CEW Flashcards
In ________ the Ministry of the Solicitor General (the Ministry) approved the use of Conducted Energy Weapons (CEWs) for tactical units, hostage rescue teams, preliminary perimeter control containment teams and qualified front–line supervisors.
Furthermore, in _________, the Ministry announced that it would change the guidelines surrounding the use of CEWs, and in November of that year the Ministry issued the revised guidelines
Feb 2004
August 2013
The hand held CEW when applied directly, is specifically designed to gain control of a subject who is _____________ as defined by the Criminal Code (CC).
The hand held CEW when applied directly, is specifically designed to gain control of a subject who is _____________ as defined by the Criminal Code (CC).
The CEW is designed as a less–lethal weapon and is a __________________ within the Ontario Use of Force Model
legitimate force option
When CEW contact is made with a subject in Full Deployment, it delivers ___________________, which is designed to result in involuntary muscle spasms and loss of motor control
a metered and pulsed electrical current
Supervisory Officer attendance mandatory when a CEW has been used in Drive Stun Mode or Full Development
Supervisory Officer notification mandatory when a CEW has been used in Demonstrated Force Presence, Drive Stun Mode or in Full Deployment
Communications Operator notification mandatory when a CEW has been used in Demonstrated Force Presence, Drive Stun Mode, or in Full Deployment
Officers who are authorized by law to use force are criminally responsible for any excess thereof according to the _____________ of the act that constitutes the excess.
nature and quality
The device, therefore, when applied directly, is used strictly to gain control of a subject who is at risk of causing harm, NOT to secure compliance of a subject who is __________
merely resistant
Full Deployment or Drive Stun Mode use should be considered an appropriate force option in relation to the Use of Force Model, beginning at subject behavior considered “__________”.
The CEW has a built–in weapon management system to prevent _______ and protect officers from ____________ through documentation of usage.
unfounded allegations
Police officers may use a CEW as a force option
to prevent themselves from being __________ when violently attacked
to prevent a prisoner being taken from ______________
to disarm an apparently dangerous person armed with an _______________
to control a _________________ when other use of force options are not viable
for any other lawful and justifiable purpose
police custody
offensive weapon
potentially violent situation
Police officers shall NOT use a CEW in Drive Stun Mode or Full Deployment on a subject who is
operating a motor vehicle, bicycle or other conveyance, except as a last measure to protect life
subdued and under control
known to have been in contact with flammable liquids, or in a flammable atmosphere (e.g. natural gas leak, drug lab), except as a last measure to protect life, or
in a precarious position or location where a fall will likely cause serious injury or death, except as a last measure to protect life in handcuffs
Use of Force report and TPS 584 shall be completed prior to the TOP for:
- Any type of deployment of the CEW
- Accidental and negligent discharges
PRS Shall be notified and commence an immediate investigation of any incident involving the use of a CEW on a person who was handcuffed.
When personally issued with a CEW shall store the CEW with the safety switch on ‘_____, with the cartridges _______, in the assigned firearm storage locker along with all of the cartridges
CEW Storage at a principal residence:
- Safe switch on and cartridges removed
1- Secured locked room/receptacle/container
- trigger locked rendered inoperable
2- Secured in a safe/ vault designed for the storage of firearms
- no need to render inoperable
When the CEW is used as a Demonstrated Force Presence shall
notify a next level supervisor at the first available opportunity
notify the communications dispatcher that there was a CEW “Display Only”, and confirm that Toronto Paramedic Services (Paramedics) is not required
complete and submit a Use of Force Report and a TPS 584 to the Officer in Charge prior to the completion of the tour of duty
When CEW is use din Drive Stun or full deployment
- announce that it will be used
- verbally caution the subject
- immediately secure the subject if safe to do
- advise then that effects are short term
- notify the communications operator
- request paramedics and monitor till their arrival
- restrain the subject in a sitting position
- only paramedics or medial staff shall remove the probes
- notify a next level supervisor
- Complete a use of force report and tps 584
- injury report when applicable
Service personel are authorized to remove only the probes that are attached to the clothing
When an accidental or negligent discharge of a CEW has occurred shall:
- notify a next level supervisor
- notify a communications dispatcher
- complete a Use of force report and TPS 584 and submit to the OIC
Probes that have penetrated the body should be considered a bio hazard and safety precautions should be used
- probes in sharps container found in bio-hazard kit ion scout car
- package the expended cartridge in a plastic property bag
- document the particulars on a TPS 649 including the deployed cartridge serial number and submit along with the expended cartridge package to the OIC for replacement
Supervisory Officer
When notified of a CEW being used in Drive Stun Mode or Full Deployment shall
- attend immediately
- ensure medical attention
- notify OIC
- Communications supervisor with the event number
- Ensure use of force report and 584 and applicable 105 is completed and submitted to the OIC.
The OIC submits a TPS 901 to the Unit commander if CEW discharge is accidental or negligent.
the OIC arranges for the CEW to go to the college for download
OIC sends the officers 649 for cartridge replacement to the Unit commander for approval and then to the TPC armament office for replacement
The Unit commander forwards the use of force report to the TPC use of force analyst as soon as practicable but no later than 72 hours after CEW use.
_______ means a weapon that primarily uses propelled wires to conduct energy that affects the sensory and/or motor functions of the central nervous system.
Conducted Energy Weapon (CEW)
_________ means Demonstrated Force Presence, Drive Stun Mode, Full Deployment, or an unintentional discharge
Conducted Energy Weapon Use
______________ means that the conducted energy weapon is un-holstered and displayed in the presence of a subject with the intention to achieve behaviour compliance
Demonstrated Force Presence (DFP)
_________ means an intentional or unintentional discharge of a Service CEW by a police officer that is the result of undue care and attention to the prescribed safe handling procedures
Negligent Discharge of a CEW