Evaluations Reclassifications and Appraisals Flashcards
________ and________ needs must be taken into account when conducting a performance appraisal.
Officers will be evaluated by one supervisor who has supervised the officer for a minimum period of — days.
The appraisal form shall remain in an officer’s unit personnel file for ___years. At the end of the ___–year period, the Unit Commander shall ensure that the appropriate appraisal form is forwarded to People Strategy & Performance – Employee Records
Constables assigned to the Generalist Constable Development Program shall be evaluated on their job performance within __________________.
each training assignment
At the conclusion of each training period, a ______ shall be completed by the constable’s immediate supervisor. The ______ will be completed in addition to the annual performance evaluation
TPS 528
Annual Uniform Performance Appraisal
The annual uniform performance appraisal (annual appraisal) is for 1 year consisting of 2 steps:
commencement of the appraisal process and the year–end summary.
Constables being reclassified and probationary sergeants/detectives ________________ an annual appraisal
do not require
People Strategy & Performance – Employee Records will forward a printout to each Unit Commander at the beginning of each month listing officers to be evaluated during the month. In addition, each unit will be responsible for providing the officer’s performance report for the previous ___ police reporting periods to the Unit Commander.
Officers may respond to their annual appraisal by preparing a TPS 649 within —- days of being counselled
10 days
A performance appraisal shall be completed for probationary constables at the CONCLUSION of Compressed Work Week (CWW) cycle ______ by the assigned coach officer and at the CONCLUSION of CWW cycle _____ and ___ by the assigned supervisory officer with appropriate review and comment by the Unit Commander at each stage
1 and 2
3,5,7 and 9
One of the performance appraisals of a probationary constable shall be completed by the _______________________ supervisor where the probationary constable completes their two CWW cycles.
Community Response Unit
Top 25% of class will get ____months towards reclass from 4th to 3rd.
Former Police Constables of the Service who did not continue as a police officer and have been rehired will undergo a performance appraisal after the completion of the __th CWW cycle or the equivalent of ___ months to determine appropriate classification as per Procedure 14–30 Appendix A. This is to be effective at the commencement of the __th CWW
6 months
Probationary sergeants/detectives will have a performance appraisal completed by the assigned supervisory officer prior to the completion of the __. ___. ____ month following promotion. No annual appraisal is required for probationary sergeants.
3rd, 6th, 10th
Probationary sergeants/detectives will use the ______ to ensure that critical supervisory experiences are undertaken or reviewed during the probationary period.
TPS 508
Confirmation in the rank of sergeant will be automatically withheld if a probationary sergeant is charged with a criminal offence or charged under the Police Services Act, Charges laid internally, or by the Special Investigations Unit (SIU), other police agencies, or by private information.
A probationary sergeant will not be confirmed in the rank until the underlying misconduct/complaint is ____________________
resolved in favour of the officer
Reclassification from 4th to 3rd class will take place as part of the _________ for probationary constables
evaluation process
Upon recommendation of a constable’s ___________, the Chief of Police shall make a recommendation for reclassification to the Board.
Unit Commander
For constables who are eligible for reclassification from 3rd to 2nd class, and 2nd to 1st class, a PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL shall be completed by the assigned supervisory officer ___ months in advance of the reclassification date. No annual appraisal is required for constables being reclassified.
In instances where a constable is absent from work due to an injury on duty, the period of absence will be counted as active service and the original eligibility date shall be used for reclassification purposes, provided that
the minimum ___ months required period of service between classifications has been met
the constable has returned to a policing function for at least ___ days
the constable has been evaluated by supervisors and the evaluations indicate that the constable possesses the knowledge, skills and abilities required for reclassification
Sgt witholding of reclassification for is a TPS 810 and constables form is an 809
Constables who are absent from work due to parental leave, family care leave, long–term disability, central sick bank, suspension, or an off–duty injury will not be considered on active service. Such absences will not be considered as time served in the rank for reclassification purposes. Such constables will continue to be reconsidered for reclassification every — days and will not be eligible for reclassification until they have completed at least 1 year of active service in the rank/classification.
A constable whose reclassification is withheld may exercise their rights under Item 2 of the Memorandum of Understanding of the Uniform Collective Agreement. When a constable chooses to appeal or dispute a recommendation under this section, the constable shall notify their Unit Commander and the Toronto Police Association within __ hours of the time the constable was informed that the reclassification was being withheld.
Civilian positions have a qualifying period from ___ months to ___ year, depending on the job classification
Probationary civilians covered by Units “”, “” and “_” Collective Agreements shall be appraised on a TPS 535 at the conclusion of their __ and __ months of employment
A, B, C
2nd, 4th
Civilian members covered by Units “D” and “E” Collective Agreements shall be appraised on a TPS 535 after completing ___ hours (equivalent of 2 months) and ____ hours (equivalent of 4 months)
Civilians shall be appraised on a TPS 535 as follows
6 month qualifying period – at the conclusion of the 2nd and 4th month in the new position
1 year qualifying period – at the conclusion of the 2nd, 4th and 10th month in the new position
Civilian members may respond to their annual evaluation by completing a TPS 649 within __ days of being counselled or complete the appropriate section on the appraisal form.