Respiratiry Disease In Occ Med Flashcards
Serpentine (curly fibers) vs Amphibole (needle-like), which is more carcinogenic?
Needle-like amphibole
Common causes of pneumoconiosis ?
Coal workers’ lung
Is cigarette smoke and asbestos synergistic for mesothelioma?
Does cig + asbestos increase the susceptibility for asbestosis?
Does Cig+ asbestos synergistic for bronchogenic cancer?
RR of lung cancer for
Non- somker+non-asbestos worker as 1, RR of lung cancer for asbestos worker is?
RR of lung cancer for
Non- somker+non-asbestos worker as 1, RR of lung cancer in smokers?
RR of lung cancer for
Non- somker+non-asbestos worker as 1, RR of lung cancer in smokers + asbestos workers?
X-Ray showing tiny round opacities primarily in the upper lung fields and hilar adenopathy, Eggshell calcification of hilar lymph nodes, is characteristic of what agent exposure?
Eggshell calcification of hilar lymph nodes occurs in roughly 20% of cases
Ferruginous bodies are associated with?
But ferruginous bodies are not specific to the asbestos fiber and may result from a number of different types of foreign fibers.
Bagasse dust is associated with
Pulmonary fibrosis
Which herbicide can cause renal failure and rapid pulmonary fibrosis when ingested?
Often used to control marijuana growth
Cotton dust endotoxin
Or dust from other vegetable fibers such as flax, hemp, or sisal
Byssinosis ( Cotton worker’s lung, Cotton bract disease, Mill fever, Brown lung)
Sx dyspnea and chest tightness
Ammonia, sulphur dioxide inhalation
Upper airway toxicity
Chlorine inhalation
Lower airway toxicity
Phosgene, nitrogen dioxide
Terminal airway
Irritant gases- water soluble
Primary upper-respiratory irritation
- Ammonia, chlorine, formaldehyde
- Sulfur dioxide
Irritant gases-water insoluble agent
Cause parenchymal lung damage, ARDS
Nitrogen oxide
Silo-filler’s disease is caused by?
Nitrogen oxides
Mechanics that phosgene causes parenchymal lung damage?
Phosgene (COCl2) hydrolyzes in lung to HCl
Simple asphyxiants?
Reduce oxygen content.
Eg. CO2, methane, N2
Chemical asphyxiants ?
Interfere with cellular metabolism
Eg. CO, cyanide, H2S
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP)
- A disease in which your lung become inflamed when you breathe in certain dusts to which you are allergic.
- The dust contains fungus spores from moldy hay or the dropping of birds.
- Most common type of HP is farmer’s lung, from exposure to moldy hay, straw, and grain.
Chronic beryllium disease can be indistinguishable from ?
- CXR similar: symmetric infiltrate, opacity es, interstitial scarring, and hilar node enlargement
- Distinguish the two rely on
- history of exposure and
- use of lymphocyte blast transformation test
Phosgene and oxides of nitrogen
- relatively lack of immediate signs
- frequently with delayed reaction
- pt exposed to significant concentration of these agent s should be observed for a minimum of 24 hours