Child Abductions Flashcards
Often, upon receipt of a missing child complaint, the most challenging task at hand is determining whether it is an actual abduction, a runaway child, a lost child, an abandoned child, or a fictitious report to cover up a death or family crisis.
If there is insufficient information to formulate an assessment of the type of incident being investigated, officers should treat such a disappearance as an____________, until information is developed to indicate otherwise.
A child that has been abducted by a stranger is clearly a ‘child in need of protection’ as defined in the
Child, Youth and Family Services Act
Police officers have the authority, on reasonable and probable grounds to enter and search any premise without warrant, using force if necessary, to locate a child in need of protection whose health and safety is at
substantial risk.
A warrant must be obtained of there is no substantial risk!
Child abductions Supervision
- Supervisor attendance _______________
- Divisional Detective attendance ___________ when receiving a complaint of a possible abduction of a child under 18.
- Supervisor and Divisional Detective notification mandatory
- OIC Notification mandatory when receiving a complaint of a possible abduction of a child under 18
Mandatory for all
The Criminal Code (CC) sets out the following 4 abduction–related offences
Section #. Title Type
S280. - Abduction of a person under 16 Non- Parental
S281. - Abduction of a person under 14 Non Parental
S282.- Abduction in contravention of a Custody Order Parental
S283.- Abduction Parental
When conducting and investigation into an alleged abduction, the initial gathering of information is critical to determining what occurred and to establish subsequent direction of the ensuing investigation. The initial investigation must be _______ and ________
Prompt and detailed
The activation of Amber alert shall be considered in all ________________ and _____ shall be implemented in all cases involving Amber ALERT activation.
Missing Children investigations
Before and Amber Alert is activated the following guidelines must be met:
- An investigation believes that a child under 18 has been abducted
- The investigator believes that the child is in danger
- There is descriptive information about one or more of the following:
- The Child
- The vehicle
- The abductor
To believe that an immediate broadcast may assist in locating the child
Cases involving non parental abduction must be conducted -in accordance with the :
Ontario Major Case Management Manual
Police Officer
Is responsible for initial investigation, Preserving evidence. completing all necessary reports and ….
notifying a supervisor of all pertinent facts
The window of opportunity between the time of last sighting and the time the disappearance was noted is critical to any subsequent__________________
Canvass in the area
Once it has been determined that the child has been located and is safe, shall complete the _________ section of the Missing persons details page.
EMPO should be consulted in circumstances requiring a Level ___ or Level___ search
2 or 3
Child Abductions
The Divisional Detective shall attend the scene promptly, notify sex crimes and conduct a through and timely investigation and__________________________-
and request the activation of the AMBER Alert.
In the case of a non parental, stranger involved abduction, who shall notify Sex Crimes?
The Divisional Detective
In case of a stranger involved abduction the divisional detective shall contact the_____
On Call Detective Sgt- Intelligence
Custody Disputes may involve allegations of parental child abduction. Where no________ has been established the matter must be documented and both parents should be referred to ____________________ for resolution of the custody dispute.
Intent to deprive
Family Court
Should there be grounds to believe there was intent to deprive the custodial parent of the rights to the child and there is no evidence of a custody order in effect, proceedings may only commence with the consent of the ___________________
Attorney General
Where the incident meets the requirements for initiating an AMBER Alert the Divisional Detective shall make the request through the____________
In Child abductions, the OIC shall notify-
Unit Commander
All Divisional personell
On Call Search Manager - EMPO
When requesting an AMBER Alert based on the established criteria the _________ will contact TPOC with as much of the following information as possible including:
- Abducted persons name
- Abducted persons age
- Abducted persons description
- location and time of the persons abduction
- description of the suspect
- description of the vehicle and licence plate of the suspect
Child Abductions
The OIC shall notify the unit commander and the DSO- TPOC who will contact the Chief of Police or their designate. The Chief will make the final decision if an AMBER alert will be initiated. If approved the ________________will initiate the alert through TPOC
Duty Senior Officer
The Duty senior officer is responsible for consulting with the investigator and contacting the _____________ or designate to receive authorization to activate the AMBER Alert when appropriate.
Chief of Police
The ______________ completes and submits the Ontario Amber Alert- Request for Activation and forwarded to the ___________OPP GHQ requesting activation of the AMBER Alert.
Duty Senior Officer (TPS)
The Duty officer (OPP)
Means a co-operative effort between police, the media and the Ministry of Transport to provide early notification to the public where a person under 18 years of age is believes to have been abducted and where circumstances lead police to believe that the abducted person is in danger of serious bodily harm or death and there is enough descriptive information about the abducted person, and/or the abductor, and/or the vehicle to believe an immediate broadcast alert will help in locating the person.
An AMBER Alert will have a duration of ______ following activation unless cancelled or extended
5 hours
The unlawful removal of a child by a person other than a parent, guardian or person having lawful care of charge of the child
Non parental abduction
The unlawful removal of a child by a parent, guardian or any other person having lawful care or charge of a person under the age of fourteen whether or not there is a custody order in relation to that child made by a court, with the intent to deprive a parent, guardian or person having lawful care or charge of the person
Parental Abduction
means the national registry created and maintained by the RCMP to compile data on missing and abducted children. The TPS supports the registry and encourages officers to forward pertinent information to the RCMP to assist in matters of both parental and non parental abduction.
RCMP Missing Child Registry
The national registry created and maintained by the RCMP to compile data on missing and abducted children.
SAME as RCMP Missing Child Registry
NMCO - National Missing child operations
The team from EMPO, supported by the requesting division, responsible for coordinating a Level 3 search for a missing person.
Search Management Team
The interval between the missing person was last seen and the time that they were believed. to be missing
Window of opportunity