Service vehicle Collisions Flashcards
When a member is involved in a SVC and is deemed at fault, the member may be subject to :
Criminal/Provincial Charges
Disciplinary Action
Driver Assessment/ training
Revocation of their Blue card
The SRLD401 shall be completed using the ________
Versadex built in electronic form EMVA and quickscene diagram application
SVC involving an unmarked service vehicle. In the event the collision location is at or near a covert police facility, officers should consult with a____________ prior to entering the location on the reports.
Supervisory officer
Supervisor (SVC)
A copy of the SRLD401 or eReport shall be sent to the _______________ Forthwith
Unit commander- Fleet Management Services (FLT)
Supervisor (SVC)
When in receipt of a SVCR, review for completeness, accuracy and investigative integrity and submit to the__________ before reporting off duty
Officer in charge
Supervisor (SVC) when criminal or provincial charges are warranted against the involved member shall:
- If immediate action is not required, consult with the involved members _________ prior to laying a charge
- If immediate action is required , take action then advise the members _______
- initiate the applicable charge
- When a conduct issue is identified , comply with procedure
Unit Commander
SVC- Officer in Charge
When in receipt of a SVCR shall review for completeness, accuracy and ____________ integrity
If concurring with the SVCR, submit the original to the TSV_________________ SVC Reveiw
Unit commander
The Service has a legal requirement to forward all SRLD401s to the MTO within _______ of the vehicle collision
10 days
TSV Unit Commander (SVC)
When in receipt of a SVCR reviewed by the OIC
- Review and ensure compliance with applicable service procedure
- If concurring with the report, sign and email along with the SRLD401, TPS59, eReport and any other related document to _________________________________________ and Unit Commander of the involved member
Professional Standards Support- Assessment Section (PSS Analyst)
Unit Commander (SVC)
If concurring with an SVCR email a copy of the TPS559 and SRLD401 for:
- All not at fault property damage only SVCR to PSS- Analysis and Assessment (PSIS Analyst)
- all other collisions (including at fault) and personal injury collisions and pursuit -related collisions to the involved members __________________
Staff Superintendent
Duty Senior Officer (SVC)
When notified of a SVC outside of the City or Toronto shall
- Determine whether a supervisory officer should attend the scene
- notify the ___________of the determination
means a motor vehicle certificate issued by the Unit Commander – Toronto Police College to members who have a valid driver’s licence under the Highway Traffic Act and meet Service standards authorizing them to drive specific classes of Service vehicles
Blue Card
means a practical, on–the–road driving assessment conducted by the divisional Traffic sergeant, or Traffic Services sergeant, as applicable.
Driving Assesment
means when a Toronto Police Service vehicle operated by a member intentionally comes into contact with another vehicle, person or object thus using the vehicle as a tool to stop a threat
Intentional Contact
means every person operating a motor vehicle or streetcar involved directly or indirectly in a collision that results in personal injury, death, or property damage exceeding $2000, is required to report and furnish information forthwith to the nearest police officer in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act.
Reportable Collision
means a vehicle collision involving a Toronto Police Service vehicle where involvement is direct or indirect
Service Vehicle Collsion
means a panel consisting of, but not limited to, the Unit Commander and/or Designate from:
Professional Standards Support
Traffic Services
Toronto Police College
with the mandate to monitor Toronto Police Service vehicle collisions for trend analysis, problem identification, quality assurance and training issues, and report its findings to the Chief of Police.
Service Vehicle Collision Reduction Committee (SVRC)
means a program managed by Professional Standards Support which monitors Toronto Police Service vehicle collisions for trend analysis, problem identification, quality assurance and training issues.
Service Vehicle Collision Reduction Program (SVCR Program)
report consisting of:
a SRLD401
a copy of the traffic officer’s memorandum book notes and/or field notes
witness statements, if applicable
a copy of the involved member’s memorandum book notes or TPS 649
a TPS 559
Service Vehicle Collision Report (SVCR)
A DSO at TPOC when notified of a SC which has occurred outside the City of Toronto shall notify the _______ of the determination