Uniform External Complaint Intake/ Management Flashcards
The public complaint system for police services in Ontario is managed by the ________________________________________ and provides an independent civilian oversight to policing services.
Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD)
The OIPRD receives and manages all public complaints concerning the _______of a police officer of the service, or the ________ or ________ provided by the Service.
The OIPRD will manage and have carriage of all ____________ complaints
Who determines the final disposition of all external complaints regardless of who investigates it?
Every complaint shall be acknowledged and recorded on the prescribed ________ form.
All complaints shall be investigated on the ________ and substance of the evidence and shall not involve an inquiry into the background of the complainant for the sole purpose of undermining the complainant’s _____________.
merit and substance
The OIPRD Liaison Officer will coordinate the Service’s response to the OIPRD. The Chief of Police’s OIPRD Liaison Officer must be a _________
Senior Officer
The Chief of Police has authorized the _____________________________________ as the OIPRD Liaison Officer
Inspector – Professional Standards (PRS) – Complaints Administration
No member shall communicate directly or indirectly with any person from the OIPRD unless directed by the ____________. All inquiries and documents shall be directed to the ___________.
OIPRD Liaison Officer
Forms of Submission
The OIPRD form can be submitted:
- electronically, or
- by mail, or
- by TPS eFax, or
- in person (or agent), or
- by delivering the OIPRD form to any Service facility.
A local resolution is an agreement between all parties prior to an OIPRD complaint being lodged. It must be resolved within _____ days of the complainant reporting to the police .
OIPRD complaint Local resolution ) meets one of the below criteria:
• dealing with personal property, other than money or firearms, or
• failing to treat a person equally, other than violations based upon the prohibited
grounds in the Ontario Human Rights Code (Human Rights Code), or
• using profane language, or
• acting in a disorderly manner, or
• neglect of duty, or
• failing to work in accordance with orders, or
• failing to make a report or record entry, or
• conspiring and abetting to commit any of the above, or
• contravening any provision of the Police Services Act (PSA) or its Regulations of a
less serious nature
Local resolutions are facilitated by a ________and are to be documented on the prescribed OIPRD form.
A customer service resolution is an agreement between all parties after an external complaint has been lodged with the OIPRD, but not _____________
A customer Service Resolution must be referred by the OIPRD to Professional Standards (PRS), be resolved within ____days of the date of notice to PRS
Customer service resolutions are facilitated by a supervisor and are to be documented on the prescribed _______form
No record of any resolutions shall be placed in an officers file
An informal resolution is an agreement between all parties after a complaint has been lodged with the OIPRD and involves conduct that is deemed less serious.
There are two types of informal resolutions:
Resolution during the investigation
Resolution after the investigation is completed
Informal resolution occurs during the investigation
When a complaint is lodged directly with the OIPRD, the substance and nature of the complaint is not initially established by police. The investigating supervisor may then resolve the complaint by way of an Informal Resolution Agreement . An investigative report is NOT required
Informal resolution occurs after the investigation is completed.
After an investigation, when a completed Investigative Report has been forwarded to the OIPRD, the OIPRD may suggest that an informal resolution is an option; which may or may not involve unit level discipline.
Human Rights
Discriminatory and harassing behavior is _______, ________ and _________ under the Human Rights Code.
offensive, degrading and illegal
Harassment, Coercion or Intimidation
The PSA includes the following offence provisions:
- harassment, coercion or intimidation in relation to a complaint
- intentionally hindering or obstructing or providing false information to the OIPRD or an investigator
- attempts at the above.
This applies to either a police officer or a member of the public. No prosecutions of these offences can be commenced without the consent of the ____________
Attorney General
A police officer who is the respondent of a conduct complaint shall receive notification regarding the substance of the complaint on a ________
TPS 649
Notice to Officer (respondent) external complaint
The notice shall be provided forthwith when
- there is evidence to support an allegation
- the evidence, if believed, would constitute misconduct/substantiated complaint
- a respondent officer has been identified
Statements Pertaining to a Conduct Complaint Involving Criminal Allegations (Respondent)
Where a police officer is designated as a respondent officer in a conduct complaint involving a criminal allegation, the respondent officer ____ supply the investigating supervisor with a detailed statement concerning the incident, but is not compelled to do so.
Statements Pertaining to a Conduct Complaint Involving Criminal Allegations (Witness!!! )
Where a police officer is designated as a witness officer in a conduct complaint involving a criminal allegation, the witness officer _____ supply the investigating supervisor with a detailed statement concerning the incident, as required.
Interprovincial Policing
Under ss. 58.1 of the PSA on receipt of a complaint made against a Toronto Police Service officer in another province or territory, who has been appointed to act as a police officer in that province or territory, the complaint shall be forwarded to the _____.
When becoming aware of an OIPRD complaint, and having established the substance and nature of the complaint shall
provide the complainant with an OIPRD form/brochure and information about the OIPRD complaint process
attempt to resolve the complaint by way of a local resolution
Where the circumstances of a complaint suggest an immediate investigation is warranted shall, in addition to receiving the complaint,
notify the Officer in Charge, Unit Commander, or if absent, the Duty Senior Officer – Toronto Police Operations Centre
Unit Complaint Coordinator
When required to investigate an OIPRD conduct complaint shall initially establish the __________ and ________ of the complaint
Substance and Nature
UCC ( External complaint)
Investigating conduct complaints
Submit a 45 day Investigation Status Update Form with in __ calendar days to the OIPRD Liaison Officer
UCC (External complaints)
Upon completion of a an external conduct complaint investigation.
Prepares and investigative report and submits electronically to the Unit Commander with __ days
OIPRD Investigations shall be completed within __ _______ as mandated by the OIPRD.
90 Calendar days
_____Status Update Form means a form outlining the status of the investigation to the Office of the Independent Police Review (OIPRD).
means mediation, conciliation, negotiation or any other means of facilitating the resolution of issues in dispute by a third party off site meeting.
Alternate Dispute resolution
means an Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD) process to handle complaints prior to engaging the screening process. All matters suitable for a ______________________ will be referred to Professional Standards by the OIPRD. These matters can be resolved by an agreement between all parties in lieu of a complaint being formalized by the OIPRD.
Customer Service Resolution
in reference to external complaints means where the conduct is deemed less serious and can be resolved through agreement from all parties after an OIPRD complaint has been lodged
Informal Resolution (External)
means when a local resolution process has commenced but is not completed, (e.g., complainant refuses to complete/sign a local resolution form).
Local Inquiry
means the agreement that is reached between all parties when an external complaint is made directly to a police officer in lieu of being lodged with the Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD). No record of a local resolution shall be placed in a police officer’s personnel file.
Local Resolution
means an independent civilian agency responsible for receiving, managing and overseeing all public complaints about the police in Ontario in accordance with the Police Services Act.
Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD)
means an independent oversight agency and is the APPEAL BODY for decisions made at police disciplinary proceedings.
Ontario Civilian Police Commission (OCPC)
means a police officer who is the subject of a complaint filed by a member of the public under Part V of the Police Services Act, and may include a Chief of Police or Deputy Chief of Police
Respondent Officer
means a matter that, at the discretion of the Chief of Police, is of public interest to be dealt with as a complaint under Part V of the Police Services Act. A serious complaint, if substantiated, MUST GO TO A DISCIPLINARY HEARING.
Serious Complaint Allegation
in reference to complaints means an issue identified during the course of the investigation concerning the policies or the services provided by the Toronto Police Service or the conduct of a police officer or a civilian member, which is not part of the original complaint
Side Issue
in reference to complaints means a matter where:
insufficient evidence exists to support the allegation
evidence exists that, if believed, would not constitute misconduct
the identification of the police officer involved cannot be established.