the duct of epididymis.
Gubernaculum testis [Gubernaculum testis] - Connective-tissue band present during fetal development that is derived from the caudal gonadal fold and is involved in testicular descent.
Gubernaculum testis [Gubernaculum testis] - Connective-tissue band present during fetal development that is derived from the caudal gonadal fold and is involved in testicular descent.
Note the gubernaculum testis
Gubernaculum testis [Gubernaculum testis] - Connective-tissue band present during fetal development that is derived from the caudal gonadal fold and is involved in testicular descent.
ID 7
Ductus deferens [ductus deferens] - The course of the ca. 50 cm long ductus deferens is initially tortuous, then becomes straight. It is a continuation of the duct of epididymis, opening into the urethra.
ID 7
Ductus deferens [ductus deferens] - The course of the ca. 50 cm long ductus deferens is initially tortuous, then becomes straight. It is a continuation of the duct of epididymis, opening into the urethra.
ID 12
Ampulla ductus deferentis [Ampulla of ductus deferens] - Longitudinal expansion at the fundus of bladder.
ID 4
Ampulla ductus deferentis [Ampulla of ductus deferens] - Longitudinal expansion at the fundus of bladder.
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ID 3
Ampulla ductus deferentis [Ampulla of ductus deferens] - Longitudinal expansion at the fundus of bladder.
ID 19
Glandula seminalis [seminal vesicle / seminal gland] - Thinwalled coiled tube about 5 cm in length.
ID 3
Glandula seminalis [seminal gland] - Thinwalled coiled tube about 5 cm in length.
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ID 2
Glandula seminalis [seminal gland] - Thinwalled coiled tube about 5 cm in length.
ID 23
Ductus excretorius glandulae seminalis [Excretory duct of seminal gland] - Duct that opens into the ductus deferens.
ID structure
Prostata [prostate] - Chestnut-sized tubuloalveolar gland below the urinary bladder and having a smooth surface. It surrounds the urethra.
ID 23
Prostata [prostate] - Chestnut-sized tubuloalveolar gland below the urinary bladder and having a smooth surface. It surrounds the urethra.
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ID 6
Prostata [prostate] - Chestnut-sized tubuloalveolar gland below the urinary bladder and having a smooth surface. It surrounds the urethra.
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ID 2
Basis prostatae [Base of prostate] - Part of the gland that is fused with the fundus of bladder.
ID 6
Apex prostatae [Apex of prostate] - Anteroinferiorly directed tip of the prostate that surrounds the urethra, close to the superficial transverse perineal muscle.
ID 1
Glandula Bulbo-urethralis [BULBOURETHRAL GLAND] - Pea-sized mucous gland on the posterior end of the bulb of penis at the level of the deep transverse perineal muscle.
ID 8
Glandula Bulbo-urethralis [BULBOURETHRAL GLAND] - Pea-sized mucous gland on the posterior end of the bulb of penis at the level of the deep transverse perineal muscle.
ID 2
Ductus glandulae bulbo-urethralis [Duct of bulbourethral gland] - The 3–4 cm long excretory duct.
ID 5
Radix penis [ Root of penis] - Part that is attached to the pubis.
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ID 6
Corpus penis [ Body of penis] - Shaft situated between the glans and root of penis.
ID 7
Crus penis [ Crus of penis] - Projection from the corpus cavernosum of penis attached to the inferior pubic ramus.
Name the flattened superior aspect of the penis
Dorsum penis [ Dorsum of penis] - Flattened superior aspect of the penis.
ID 10
Glans penis - Enlarged end of the corpus spongiosum of penis.
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ID 11
Corona glandis penis [ Corona of glans penis] - Posterior border of the glans penis.
ID 3
Corona glandis penis [ Corona of glans penis] - Posterior border of the glans penis.
ID 12
Septum glandis penis [Septum of glans penis] - Partition in the median plane of the glans penis.
ID 14
Preputium penis [prepuce of penis] - Double fold of skin over the glans penis.
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ID 15
Frenulum preputii [Frenulum of prepuce of the penis] - Fold that extends from the foreskin to the inferior aspect of the glans penis.
ID 16
Raphe penis [raphe of penis] - Seam on the skin of the inferior surface of the penis that forms during development.
ID 17
Corpus Cavernosum Penis - Cavernous body that is divided into two halves by the septum penis.
ID 17
Corpus Cavernosum Penis - Cavernous body that is divided into two halves by the septum penis.
ID 3
Corpus Cavernosum Penis - Cavernous body that is divided into two halves by the septum penis.
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ID 23
Trabeculae corporis cavernosa penis [Trabeculae of corpora cavernosa penis] - Connective tissue permeated by smooth-muscle cells in the corpus cavernosum.
ID 19
Bulbus penis [ Bulb of penis] - Posterior, thickened end of the corpus spongiosum.
ID 22
Septum penis [ Septum penis] - Partition with spaces giving it a pectinate form which divides the right and left corpus cavernosum. It arises from the tunica albuginea.
ID 34
Raphe [Raphe of scrotum] - Median line in the skin of the scrotum that forms during development.
ID 2
Ovarium [ovary] - It lies intraperitoneally on the wall of the lesser pelvis in the ovarian fossa. It is 2.5–4.5 cm long and 0.5–1 cm thick. Its long axis is vertical when standing.
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ID 1
Ovarium [ovary] - It lies intraperitoneally on the wall of the lesser pelvis in the ovarian fossa. It is 2.5–4.5 cm long and 0.5–1 cm thick. Its long axis is vertical when standing.
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ID 3
Hilum ovarii [hilum of ovary] - Site of entry and exit of blood vessels as well as attachment of the mesovarium.
ID 6
Margo liber [Free border of ovary] - Free border located opposite to the hilum of ovary.
ID 7
Margo mesovaricus [Mesovarian border of ovary] - Border that gives attachment to the mesovarium, located opposite to the free border of the ovary.
ID 8
Extremitas tubaria [ Tubal extremity of ovary] - End of the ovary facing the infundibulum of the uterine tube.
ID 9
Extremitas uterina [ Uterine extremity of ovary] - Pole of the ovary facing the uterus
ID 19
Ligamentum ovarii propium [ Ligament of ovary] - Band that passes between the uterine extremity of the ovary and the uterus, posterior to the tubal angle. It contains smooth-muscle cells and allows for a certain degree of mobility of the ovary, necessary during ovulation.
ID 5
Ligamentum ovarii propium [ Ligament of ovary] - Band that passes between the uterine extremity of the ovary and the uterus, posterior to the tubal angle. It contains smooth-muscle cells and allows for a certain degree of mobility of the ovary, necessary during ovulation.
ID 3
Ligamentum ovarii propium [ Ligament of ovary] - Band that passes between the uterine extremity of the ovary and the uterus, posterior to the tubal angle. It contains smooth-muscle cells and allows for a certain degree of mobility of the ovary, necessary during ovulation.
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ID 22-28
Tuba Uterina [Salpinx] [UTERINE TUBE] - About 10 cm long tube connecting the region around the ovary with the uterus.
ID 6
Tuba Uterina [Salpinx] [UTERINE TUBE] - About 10 cm long tube connecting the region around the ovary with the uterus.
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ID 22
Ostium abdominale tubae uterinae [Abdominal ostium of uterine tube] - Opening of the uterine tube into the peritoneal cavity.
ID 29
Ostium uterinum tubae [ Uterine ostium of uterine tube] - Opening of the uterine part of the isthmus into the uterine cavity.
ID 1
Uterus - Pear-shaped organ measuring about 7.5 cm in length.
ID 6
Facies posterior (intestinalis) uteri (posterior surface, intestinal surface of the uterus) Posterosuperior surface that is in contact with the intestine.
ID 8
Facies anterior (vesicalis) uteri (vesical surface, anterior surface of the uterus) Anteroinferiorly directed surface lying on the urinary bladder.
ID 7
Cavitas uteri (uterine cavity) - Cavity-like space within the uterus that is shaped like an inverted triangle and has a mucosal lining.
ID 9
Ostium internum uteri [internal os of uterus] - Site of the transition between the flattened lumen of the body of uterus into the round lumen of the cervix of uterus.
ID 10
Cervix uteri (cervix of the uterus) Rounded inferior one-third of the uterus.
ID 19
Plicae palmatae [Palmate folds of uterus] - Mucosal folds that converge in a pattern resembling palm fronds inferiorly in the direction of the lumen.
ID 15
Ostium externum uteri [External os of uterus] - Opening of the cervical lumen into the vagina. It has a pitlike shape in nullipara that after childbirth becomes slitlike.
Note the external os of the uterus
Ostium externum uteri [External os of uterus] - Opening of the cervical lumen into the vagina. It has a pitlike shape in nullipara that after childbirth becomes slitlike.
ID 16
Labium anterius [Anterior lip of external os of uterus] - Anterior border of the external os of uterus.
ID 17
Labium posterius [Posterior lip of external os of uterus] - Posterior border of the external os of uterus.
ID 29
Ligamentum teres uteri [Round ligament of uterus] - Ligament derived from the caudal gonadal fold during development. It passes from the tubal angle through the parametrium and inguinal canal into the labia majora.
ID 4
Ligamentum teres uteri [Round ligament of uterus] - Ligament derived from the caudal gonadal fold during development. It passes from the tubal angle through the parametrium and inguinal canal into the labia majora.
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ID 4
Ligamentum teres uteri [Round ligament of uterus] - Ligament derived from the caudal gonadal fold during development. It passes from the tubal angle through the parametrium and inguinal canal into the labia majora.
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ID 8
Hymen of vagina - Cutaneous fold that usually arises from the posterior wall of the vagina and par- tially closes the entrance to the vagina as a virginal membrane.
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ID 4
Hymen of vagina - Cutaneous fold that usually arises from the posterior wall of the vagina and par- tially closes the entrance to the vagina as a virginal membrane.
ID 32
Labium Minus Vulvae [Labium minus of vulva] - Cutaneous fold that is devoid of fat and hair and contains sebaceous glands. It forms the boundary of the vestibule of vagina.
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ID 7
Labium Minus Vulvae [Labium minus of vulva] - Cutaneous fold that is devoid of fat and hair and contains sebaceous glands. It forms the boundary of the vestibule of vagina.
ID 30
Frenulum labiorum vulvae [Frenulum of labia minora] - Posterior fold with a narrow margin between the labia minora. It can be torn during childbirth.
ID 5
Ostium vaginae [ Vaginal orifice] - Opening of the vagina into the vestibule.
ID 8
Clitoris- Erectile part of the vulva on the anterior end of the labia minora. It is composed of the union of two cavernous bodies and is homologous to the corpus cavernosum of penis.
ID 12
Corpus cavernosum clitoridis (corpus cavernosum of the clitoris) - Cavernous body in the body of clitoris.
ID 9
Crus clitoridis (crus of the clitoris) - Prolongation extending from the clitoris.
ID 15
Ligamentum suspensorium clitoridis (suspensory lig. Of clitoris) Band that suspends the glans of clitoris from the inferior border of the pubic symphysis.