Use of Force Flashcards
Members of the Service have a responsibility to only use that force which is reasonably necessary to bring an incident under control _______ and _______
effectively and safely
The Ontario Use of Force Model (Model) is an aid to promote ___________________ of every situation, and can assist members to understand and make use of a variety of force options to respond to potentially violent situations.
continuous critical assessment and evaluation
It is not intended to serve as a __________________________, nor does it prescribe specific response options appropriate to any given situation
justification for a member’s use of force
Supervisory Officer ATTENDANCE mandatory when firearm is discharged
Supervisory Officer NOTIFICATION mandatory when
- firearm is discharged
- conducted energy weapon has been used
Officer in Charge of Division of occurrence NOTIFICATION mandatory when firearm is discharged
Criminal Code (CC) empowers every person who is required or authorized to do anything in the administration or enforcement of the law, when acting on reasonable grounds, to use ____________________ for that purpose. Every person is liable, both _______________, for any unjustified or excessive force used.
as much force as necessary
criminally and civilly
Intermediate Force Options
Members may use an intermediate weapon such as their issued baton, OC spray or conducted energy weapon (CEW) as a force option
to prevent themselves from being __________________________
to prevent a prisoner being __________________
to disarm ______________________ armed with an offensive weapon
to control a _____________ when other force options are not viable
for any other __________________ purpose
overpowered when violently attacked taken from police custody and apparently dangerous person potentially violent situation lawful and justifiable
Authorized Restraining Devices
Handcuffs, leg irons, spit shields and other restraints authorized by the Chief of Police (e.g. plastic flexi–cuffs) may be used
to control the ___________ of a person in custody
when prisoners are ___________________________
to prevent a prisoner from ____________
violent activities
being transferred from one place to another
Fleeing Suspect
A peace officer, and every person lawfully assisting the peace officer, is justified in using force that is intended or is likely to ___________________ to a person to be arrested, if
a) the peace officer is proceeding __________ to arrest, with or without warrant, the person to be arrested;
b) the offence for which the person is to be arrested is one for which that person may be arrested without warrant;
c) the person to be arrested takes ____________;
d) the peace officer or other person using the force believes on reasonable grounds that the force is necessary for the purpose of protecting the peace officer, the person lawfully assisting the peace officer or any other person from ____________________; and
e) the flight cannot be prevented by reasonable means in a less violent manner
cause death or grievous bodily harm lawfully
flight to avoid arrest
imminent or future death or grievous bodily harm
Police officers are prohibited from discharging a firearm at a motor vehicle for the sole purpose of __________.
disabling the vehicle.
Police officers shall not discharge a firearm at the operator or occupants of a motor vehicle unless there exists an _______________________ to officers and/or members of the public by a means other than the vehicle.
immediate threat of death or grievous bodily harm
Everyone who is authorized by law to use force is ______________for any excess thereof according to the nature and quality of the act that constitutes the excess.
criminally responsible
Reporting Use of Force
Ontario Regulation 926/90 compels members to submit a Use of Force Report to the Chief of Police when a member
uses physical force on another person that results in an injury that requires _______
draws a ________ in the presence of a member of the public, excluding a member of the police force while on duty
discharges a ______
______ a firearm regardless if the firearm is a handgun or a long gun
uses a weapon other than a firearm on another person
For the purpose of reporting a use of force incident, the definition of a weapon includes a police dog or police horse that comes into direct physical contact with a person.
medical attention
Additionally, officers are required to submit a Use of Force Report and a TPS 584 to the Chief of Police when the officer uses a CEW
as a “demonstrated force presence”
in drive stun mode or full deployment, whether intentionally or otherwise
Exemptions to the Reporting Criteria
A Use of Force Report is not required when
a firearm, other than an issued handgun, is merely carried or displayed by an officer
a handgun is drawn or a firearm pointed at a person or is discharged in the course of a training exercise, target practice or ordinary firearm maintenance in accordance with Service Governance
a weapon other than a firearm is used on another member of the Service in the course of a training exercise
physical force is used on another member of the Service in the course of a training exercise
Where a court order, subpoena, or prosecutor’s request for disclosure of the Use of Force Report is received, such request shall be directed to ____________
Legal Services
Where the request is made under the Municipal Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act and NOT by a court order, subpoena, or prosecutor’s request for disclosure, such request shall be directed to the _________________________________
Coordinator – Records Management Services – Access and Privacy Section
When a Service firearm has been discharged, the _______________ shall be notified forthwith
Senior Duty Officer
The Firearm Discharge Investigator (FDI) shall be responsible for all administrative investigations pertaining to firearm discharges. The discharging officer’s supervisory officer is required to complete a ____________________
A supervisory officer from the involved officer’s unit may be assigned to support and assist the FDI in the investigation.
Firearm Discharge Report
Exemption to the Additional Investigative Requirements
A FDI is NOT required when investigating the discharge of an ______________________________, where the projectile expelled by the firearm is designed or intended as a less–lethal mechanism.
The investigation and report on the incident shall be the responsibility of the Unit Commander, in conjunction with the training staff, of the unit responsible for the discharge
impact projectile launcher or a tear gas launching device
Batons are the only impact weapon permitted for use when dealing directly with the public.
When authorized to use OC aerosol spray shall
only use it when other options reasonably present a risk of injury to a subject or themselves
make all reasonable efforts to decontaminate sprayed individuals at the earliest safe or practicable opportunity, including the consideration of aerosol water mist decontamination devices
Police officers issued with and/or authorized to carry firearms or ammunition shall
- not draw a handgun, point a firearm at a person, or discharge a firearm unless
there are reasonable grounds to believe that to do so is necessary to protect against loss of life or serious bodily harm.
- engaged in a training exercise.
- the discharge of a handgun or other firearm is to call for assistance in a critical situation, if there is no reasonable alternative.
- the discharge of a handgun or other firearm is to destroy an animal that is potentially dangerous or is so badly injured that humanity dictates that it’s suffering be ended.
- not discharge as a warning shot
In critical situations shall, when tactically appropriate
avoid confrontation by disengaging to a place of safety
take all reasonable measures to contain the scene
notify the communications operator and request the attendance of
- a supervisory officer
- Toronto Paramedic Services (Paramedics), if required
When discharging any firearm other than at an authorized range or under the exemption provisions shall immediately notify
their supervisory officer
the Officer in Charge of the division in which the discharge occurred
Who are use of force reports emailed to upon completion by the member?
Training Analyst- TPC
Who assists the FDI during a firearm discharge investigation?
The Supervisor
Unit Commander Role
The original TPS 586 shall be forwarded to PRS by the ____________
The applicable forms shall be forwarded to the Training Analyst – TPC within _______ of receipt
next business day
72 Hours
Officer in Charge – Toronto Police Operations Centre
Upon being notified of a firearm discharge by an officer from another law enforcement agency shall notify the :
Senior Duty Officer and on–call FDI forthwith
Firearm Discharge Investigator – Professional Standards
When advised that a firearm discharge incident has occurred shall
take charge of the investigation
direct all required resources to ensure compliance with the additional investigative requirements
conduct a thorough investigation and submit the appropriate report
Unit Commander – TPOC
- Submit electronically all mandatory information from use of force report to Ministry of the Solicitor General
- Conduct ongoing review and evaluation of all use of force procedure, training and reporting
Unit Commander – PRS
- Data base of use of force data
- At least once a year, analysis of use of force trends for the entire service – not to identify officers.
Authorized Ranges - Operated by o Our Service o Another Ontario Police service o Privately owned or provincially approved shooting range o Department of National Defence
_____________________ means a detective or detective sergeant assigned to Professional Standards who has completed the accredited Firearm Discharge Investigators Course
Firearm Discharge Investigator (FDI)
___________________ means information derived from a member making a determination with respect to the race of an individual by observation, solely on the basis of that member’s own perception
Service Members’ Perception Data
Incident Review Committee
o Review incidents
o Assess the effectiveness of training practices and associated Service Governance
o Report findings to SMT
- Unit Commander – ETF
- Unit Commander – Corporate Risk Management
- Section Head – TPC Armament Section
- Section Head – TPC – In-service training
- Training Analyst – TPC – Armament Section
- Representative – East Field
- Representative – west field
- Representative – EMPO – Public Safety