Medical Advisory Notes Flashcards
Where it is suspected or known that a person is a carrier of an air–borne transmitted disease such as tuberculosis members
• shall when at a police station, place the person in an area where adequate ventilation exists. Members shall not place a person suspected or known to have tuberculosis or other air–borne transmitted communicable diseases in areas with little or no ventilation, such as interview rooms
• should wear surgical masks when in close contact with the person and when transporting the person to a police station or other location. Where possible, the infected person should also be asked to wear a surgical mask when in close contact with other individuals. If surgical masks are not available or the infected person refuses to wear a mask, members shall transport the person as the sole occupant of a compartment of a prisoner transport vehicle, or, if not available, with a window of the police vehicle open
Prisoner Safety
During the booking process, the Officer in Charge is required to evaluate the mental and physical condition of the individual. As part of that evaluation, it is incumbent upon the Officer in Charge to be aware of any medication or drug the prisoner has taken prior to arrest (legal, prescription or otherwise). Based on the information received, the Officer in Charge should make further inquiries regarding the type of drug, time and amount taken, whether the individual is a frequent user, and the physical state of the individual. The decision as to whether to send an individual to the hospital should be made based on the Officer in Charge’s assessment of the circumstances
Where a prisoner has, or is suspected of having taken a drug or other controlled substance prior to arrest but shows no outward signs or symptoms of distress or adverse reaction, the Officer in Charge shall make further inquiries in order to determine __________________________________
whether further medical treatment is required
The following services are available at no cost to assist the Officer in Charge in making a determination as to whether a prisoner is in need of further medical treatment
Telehealth Ontario
Ontario Regional Poison Information Centre – SickKids Hospital
Individuals who have taken hard drugs such as cocaine, heroin, etc., shall be monitored more closely for at least ___ hours from the time when the drug was taken
If at any time, the prisoner’s condition changes, or there is a concern regarding the health of the person, members shall notify the __________who shall re–evaluate their condition
Officer in Charge
Unexpected deaths of intoxicated individuals may occur as a result of a condition called ______________________. The consumption of alcohol or alcohol in combination with central nervous system depressants (e.g. narcotics, barbiturates, etc.) can frequently produce a deep sleep accompanied by loud snoring.
obstructive sleep apnea
________________________________ is characterized by physical and mental symptoms that can occur after a person discontinues consuming high doses of alcohol
Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome (AWS)
Symptoms of AWS may appear within________ hours after a person’s last consumption of alcohol
Symptoms can depend upon the amount of alcohol consumed, frequency of consumption, and the _________of consumption prior to discontinuance
The following are the ______symptoms of AWS
tremors (trembling or quivering)
sleep disturbance (insomnia)
sweating (diaphoresis)
over responsive reflexes (hyperreflexia)
Moderate Symptoms intensified Mild Symptoms rapid breathing (tachypnea) racing heart rate (tachycardia) agitation
Can occur ___ to____ hours after consumption
Mild symptoms can occur within 24 hours after discontinuance and should subside within ___ hours.
Severe Symptoms severely intensified Mild and/or Moderate Symptoms hallucinations seizures disorientation abnormally high fever (hyperthermia)
can occur within 48 hours after discontinuance and/or after a decrease in consumption of alcohol and can cause a person’s condition to deteriorate to a very serious condition known as ___________________.
delirium tremens (DTs)
Symptoms of DTs usually occur __________ hours after discontinuance and include:
profoundly intensified Mild, Moderate, and/or Severe Symptoms
Seizures may present between ______ hours after a person’s last consumption of alcohol
The decision as to whether to send a prisoner to the hospital should be based upon the Officer in Charge’s assessment of the circumstances and observations made. Where a prisoner displays or reports symptoms of AWS as a result of self–disclosed or suspected alcohol use/abuse, further medical advice shall be sought and/or the prisoner shall be transported to the hospital for a medical examination
_______ Members should be aware that certain restraint positions (i.e. stomach down) might compromise heart and lung functions increasing the risk of death. Unless circumstances make it impossible, persons should be restrained in a sitting position while being closely watched. Use of the sitting position permits easier breathing and cardiac function, while affording good positional control over the individual
Positional Asphyxia –
Excited delirium is a condition that can be caused by drug or alcohol intoxication, psychiatric illness or a combination of both. Symptoms displayed by individuals suffering from this condition may include any combination of
abnormal tolerance to pain abnormal tolerance to pepper spray unexpected physical strength violence towards others shouting sweating, fever, heat intolerance sudden calm after frenzied activity bizarre or aggressive behaviour impaired thinking disorientation acute onset of paranoia hallucinations panic
Individuals exhibiting the symptoms of excited delirium must always be treated as suffering from a _________________ and once secured, be transported to hospital for examination
medical emergency
If prescription medication is in________, the prisoner may be handed the appropriate dosage in compliance with this Procedure.
pill form
The short–term (___________) effects of abstinence from methadone by a patient are not life–threatening, although the patient may show signs of anxiety
24 – 36 hours
Pregnant persons who require methadone treatment should be treated at hospital regardless of the dispensed form of methadone. The Officer in Charge should make arrangements where possible for the ____________________________________
issue of a prescription by the originating physician