Statistics Flashcards
Nominal data
In category, non-parametric
Study Power?
The power of a study is the probability of detecting a significant difference between treatments or study groups when there really is one.
Low power increases the likelihood of failing to identify a statistically significant difference when a real difference does exist.
High power (80% or more) is desirable .
Power is affected by sample size, etc.
Ordinal data?
In order, with unequal interval,non-parametric
Interval data?
Equal interval
No absolute zero
Cannot compute ratio
Eg Tm in Celsius or Fahrenheit
Ratio data?
Equal interval
with absolute zero or true zero
Can calculate ratio
Eg. Wt, hight, Kelvin Tm
Measurement of central tendency?
Mean= Median = Mode, what distribution?
Normal distribution
Relationship of mean, median and mode in right (positive) distribution?
Right skewed -Tail on the right
(Rule of thumb: mean always follows the tail)
The relationship of mean, median and mode in left skewed distribution?
Tail is on the left of the distribution
For normal distribution, select statistic method?
Select Parametric statistics test
Eg. Student t-test, chi-square, ANOVA, ANCOVA, regression analysis
For non-normal distribution, eg. Bimodal, skewed, etc. test methods selection?
Non-parametric test eg.Fisher’s exact test, McNemar test,Mann-Whitney U test, Wilcoxon’s rank sum test, Kruskall-wallis test
Ways of obtaining random sample?
- Simple random sampling
- Systemic random sampling
- Stratified random sampling
- Cluster sampling
Systemic error
Impacts internal validity
Associated with exposure (risk) and outcome
An independent risk factor for the outcome
Not in the causal pathway between the risk factor and disease
The chance of finding an effect in your sample if it truly exist in the population.
Power is not a question in a study that shows a significant effects.
If a study results had failed to show a significant difference (p>0.05) between the two groups, one may wonder whether the study had sufficient power.
When apply to a population,
Given sensitivity and prevalence,
True positive =?
False negative =?
True Positive = Sensitivity x Prevalence
False negative = (1- Sensitivity) x Prevalence
When apply to a population, given Specificity and Prevalence,
True negative =?
False positive =?
True Negative = Specificity x (1- Prevalence)
False positive = (1- Specificity) x (1-Prevalence)
Regression toward the mean
In any group selected on a characteristic with substantial day-to-day variation, many will have values closer to the population mean when the measurement is repeated and worst pts will improve.
Baseline drift
Which occurs with measurement on certain machines that requires frequent calibration.
Hawthorne effect
A tendency among study subjects to change simply because they are being studied or watched.
1SD =? %
2SD =? %
3SD =? %
1 SD = 68% (Z score = 1)
2 SD = 95% (Z score = 2)
3 SD = 99% (Z score = 3)
When two events are independent, the probability of either will occur?
Is the sum of their probability, minus the probability that both will occur.
P (A or B) = P (A) + P (B) - P (A and B)
When two conditions are mutually exclusive, the probability that either one will occur is
The sum of their probability
Assignment occurs by chance
ROC curve - Receiver-operator curve
X axis: 1 - specificity, or the false - positive rate
Y axis: Sensitivity
ROC curve is used to determine
Optimal Cut-off point for the respective test.
In general, the point closest to the upper-left corner, where sensitivity is highest and the false-positive rate is lowest, is chosen as the cut-off.
In ROC cure, the Area Under the Curve (AUC) is used to?
To calculate the diagnostic accuracy (best sensitivity and specificity) of the test, that is the probability of correctly identifying disease based on the result of the test.
The larger the area under the curve, the better the test.
Kappa statistic
Used for reliability studies, eg to assess inter-rater reliability or intra-eater reliability.
Used in assessing the degree to which two or more raters, examine the same data, agree when it comes to assigning the data to categories.
Effect modification
Occurs when one factor modifies the effect on outcome of another.
Occurs when the association between two variables is distorted by the fact that both are associated with a third.
Eg. The association between coffee and lung cancer is distorted by smoking
CV (coefficient of variation)
CV = SD/X x 100%
- Used for compare the relative spread of data for 2 variables (eg. Height and weight)
- Used to evaluate precision of the measurement of a single variable (x-ray film reading by two physicians)
For continuous variables
Bar graph
For categorical data
Scatter plot
For association
Types of random samples
Simple random
Systematic random
Stratified random
Cluster random
Simple random sampling
Every unit in the population had the same probability of being selected, chance alone determines whether a particular unit in the population is selected for the sample
Systematic random sampling
Every k th member is selected from the population
Stratified random sampling
- Population is divided into heterogeneous groups (strata) (eg. black, white, Hispanic, Asia) and a random sample is taken from within each group
- Ensures equal numbers of each strata in final sample.
Cluster random sampling
Population is divided into homogenous group (cluster) and a random sample of these groups is taken. eg a school, a community, etc
Z score
Z = (X - U)/sigma
Any normal distribution can be transformed to the standard normal to get a Z score for a given value X
Wilcoxon’s signed rank test is an non-parametric equivalent of ?
Paired t-test
One sample t-test
To compare the sample mean with the mean of the population
Two samples t-test
To compare the mean of two groups
Paired t-test
To compare the mean of before and after
Used for more than two groups
Chi-square test
Compare two proportions
Fisher’s exact test
Is used if expected count on a cell is less than 5
NcNemar’s chi-square test
For paired proportions
Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient is a non-parametric equivalent to ?
Pearson’s correction coefficient
Coefficient of determination
% of variation in Y explained by X
Simple linear regression
Dependent variable is continuous
One independent variable
Multiple linear regression
Dependent variable is continuous
More than one independent variables
Logistic regression
Dependent variable is dichotomous
OR is used for estimation
Survival analysis
Time to the event
Hazard rate is use for estimation
Collinearity is a linear relationship between two explanatory variables.
Collinearity can result in unstable beta coefficient estimates.
Funnel plot
A graph designed to check for the existence of publication bias in systematic reviews and meta-analyses
When can Poisson distribution be used as a good approximation of a binomial distribution?
In general, p should be small , 15
Type 1 error
Or alpha
Reject H0 when it is true.
Type 2 error
Or beta
Accept H0 when it is actually false.
For Paired data (pre and post, paired), what test to choose?
For parametric data, using
- Paired t test ( pre and post, paired),
For non-parametric data, using
-Wilcoxon’s signed rank test
To compare 2 group means, what test to choose?
For parametric data, using
- Student t test
For non-parametric data, using
-Wilcoxon’s rank sum test (also termed Mann-Whitney U test.
To compare to proportions, what test to choose?
For parametric data, using
- Chi-square
For non-parametric data, using
- Fisher exact probability test
- used when at least 1 cell in a contingency table has an expected count s Chi-square test for paired proportion.
More than two groups, what test to choose?
For parametric data, using
For non-parametric data, using
- Kruskal-Wallis test
For correlation, what test to choose?
For parametric data, using
- Pearson’s correlation
For non-parametric data, using
- Spearman’s correlation
Multiple regression
- more than one independent variable s
Time to event analysis
- Kaplan-Meier analysis
- Cox proportional Hazard Regression
- a combination of multiple logistic regression techniques with survival methods
Dependent variants categorical (binary, eg. Cured vs not cured), what test to choose?
Logistic regression
How scattered the data is.
Precision of the mean.
How precise the data is.