Persons in custody Flashcards
Officer in Charge notification mandatory:
when transporting a prisoner who requires priority in booking
when a person in custody requires medical attention
upon arrival at a police station with a person in custody
when entering or leaving a detention facility with a person in custody
when receiving a person for lodging in police cells
when in doubt regarding the contents of the medication container, or if the prisoner requests medication in excess of the prescribed dosage, or if the prisoner exhibits signs of alcohol or drug consumption
if Booking Hall System (BHS) or Detention Area Monitoring System (DAMS) equipment malfunctions
Audio/video equipment has been installed in central lock–ups and booking halls
- to monitor and record the condition of persons in police custody and Service members
- to ensure their safety
- for court purposes
A young person under 18 years of age may be lodged in a divisional cell only
- to prevent injury or to protect others from aggressive behaviour and
- when there is no adult present in the cells, OR
- when there is an adult present in the cells and there is adequate space to isolate the young person from the adult.
In order to maximize the safety of prisoners held in police custody and the Service members assigned to their care, it is the practice of the Toronto Police Service that the following property be removed from every prisoner-
• valuable property
• evidence
• implements of escape
• offensive weapons as defined in the Criminal Code
• items which could be used as a ligature including belts, ties, and shoelaces
• items which could be used to cause damage to property including matches,
lighters, combs, keys and other sharp objects
• prescription and over the counter medications
• tobacco products
The Service has a duty to accommodate persons with disabilities under the Ontario Human Rights Code and the____________________________. Therefore, persons with a disability requiring the aid of an assistive device should be permitted to keep their device while in custody.
When required, any infringement of a person’s right to be accommodated must be _____________, and no more than is necessary to achieve the desired objective
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
minimal in nature
Upon determining the detention of the person is necessary shall only permit the following individuals to interview a person in custody:
police officers involved in the investigation
defence counsel
members of law enforcement or government agencies involved in the investigation, at the request of the investigating officer
crown attorney or assistant
a parent, relative, spouse or adult friend (young person only)
spouse or immediate relative (at conclusion of investigation only)
a consular official, where the person in custody is a foreign national as defined in Procedure
When receiving a person for lodging in police cells shall ensure all members responsible for monitoring the condition of persons in police cells are made aware of any pertinent information regarding the person including, but not limited to
known or suspected suicidal tendencies
violent tendencies
serious medical conditions
assistive devices
safety concerns
emotional disturbance, any known mental illness or developmental disability
medication, or whether any medication has been administered
impairment due to alcohol or drugs
When there are persons lodged in the police cells shall ensure a target of ______minutes is used between cell checks having regard for all the circumstances during the tour of duty
When a prisoner claims to be a methadone patient shall ensure that such persons are informed that their prescribed dosage can only be obtained
following release from custody, or
if remanded in custody, by request to corrections staff and after corrections staff has consulted with the prescribing doctor
When the prisoner complains of symptoms associated with the non-receipt of their prescription, shall ensure:-
- medical advice (i.e. Telehealth Ontario) is sought, or the person is transported to a hospital for assessment by a doctor for short term health risks
- while in police custody, such persons are not transported for treatment at any place other than a hospital
- if the person is transported to a hospital, that staff are advised the purpose of the visit is not to receive their prescribed dosage
- the results are noted in the crown brief, the Arrest Booking/Cell Management screen and the Prisoner Transportation Report
If an incident occurs in an area being monitored and recorded by the DAMS shall:
- ensure that assistance is immediately rendered and that the incident is dealt with in the appropriate manner
- once the incident has been resolved, and it is determined that the recording should be retained, notify PVEMU to retrieve and preserve the relevant security recording
- ensure the incident, along with a notation that the recording has been preserved, is made in the appropriate Arrest Booking/Cell Management screen and the UCMR
Case Manager
When a person is lawfully held in custody and an investigation is initiated shall
- conduct a thorough investigation and advise the Officer in Charge of any information pertaining to the release or detention of the person
- ensure front line officers are returned to active duty as soon as possible
______means a video surveillance system installed in the sally–port, booking hall and other areas of a police facility that is designed to record the booking and release of all prisoners as they enter and leave a police facility. The BHS is operated manually by the booking officer. (Booking Video)
Booking Hall System (BHS)
Court Cells means cells used during those hours in which the courts are sitting. A person shall be lodged in a court cell when:
- being held for a court appearance;
- awaiting transportation to a detention facility;
- ordered into custody by the court
____________ means a video surveillance system installed in the prisoner detention areas of a police facility, such as the cells and the bullpen, which is designed to monitor and record the condition of prisoners while they are in custody.
Detention Area Monitoring System (DAMS)
The DAMS is set to automatically record each cell and bullpen when activity is detected. (Cell Video)
_______ means any central lock–up and/or booking hall.
Detention Facility
___________ means cells that may be used for short term detention of a person in custody when:
• being processed, or waiting to be processed, or to ensure the safety of the person and/or members;
• awaiting transportation to a central lock–up;
• being held for return by an outside agency
Divisional Cells
______________ means money, jewelry and other items that may make a prisoner the target of theft or robbery
Valuable Property
Duty to Accommodate Gender Identity and Gender Expression Section 1 of the Ontario Human Rights Code states
“Every person has a right to equal treatment with respect to services, goods and facilities, without discrimination because of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status or disability.”
When requested by another member to transport a person in custody to a police station shall
- record the following information in the memorandum book
arresting officer’s name
reason for the arrest and continued detention
requesting member’s name, badge number, rank and unit
person’s name and charge
any other pertinent information relating to the person or to the arrest
- provide the requesting member with their name, rank, badge number and unit
when the person in custody is a young person, ensure a parent, legal guardian, adult relative, adult friend or spouse is notified without delay and requested to attend the station