Environmental Law Flashcards
Resources conservation & Recovery Act
- EPA 1976
- “Cradle to Grave” - coverage from point of generation to disposal of hazardous waste
- Requires monitoring for 30 years after life of temporary storage facility
- including requirements for transportation & temporary storage of hazardous waste
- National Environmental Policy Act of 1970
- first comprehensive environmental law at the federal level
- Created EPA
- Requires Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) before federal action
Comprehensive environmental response, compensation and liability act
- EPA 1980
- ” superfund “ act
- Management of uncontrolled disposal of hazardous waste
- Ensures funds for clean-up (via taxes)
- EPA uses Hazard Ranking System for prioritization of cleaning-up
- National Priority List is based on HRS
Superfund Amendment and are authorization Act of 1986
- re-authorize and extend CERCLA scope to provide cleanup of uncontrolled or abandoned hazards waste sites
- Title III of SARA created the Emergency planning and Community Right-to-know act (EPCRA)
Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976
- Test, regulate, and screen all chemicals produced or imported into the US
- Any existing chemical that poses health and environmental hazards is tracked and reported under TSCA
Clean Air Act
- 1970
- Established new source performance standards for emissions from area, stationary, and mobile sources
- Congress created EPA in 1971
- Clean Air Act authorized EPA to establish NAAQS(National ambient Air Quality Standards)
Clean Water Act of 1977
- Surface water quality protection
- Reduce direct pollutant discharge into waterways -discharge permitting system
- Finance municipal waste water treatment facilities
- Manage polluted runoffs
- Grant programs for municipal waste water treatment facilities
Safe Drinking Water Act 1976
- All public water system:
actually or potentially designed for drinking use
whether from above ground or underground sources
- establishes uniform standards for drinking water quality to include the MCLs for specific contaminants.
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act 1947, amended 1972
- EPA regulates pesticide distribution, sale, and use and labeling
- Licensed /registered for use
Freedom of Information Act 1996
- any person can requests for government information not required to identify themselves or explain why they want the information
Title III of SARA created the Emergency planning and Community Right-to-know act (EPCRA)
As Low As Reasonably Achievable
For radiation safety
Clean Air Act of 1970 (EPA) set the standards of 6 criteria pollutants, what are they?
- National Ambient Air Quality Standards for six Criteria Pollutants:
CO, Lead, NO2, SO2, O3, PM
The Clean Air Act established two types of national air quality standards, what are they?
- Primary standards - set limits to protect public health
- Secondary standards - set limits to protect public welfare: decreased visibility, damage to animals, crops,
vegetation, and buildings
The accumulation period for the hazardous wastes of large quantity generator is
90 days, with provisions for a single 30 day extension.
Provisions for accumulation without a permit are applicable only for
Wastes in containers or tanks
The accumulation period associated with a TSDF (Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facility) normally begins
- when hazardous wastes are first accumulated for disposal in the container or tank
- the accumulation period of 90 days for large quantity generators begins the day the waste are first accumulated for disposal.
- exception for wastes accumulated in container in satellite areas, there is no fixed time limit provided that no more than 55 gallons of hazardous waste are collected.
No permit, license, or other written approval is needed from USEPA to generate a hazardous waste.
However, both large and small quantity generators must obtain an EPA identification number prior to shipping hazardous waste off-site.
- Small quantity generators are not required to obtain an EPA identification number
Characteristics of hazardous waste
- Toxicity
- Reactivity
- Ignitability
- Corrosivity
What is the mandatory format for hazardous waste shipping documents?
The uniform hazardous waste manifest (EPA Form 8700-22)
Can be obtained from states or from commercial printers
The transportation of hazardous waste and hazardous materials is regulated by?
Maximum Contaminant Level
Are the maximum permissible levels of specific contaminants in water which is delivered to any user of a public water supply system.
Maximum Contaminant Level Goals
MCLGs, under the Safe Drinking Water Act, are non-enforceable health-based standards, and are used in developing legally enforceable MCLs
Generally Regarded As Safe
Eg. spices, lactic acid, food additives
Hazardous Materials Transportation Act centralized federal regulations for domestic packaging, labeling, and shipping of materials that may pose a risk to the health and safety of humans or property.
Directs the inspection, grading, and certification of all agricultural products, and is also responsible for the inspection of meats and eggs.
the Food Quality Protection Act
- FQPA repealed the Delaney Clause ( a provision of Food Additives Amendment to the Food,Drug and Cosmetic Act)
- FQPA restricts the use of additives in food unless there is reasonable certainty of no harm.