Unsatisfactory Work Performance Flashcards
The objectives of the performance improvement process are to __________________________ and to achieve an acceptable level of performance by members.
correct identified work performance deficiencies
Standards for Work Performance
Work performance standards applicable to members can be found in:
Service Governance
Federal Statutes and associated Regulations
Provincial Statutes and associated Regulations
Municipal By-laws and Municipal Codes
________________ shall establish work performance standards for any specialized function within each command that deviates from the prescribed duties for an equally ranked/classified member
Command officers
When job descriptions do not meet current needs or do not reflect new responsibilities, unit commanders shall ensure that revised draft job descriptions are forwarded to the Unit Commander – _____________________________________
Payroll & Benefits Administration – Benefits
An approved _____________ is required prior to measuring the performance of an employee against any new job requirements, or before including the new responsibilities within Command work performance standards
job description
All work performance deficiencies should be addressed in a timely manner. Minor work performance deficiencies can generally be resolved through ______________________________ provided to the member. Members must be provided the opportunity to improve work performance without adversely affecting their work record.
discussion, guidance or training
Examples of work performance issues that may form the basis for a complaint of unsatisfactory work performance include, but are not limited to
incompetence quality of work quantity of work insubordination personal appearance engaging in personal activities detrimental to the job failure to co–operate missed deadlines frequent or repetitive errors excessive absenteeism or tardiness
Examples of work performance issues that may form the basis for a complaint of unsatisfactory work performance include, but are not limited to
incompetence quality of work quantity of work insubordination personal appearance engaging in personal activities detrimental to the job failure to co–operate missed deadlines frequent or repetitive errors excessive absenteeism or tardiness
Continued failure to meet an established work performance standard will result in an __________________ for police officers in compliance with Procedure 13–03, or in the initiation of the ______________ for civilian members in compliance with Procedure 13–09.
internal conduct complaint
disciplinary process
Complaints of Unsatisfactory Work Performance
Complaints of unsatisfactory work performance may originate _________________
externally or internally
Civilian Members
All complaints of unsatisfactory work performance for civilian members shall be administered in the same manner regardless of whether they are _____________ complaints. Section 1.2 of the Standards of Conduct shall be used as a guide for addressing complaints of unsatisfactory work performance for civilians
external or internal
Civilian Members
All complaints of unsatisfactory work performance for civilian members shall be administered in the same manner regardless of whether they are _____________ complaints. Section 1.2 of the Standards of Conduct shall be used as a guide for addressing complaints of unsatisfactory work performance for civilians
external or internal
Special Review
Where a supervisor identifies the performance of a member that is less than satisfactory and the work performance deficiency cannot be corrected through __________,_______ or _______, the supervisor shall record the deficiency on a TPS 955.
A Special Review is a two–part process. The initial part involves an interview between the member and the unit commander. This initial meeting is intended to ensure that ___________________________ are not the root cause of the reported deficiency.
management practices or accommodation factors
Where it is established that a supervisor or manager failed to provide adequate or necessary training or equipment, or failed to establish or communicate a work performance standard, an ____________ shall be initiated against the supervisor or manager in compliance with the applicable procedures
internal complaint
The second part of the Special Review will be initiated where it is identified that the work performance deficiency is a _____________ attributable to the individual member. A meeting between the ______________________________________ will be held to
develop a plan for corrective action
profile the time frame for improvement
detail the specific standard to be met
explain the possible disciplinary ramifications if the standards are not met
persistent situation
unit commander, the assigned supervisor and the member
The time frame for a Special Review is ____________ days
90 calendar
The time frame for a Special Review is ____________ days
90 calendar
Additional review periods may be added where the member has demonstrated an effort to comply, but has not sufficiently met the threshold level, or the supervisor was unable to fully observe the conduct of the member as a result of injury or illness. The additional review periods will be in increments of ____________, to a maximum of _________________
30 calendar days,
90 calendar days.
No Special Review shall be initiated until the member has received a copy of the specific standard to be met and has been informed of the disciplinary consequences if the standard is not met.
The following outcomes are possible at the conclusion of a Special Review:
Member meets standard:
TPS 955 is concluded and placed in the unit personnel file until 2 full years have passed without further negative reports.
Member fails to meet standard:
If a police officer is unable to meet the standard, a _______will be generated and the internal complaint process will be initiated in compliance with Procedure 13–03.
If a civilian member is unable to meet the standard, a _______ will be generated and the civilian disciplinary process will be initiated in compliance with Procedure 13–09.
TPS 901
TPS 931
When a Special Review has concluded and it is determined that the member did not meet the standard threshold shall ensure
where a police officer is unable to meet the standard, a _______ is generated and the internal complaint process commencing with Procedure 13–03 is followed
where a civilian member is unable to meet the standard, a ______ is initiated and ensure compliance with Procedure 13–09
TPS 901
TPS 931
For minor work Deficiency (Discussion, Guidance, Training)
Persistent - Special Review 90 calendar days- TPS 955 to 2nd level supervisor
2nd Level Supervisor- reviews and meets with member, assigns sufficient persons to guide and instruct member, met with member and supervisor to ensure that all is being followed
Advise the Unit Commander when the SR should be terminated and provide recommendations. When advised that member has met threshold, terminate or extend the review. forward results to the Unit commander
means providing accommodation to persons with any disability, as defined in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
Accommodation Factor
means the manner in which members manage their time, workload, and work environment
Individual Work Practices
means the supervisory practices used to control the work environment and to assign tasks, and the methods used to communicate standards. Also includes the manner in which training needs are met and equipment issues are resolved.
Management Practices
Second–Level Supervisor means the supervisor who directly oversees a member’s supervisor
Staff Sgt
means a failure to meet an established standard and may involve a single event, or the cumulative effect of a number of less serious events
Unsatisfactory Work Performance
Work Performance Deficiency means a failure to meet an established standard and may involve a single event, or the cumulative effect of a number of less serious events