SIU Flashcards
________________________________ directs the
Toronto Police Service (Service) regarding the conduct and duties of police officers with respect to investigations conducted by the SIU
The Special Investigations Unit Act (SIUA)
SIU- Supervision (Mandatory Attendance)
Supervisor -
Chief SIU Oncall Designate-
Attendance mandatory for both
SIU Notifications
Who shall be notified when the SIU mandate is or may be invoked?
Chiefs SIU Oncall Designate
In cases where the SIU mandate may be invoked, the ________________ – Toronto Police Operations Centre (TPOC) shall be responsible for immediately notifying the _____________________and the ___________________________ of the Command involved. The Duty Senior Officer shall be responsible for notifying the Chief’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU) On-Call Designated Authority
Supervisory Officer
Duty Senior Officer - TPOC (Duty Senior Officer)
Deputy Chief of Police (Deputy Chief)
Only the Chief’s SIU On-Call Designated Authority, or in their absence, the Duty Senior Officer, shall be responsible for notifying the SIU directly. The Duty Senior Officer must attempt to contact the Chief’s SIU On-Call Designated Authority prior to initiating contact with the SIU.
All requests or inquiries related to an SIU investigation shall be made to the Professional Standards Support – Special Investigations Unit Liaison Section (PSS – SIU Liaison Section).
Section ____ of the SIUA allows the Chief of Police, who is a designated authority under the Act, to, _______, delegate any of his or her powers or duties as designated authority to a __________ of the Service, subject to such conditions or restrictions as the Chief may set out in the delegation. The Chief’s SIU On-Call Designated Authority assumes all the duties and powers of the Chief of Police in matters respecting an incident under investigation by the SIU.
in writing
Senior officer
The Chief of Police has authorized the following senior officers to act in this role:
- ____________ – authorized in writing by the Chief of Police
- ____________
Uniform Senior Officer
Duty Senior Officer
The Chief’s SIU On-Call Designated Authority will ___________________________ to the SIU investigation
direct the Service’s response
Professional Standards Support (PSS) shall have custody of the Administrative Investigation into the ______of or ________provided by the Service and the __________of police officers, as directed by s. 11 of O. Reg. 267/10.
All requests for SIU personnel to participate in training or conferences, and any request made by the SIU for members to provide training, must be made through the _______________________
Chief’s SIU Liaison Officer
Control of Scenes
The scene of an incident where the mandate of the SIU is or may be invoked shall be _______and ______in a manner consistent with Service procedures and usual practice pursuant to s. 20(1) of the SIUA. Every official or employee has a __________ that the scene is properly preserved from _________ or __________, and shall undertake any lawful measures that appear necessary to the officials or employees for the purpose of protecting, obtaining or preserving evidence relating to the incident, until an SIU investigator takes charge of the scene.
Duty to ensure
contamination or deterioration
Entrance to the scene is strictly prohibited, except as authorized by the ______________ or___________________. Under no circumstances shall the media or other personnel be allowed within the perimeter without prior approval from the SIU
Chief’s SIU On-Call Designated Authority or SIU investigators
Only the _________________________will authorize the release of service equipment or documents to the SIU
Chief SIU on-call Designated Authority
Seizure of Service Firearms by SIU
In cases where Service firearms are involved, firearms shall remain holstered until proven safe at a proving station, in compliance with Procedure 15–03 and in the presence of an _____________and the ______________________. The firearm may then be turned over to the SIU, at the direction of the Chief’s SIU On-Call
SIU investigator
Chief’s SIU On-Call Designated Authority
In Exigent circumstances, such as in the case of an injured officer, who shall seize the firearm by seizing the whole duty belt.
The Supervisory officer
In instances involving other Service firearms, the ___________________________ shall unload the firearm in the presence of an SIU investigator, the Chief’s SIU On-Call Designated Authority and in compliance with Procedure 15–03 and training. If the officer is unable to perform this task, another officer who is currently qualified in the handling of the firearm shall perform this task.
police officer discharging the firearm
Seizure of Service Conducted Energy Weapons (CEWs) by SIU
CEWs shall remain holstered. The CEW information shall not be _______,________ or___________ and the cartridge and battery shall not be removed. The CEW may then be turned over to the SIU, at the direction of the Chief’s SIU On-Call Designated Authority
The ____________________is solely responsible for coordinating the release of the Service vehicle.
Chief’s SIU On-Call Designated Authority
The removal of equipment will not occur until the _______ are in attendance, unless the ______ consents not to be present
Other Service and/or officer’s personal equipment shall only be removed under the direction of the _____________________, PRIOR to the vehicle being towed. Members wishing to remove personal items from the vehicle shall make the request to the ______________________
Chief’s SIU On-Call Designated Authority
When a Service vehicle requires forensic examination as part of the SIU investigation, the Service vehicle shall be towed by a departmental tow truck to either a _____________ or _______________________ area. In this circumstance, no equipment shall be removed from the Service vehicle unless directed by the Chief’s SIU On-Call Designated Authority.
In this circumstance, no equipment shall be removed from the Service vehicle unless directed by the Chief’s SIU On-Call Designated Authority
Service garage
Centre of Forensic Sciences vehicle storage area
Service-issued mobile devices and Body Worn camera devices have access to confidential records and must be stored in a secure location. The Chief’s SIU On-Call Designated Authority is solely responsible for coordinating the release of the Service issued smart device, BWC. The device shall be surrendered to the Chief’s SIU On-Call Designated Authority or their designate and securely stored by the __________________________ until the Chief’s SIU On-Call Designated Authority authorizes the release of the mobile device.
PSS - SIU Liaison Investigator
Criminal Investigations
Section 18 of the SIUA directs that the ______ shall be the lead investigator, and shall have priority over any police service in the investigation of an SIU–related incident.
Chief’s Administrative Investigation
Service investigations within this category will be conducted through ___ to determine issues related to the policies of, or services provided by, the Service and the conduct of involved police officers.
Subject Officials, Witness Officials or any other member of the Service shall provide the assigned investigator with a copy of their notes, and shall make themselves available for an interview, when directed.
The exceptions provided to a Subject Official with regard to providing notes or attending an interview listed under the SIU criminal investigation do not apply to the Chief’s Administrative Investigation
Service subject matter experts shall be assigned Chief’s Administrative Investigations. The following internal units shall be assigned Administrative Investigations:
Professional Standards - _________________
Specialized Criminal Investigation – Homicide ______________________
Specialized Criminal Investigation – Sex Crimes______________________
Traffic Services___________________________
Professional Standards Support______________________
officer–involved firearm discharge
death in police custody – other than an officer–involved firearm discharge
allegations of sexual assault
suspect apprehension pursuit or officer–involved collision
all serious injury not listed above
The SIU will communicate all requests directly to the Chief of Police. The scheduling of all investigative interviews requested by the SIU shall be arranged through the _____________________
PSS - SIU Liaison Section.
In accordance with s. 25(2) of the SIUA, Witness Officials, when properly designated as such, shall attend for an investigative interview with the SIU and shall answer all reasonable questions immediately, or within __ hours if appropriate grounds for delay exist
Failure to Comply
Members have a positive duty to comply with the SIUA. Non-compliance can result in _________________________
disciplinary actions, fines, and/or penal consequences.
Members shall not give or receive advice to/from any involved officer in relation to an SIU investigation, except when acting as a representative of the ___________________
Toronto Police Association (Association).
Members acting as a representative of the Association or CIRT Coordinator/ EFAP Liaison or CIRT/PSV and offering advice to an involved officer shall
advise the OIC of their arrival at the unit
respect the duties and obligations of the involved officer in keeping with the SIUA, Wood v. Schaeffer, 2013 SCC 71, and the direction contained in this Procedure
offer advice only after the involved officer has ___________________
be advised that all communication with the involved officer is ______________
completed their notes
without privilege
Police officer
When involved in an incident where the SIU Mandate is or may be invoked shall:
Where the seriousness of the injury cannot be initially determined, Immediately notify a supervisor- so that that the Chiefs SIU On Call Desig. Auth can notify the director of the SIU.
Protect and preserve the scene and all evidence
Submit completed notes to OIC or PSS SIU Liaison
Who shall notify the OIC - TPOC when attending an incident where the SIU mandate is or may be invoked?
Supervisory officer
When notified that the SIU mandate is or may be invoked who shall the OIC notify?
Who shall the OIC ensure is notified?
Unit commander
Who shall the OIC-TPOC Notify if the SIU mandate is or may be invoked?
The Duty Senior Officer
Who shall arrange the replacement of a members equipment when theirs is seized by the SIU?
The Unit Commander
Professional Standards Support SIU Liaison Investigator
Shall perform such duties as required or directed by
- the Chief’s SIU Liaison Officer or the Chief’s SIU On-Call Designated Authority
- the Superintendent – PSS as related to s. 11 of O. Reg. 267/10
Who will accept service of documents from the SIU and cause service of these documents on members, such as the Letter of Designation”
Chiefs SIU On- Call Designated Authority
Who shall coordinate the recovery of evidentiary material seized by the SIU?
The Chiefs SIU on Call Designated Authority
Who shall attend the scene when the SIU mandate is or may be invoked?
The Unit Commander
The Supervisor
Who shall assume the duties of the Chiefs SIU on Call Designated Authority in their absence?
means a police investigation to review the POLICIES of, or SERVICES provided by the Service and the CONDUCT of its police officers pursuant to s. 11 of Ontario Regulation 267/10 made under the Police Services Act. (When the Community Safety and Policing Act (CSPA) legislation comes into force, s. 81(1) CSPA and associated regulations will replace s.11 of O. Reg. 267/10.)
Administrative Investigation
means, in relation to an incident where the Special Investigations Unit mandate has been or may be invoked, a person who died or was seriously injured, a person at whom a firearm was discharged, or a person who reported that they were sexually assaulted.
Affected Person
means, in relation to an incident where the Special Investigations Unit mandate has been or may be invoked, a person who died or was seriously injured, a person at whom a firearm was discharged, or a person who reported that they were sexually assaulted.
Affected Person
_____________________________ means a uniform senior officer of the Toronto Police Service designated, in writing, by the Chief of Police to act as the main liaison with the SIU in all matters relating to SIU investigations. The ___________________ oversees the Chief’s SIU On-Call Designated Authority Cadre and Professional Standards Support SIU Liaison Section while in the field.
Chief’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU) Liaison Officer
____________ means, only in relation to an incident where the Special Investigations Unit mandate is or may be invoked, notes made in the members Service-issued memorandum book or case book about the incident giving rise to the SIU
mandate being invoked. Do not include other types of notes such as occurrence reports, arrest reports, use of force reports, duty reports, logs or canine training records. All ___________ shall be completed by the end of tour of duty, unless otherwise authorized by the Chief’s Special Investigations Unit On-Call Designated Authority
Incident Notes
Police Officer – SIU Investigations in reference to Special Investigations Unit (SIU) investigations means a police officer engaged in the execution or purported execution of duty. Off–duty events may be subject to an SIU investigation. For example, but not limited to, the following events:
where a police officer verbally identifies themselves as a police officer;
where a police officer produces police identification;
where a police officer engages in an investigation;
where a police officer uses police equipment or property;
where a police officer operates a Service vehicle; or
where a police officer otherwise engages their oath of office
Civilian members including Court Officers, Parking Enforcement Officers and Special Constables are not included in the definition of a police officer for the purposes of the SIU.
Professional Standards Support Special Investigations (SIU) Liaison Investigator means the investigator assigned to the Professional Standards Support - SIU Liaison Section that support the Chief’s SIU On-Call Designated Authority and oversees all investigations required under Section 11 of Ontario Regulation 267/10
Serious Injury in reference to Special Investigations Unit investigations, a person sustains serious injury if they:
sustain an injury as a result of which they are admitted to a hospital;
suffer a fracture to the skull, limb, rib, or vertebra;
suffer burns to a significant proportion of their body
lose any portion of their body;
as a result of an injury, experience a loss of vision or hearing; or
sustains a prescribed injury.
Special Investigations Unit (SIU) Mandate means that the SIU Director may cause an investigation to be conducted into any incident in which any of the following occurs, if the incident may have resulted from the criminal conduct of a Service official:
the death of a person
the serious injury of a person
the discharge of a firearm at a person
the sexual assault of a person, as reported by the person.