Domestic Violence Flashcards
The goal of the Service is to
- reduce the incidence of domestic violence and homicide in the community through education and enforcement
- thoroughly investigate all domestic violence and domestic incidents, and bring offenders to justice wherever possible
- enhance the safety of victims through prompt action including referrals to other community partners
- build effective partnerships with community support agencies to ensure a victim focused response.
Supervisor Attendance mandatory
- all Domestic Violence Calls
- when suspect/accused is a member of the service
- when suspect/accused is a member of another police service
Supervisory officer notification mandtory
DVI or OIC notification mandatory when attending or investigating domestic violence and a supervisor is unable to attend.
Divisional Investigative officer notification where reasonable grounds exist and the suspect has left the scene
When a person attends a division to report domestic violence or a domestic incident the division ______________ shall be responsible for the initial investigation and submission of an eReport.
If the offence did not occur in the division receiving the complaint, assistance may be obtained from the appropriate division to conduct the follow-up investigation.
receiving the complaint
Charges shall be laid in all cases where reasonable grounds exist, and the decision to lay charges shall not be influenced by factors such as
- marital status of the parties
- disposition of previous calls for police service
- victim’s unwillingness to attend court
- likelihood of obtaining a conviction
- denials of violence despite contrary evidence
- fear of reprisals by the accused
- occupation of the victim/accused
- immigration status of the parties.
Domestic violence investigators (DVI) shall take the lead role in all domestic violence investigations except in the following circumstances where
- the incident involves an allegation of sexual assault, a DVI shall be designated as the lead investigator, but shall work in consultation with an accredited sexual assault investigator
- the incident involves death, the investigation shall be assigned to Detective Operations – Homicide
- cases involving criteria offences as defined in the Ontario Major Case Management Manual, the investigation shall be assigned to an accredited Major Case Manager
- the incident involves a young person; a DVI shall be designated as the lead investigator, but shall work in consultation with an officer assigned to youth investigations.
• Only an accredited DVI, who has received the ODARA training and received a certificate from ________________ shall complete the DVRM/ODARA
Waypoint Health Center
• Should be used as a tool to assist officers, supervisors and Crowns in managing domestic violence investigations and identifying risk factors that may exist in a domestic violence case
• Victim participation in completing the DVRM is optimal and strongly encouraged
every effort should be made to improve relationships, build trust with the victim and promote victim participation,
however, an uncooperative or incapacitated victim does not preclude you from completing the report, as other sources of information are available
• The DVRM/ODARA must be completed and in the _____________for the bail hearing
crown brief
All allegations arising from a domestic violence situation in which the suspect/accused is a member of another police service shall be reported in a timely manner to the _________ of that police service by the _________ of the Service division handling the investigation, or by the Duty Senior Officer – Toronto Police Operations Centre (Duty Senior Officer).
Duty Officer
Unit Commander
Occurrences of Service member–involved domestic violence outside of Canada shall be treated as allegations of ___________________
discreditable conduct
The DVI shall be responsible for ensuring the needs of the victim are met, effective management of the crime scene, including the gathering of evidence and ensure that a thorough and comprehensive investigation is conducted.
Whos role is it to identify the dominant agressor?
Detective Sergeant
Detective sergeants are responsible for ensuring an appropriate investigative response, that domestic violence investigations are conducted by accredited domestic violence investigators and that a thorough and comprehensive investigation is conducted
Unit Commander
Upon receipt of a TOS 649 requesting application into WARP shall:
- review and endorse where appropriate
- ensure 649 is sealed and hand delivered to Unit Commander-Intel
Unit commander/DSO- TPOC
If a member of the service is a suspect/accused shall:
- Notify PRS
- Ensure EFAP/ Victims services offered
Unit commander/DSO- TPOC
When notified member of another police service is a suspect/accused shall ensure:
- Duty Officer of their service is contacted as soon as practicable
- Info is provided about the matter including
- details of the incident
- Condition and status of the victim
- charges laid, if applicable
- whether bail is being opposed
- date, time and location of the first court appearance, if applicable
Bona Fide Reasons means
• a victim or witness who may possibly require or may seek admission into the Provincial Witness Protection Program;
• a Crown Attorney is requesting information for disclosure purposes;
• the information is necessary to prove essential elements of an offence, or;
• investigations where the circumstances make it clear that it is essential to public or officer safety and security to ascertain the immigration status of a victim or witness.
Domestic Occurrence means an occurrence report created to detail criminal behaviour and/or a breach of any statute related to a domestic situation and includes an arrest report. (excludes a Domestic Incident Report).