USPSTF Flashcards
Breast cancer screen
B rec.
F, age 50-74, mmgm, q2yrs
Factors considered by USPSTF making screening recommendations?
The USPSTF considers:
- the Burden of suffering from the target conditions
- Accuracy of screening test
- Benefits of screening compared with harms.
Cost, cost effectiveness, insurance coverage, and liability are NOT considered.
Cervical cancer
A rec
F, 21-65, q3yrs pap
F, 30-65, q5yrs pap+HPV, optional
Colorectal cancer
A rec Age 50-75 colonoscopy q10yrs, or Annual high sensitivity stool test, or Sigmoidoscopy q5yrs
Prostate cancer
D rec
Lung cancer
B rec Low dose CT Annual 55-80 30 pack year Current smoker Or have quit<15 years
Cancer screening with “D” rec
Tabasco cessation
- ask all adults about use and provide tobacco cessation intervention
- screening all pregnant women for tobacco use and provide counseling
A rec
- 10-24 yrs old with fair skin to minimized exposure to UV radiation
B rec
Beta-carotene supplements to prevent cancer or cardiovascular disease
D rec
Cardiovascular disease screening
Abd aortic aneurysm
Men ever smoked, 65-75 yrs, 1 time screen with U/S
- B Rex
Cardiovascular disease screening
High blood pressure screening
At 18 or older
A rec
Lipid screening
M = or > 35
A rec
Lipid screening
At increased risk
= or > 45, A rec
20-45, B rec
Aspirin prevention
- M, 45-79, for MI prevention if low risk of GI bleeding –A rec
- F, 55-79, for ischemic stroke prevention if low risk of GI bleeding –A rec
Intensive behavioral dietary counseling for pt with hyperlipemia and other risk factors for CVD, diet related chronic diseases
B rec
Alcohol misuse in adults
- screen and counsel adults to reduce alcohol misuse with brief behavior counseling intervention
B rec
Depression screening, counseling adult and adolescent (12-18) with depression support system
B rec
Screening obesity in adult
B rec
Screening obesity in children 6 or older
B rec
Intensive counseling and behavioral intervention for adults and children for obesity
B rec
Type 2 DM screening in asymptomatic adults with Bp>135/80
B rec
STI counseling
High intensity behavioral counseling
- Sexually active adolescents
B rec
STI counseling
High intensity behavioral counseling
- adults at increased risk
B rec
Injury and violence screening for women of childbearing age for intimate partner violence
B rec
Exercises and physical therapy and vitamin D in 65 or older, for prevention of fall in community-dwelling older adults
B rec
F, 65 or older or
Younger than 65 with risk factors
B rec
Visual screening
3-5 year old, one time screening for amblyopia
B rec
Hearing screening
New born infant
B rec
F, 24 or younger, sexually active or
25 or older, with increased risk
A rec
F, sexually active, at increased risk
B rec
Chlamydia and gonorrhea for men
I rec
HIV screening
- 15-65 yrs
- Younger adolescents and older adults at increased risk for HIV
A rec
All M & F at increased risk
A rec
Hep B
Men and non-pregnant women
D rec
Hep C
- at increased risk
- one time screening for those born in 1946-1965
B rec
HCV risk
Hz of blood transfusion before 1992
Pregnant women screening
- Bacteriuria
- asymptomatic, 12-16 wks gestation
A rec
Pregnant women screening
- syphilis
A rec
Pregnant women screening
- hep B at 1st prenatal visit
A rec
Pregnant women screening
A rec
Pregnant women screening
- chlamydia
B rec
Pregnant women screenin
- Rh incompatibility
1st prenatal visit –A rec
Repeat at 24-28 wk–B rec
Pregnant women screening
- iron-deficiency anemia
B rec
Pregnant women screening
- tobacco use
A rec
Pregnant women screening
- alcohol misuse
B rec
Pregnant women screening
- breast feeding rec
B rec
Pregnant women screening
- folic acid supplementation
Infant screening
- Congenital hypothyroidism - A rec
- Phenylketonuria - A rec
- Sickle cell disease - A rec
- Hearing screening - B rec
Infant preventive medication
- prophylactic ocular topical medication to prevent gonococcal ophthalmia neonatorum
A rec
Infant preventive medication
- Iron supplementation for infants 6-12 month at increased risk for iron deficiency
B rec
Cancer screening with “ I” rec
- Skin cancer
- Bladder cancer
- Oral cancer
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm screening
- make ever smoked, 65-75 yrs. one time screening
B rec